Lodge of St Michael

The Lodge of

St. Michael No. 7833 



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20th February 2025

Note 6:15 Start





March 25 Ladies Evening Hull Marina Holiday Inn




Leslie Thornett


Read about our Worshipful Master on the Brethren Page.

 Read about the Chapter Installation in the Chapter Blog

Christopher Prior, MEZ


MCF Logo






 The Worshipful Master, W. Bro. Alan Allinson, began his year in the chair with a visit to the Londesborough Lodge 734 in Bridlington on Tuesday 3rd June ~ The 3rd degree ceremony was well received with the Inner Guard, a D-Day veteran, stealing the show!

The following evening, accompanied by W. Bro. Wildman, he visited the Kingston Lodge 1010 at Beverley Road in Hull where an explanation of the 1st degree Tracing Board was delivered by several members of the Lodge ranging in rank from Entered Apprentice to Provincial Officer.

   The Worshipful Master visited our Mother Lodge, Brough 5464 on Saturday June 7th and enjoyed the unique atmosphere that is the Brough Installation meeting. He was supported by W. Bro. Wheeldon [IPM] and Bro. Frazer [ADC]. Also present was W. Bro. Gary Bennett who presented the working tools of an Installed Master and is a member of both Lodges.  
   Wednesday June 11th found W. Bro's Longthorp and Wildman visitng the Lodge of St. Andrew 4683 for a 2nd degree ceremony whilst W. Bro's Barnes, Black, Wheeldon & Wright travelled to London, along with many others from the Province of Yorkshire North & East Ridings, for the Grand Lodge Quarterly Communication at Great Queen's Street.  
   On Friday 13th of June the WM accompanied by W. Bro. Longthorp [JW] and W. Bro. Wildman [ProGOrg] visited the De La Pole Lodge 1605 at the Masonic Hall, Beverley Road Hull. An explanation of the 1st Degree Tracing Board was given by a number of the Brethren. Later at the Festive Board the WM was pleased to respond on behalf of the visitors.  
   The Worshipful Master was one of over fifty visitors who attended the Installation of Bro. Rick Theaker at the Minerva Lodge 250 on Tuesday June 24th. He was accompanied by W. Bro's Haigh [Lodge Mentor], Longthorp [JW], Wheeldon [IPM] & Wildman [Prov.G.Org].   

 The WM attended the Ridings Tablers' Lodge 9586 at Trinity Lane in Beverley on Friday 27th June for an explanation of the 2nd degree Tracing Board and was supported by W. Bro. Wildman a founder of the Ridings Tablers' Lodge.

On the same evening W. Bro. Wheeldon visited the Lodge of Living Stones 4957 at the Castle Grove Masonic centre in Leeds where the 1st degree Tracing Board was expounded upon.


 The WM's first visit in July was on Wednesday the 2nd to the Kingston Lodge 1010 where a lecture on the 1st degree ceremony was delivered. W. Bro's Black, Longthorp & Wildman also attended.

On Tuesday the 8th July the Worshipful Master visited the Wilberforce Lodge 2134 at Trinity Lane in Beverley for a Raising ceremony.



 W. Bro's Wildman & Yu formed part of the Provincial team that accompanied the Asst. PGM W. Bro. Sam Judah to the Humber Lodge 57 on the same evening.

The WM was represented by the Lodge Junior Warden, W. Bro. Longthorp, at the Lodge of St. Andrew 4683 on the following evening.


 On Thursday 7th August W. Bro. Longthorp represented the WM at our Grandmother Lodge St. Cuthbert's 630 in Howden where a talk entitled Stonemasons & Freemasons 1600-1700 was given.

The Humber Lodge 57 pesented an explanation of the 2nd degree Tracing Board at their meeting on Tuesday 12th August. The WM was in attendance and was pleased to be accompanied by W. Bro's Hemmings & Lowthorpe.


 The WM returned to our Mother Lodge, Brough 5464, on Friday 5th September for a 1st degree ceremony. The Candidate was unfortunately unable to attend due to illness so two short lectures were delivered by members of the Lodge. St. Michael brethren W. Bro's Longthorp & Wright also attended the meeting with W. Bro Bennett, a member of both Lodges also in attendance.

The following evening, Saturday 6th September, W. Bro Allinson visited the Beverlonian Lodge in Trinity Lane at Beverley for the Installation of W. Bro Michael Shannon.

   On Sunday 14th September the Annual Provincial Church Service took place at the Hull Orthodox Hebrew Congregation Synagogue, Pryme Street at Anlaby ~ W. Bro. Wildman Pro.G.Org was the musical director for this event. The Lodge of St. Michael's W. Bro. Peter Wright also attended the service.  

 On Friday 26th September W. Bro. Allinson visited the Ridings Tablers' Lodge 9568 at Beverley where a 3rd degree ceremony took place.

On the same evening W. Bro. Wheeldon visited The Lodge of Living Stones 4957 at Leeds where the candidate was passed to the 2nd degree.

   On Wednesday 1st October the Worshipful Master attended the 150th anniversary meeting of the Kingston Lodge 1010 at the Masonic Hall, Beverley Road, Hull. The Provincial Grand Master was accompanied by a large Provincial team including the DeputyPGM and both Asst.PGMs. Also attending were a Past Assistant Grand Master and a Past Provincial Grand Master. W. Bro. Ling Faang Yu, PAGDC, of the Lodge of St. Michael was a member of the Provincial team and W. Bro. Wheeldon also attended. Following two short lectures about the Lodge and its members the PGM was pleased to confer the honour of Past Provincial Grand Superintendent of Works on W. Bro. Paul Goldthorpe PPSGD [West Yorks] the Master of the Kingston Lodge in its 150th year.




 The following evening, Thursday October 2nd, the Worshipful Master attended the Installation meeting at our Grandmother Lodge, St Cuthbert's 630, at Howden. Once again the WM was supported by his Junior Warden, W. Bro. Stephen Longthorp PPJGD.

The WM plans to visit the other Lodges on our family tree during his year in office.

 York  236 ⇒

St. Germain 566 ⇒

St. Cuthbert's 630 ⇒

Brough 5464 ⇒

Lodge of St. Michael 7833


 On Tuesday 9th October Lodge Junior Warden W. Bro. Longthorp represented the WM at the Thesaurus Lodge 3891 at Dagger Lane. W. Bro. Longthorp enjoyed the hospitality afforded him by the Brethren as well as the 3rd degree ceremony featuring the ritualistic talents of W. Bro. Eddie Wildman.

W. Bro. Allinson attended the Installation of Bro. David Atkin as the WM of the De La Pole Lodge 1605 on the following evening.


 The Wilberforce Lodge 2134 performed a 3rd degree ceremony on Tuesday 14th October which the WM was pleased to attend at the Masonic Hall in Trinity Lane at Beverley.

On Wednesday 15th October W. Bro. Wheeldon travelled to the Province of Surrey for the Installation of the Lodge of St. Michael's Bro. Tony Calvert as Worshipful Master of the Weybridge Lodge 6787.


 W. Bro. Wheeldon was on the road again on Friday 24th returning to the Lodge of Living Stones at Leeds.

The WM attended the Technical Lodge 5666's Open Evening on the 31st October where W. Bro. Paul Hillary took the chair for the evening.

   Saturday November 1st was the Charity Presentation Evening at the Masonic Hall, Beverley Road, Hull. The Worshipful Master, accompanied by his good Lady Gill and the Lodge Charity Steward W. Bro. Malcolm Ladd, was pleased to present a Cheque for £500 to the Hull Kingston Scout Groupwhich is run specifically for members with special needs (more details to follow on the Charity page)  
   Bridlington was W. Bro. Allinson's next port of call with a visit to the Londesborough Lodge 734 for a 3rd degree ceremony on Tuesday 4th November. Two days later the WM was closer to home at the Constitutional Lodge 290 in Beverley.   
   On Saturday 8th November W. Bro. Allinson returned to the Masonic Hall, Beverley Road, Hull as one of 30 visitors attending the Installation of Bro. Christopher Bond Lefevre as Worshipful Master of the Lord Bolton Lodge 3263 - On this occassion the WM was supported by W. Bro's Calvert, Longthorp, Wheeldon & Wildman.  
   The meeting of the Minerva Lodge 250 on Wednesday 12th November at Dagger Lane was a 3rd degree ceremony in which Bro. Kurt Crawford was raised to the sublime degree of a Master Mason. The meeting was attended by W. Bro's Calvert [a member of 250 & 7833], Wheeldon & Wildman. The ceremony was followed by a convivial festive board.  

 Following visits to Brough Lodge 5464 and St. Cuthbert's 630 the WM completed the next leg of his Lodge family tree visits by attending the meeting of our Great Grandmother Lodge, St. Germain 566 at Selby on Friday 14th November. Accompanied by W. Bro. Longthorp a very warm welcome was received. The final Family Tree visit is planned for March.

Monday 17th was the Installation meeting at The Holderness Lodge with W. Bro. Wildman at the Organ. On the same evening W. Bro. Wheeldon attended the Humber Lodge 57 Preceptor's festival with W. Bro. Des Hinshelwood in the chair and enjoyed a superlative Charge delivered in the rich tones of W. Bro. David Terry.


 The Worshipful Master, accompanied by W. Bro. Calvert, attended the Installation of W. Bro. John W. Plater as the WM of the Hull Old Grammarians Lodge 5129 at the Masonic Hall, Dagger Lane, Hull on Tuesday 18th November.

The WM was in the chair of his own Lodge on Thursday 27th November for the Daggards performance of Festive Board Entertainment with the Lodge's W. Bros. Lynn & Wildman providing the entertainment.

The next evening the WM attended the installation meeting at the Ridings Tablers Lodge in Beverley. W. Bro's Calvert & Longthorp supported the WM whilst 7833 members W.Bro. McAllister & Bro. McAllister attended as guests of the new Master of the Ridings' Tablers Lodge


 Festive Board Entertainment was top of the bill at the Humber Installed Masters Lodge 2494 on Monday 1st December. W. Bros Ashton, Daniels and Wildman providing the entertainment for the other members of the Lodge which included W. Bros Wheeldon & Yu.

The WM returned to the Kingston Lodge 1010 the following evening where W. Bro. Paul Goldthorpe was proclaimed Master for the ensuing year, the first proclamation at Kingston since 1939 ~ W. Bro's Longthorp & Wheeldon also attended


 On Wednesday 10th December 7833's W. Bro. Calvert the Worshipful Master of  Weybridge Lodge 6787 in the Province of Surrey performed  an Initiation ceremony.

The Installation meeting at the Lodge of Living Stones at Leeds was attended by W. Bro. Wheeldon. The Lodge was formed in 1927, by W.L. Wilmshurst. with the specific purpose of promoting a deeper interpretation of the teachings of Craft Freemasonry, including the Royal Arch. 

 WL Wilmshurst
   The WM began 2015 with a visit to the Constitutional Lodge 294 Installation at the Masonic Hall, Trinity Lane, Beverley on Thursday 8th January. He was accompanied by W. Bro. Longthorp with 7833's W. Bro. Grant at the Organ. The venue was the same on the 13th January as the WM attended the Wilberforce 2134 meeting with the Beverley connection being continued as the WM & JW attended the 2nd Degree ceremony at the Technical Lodge 5666 at Beverley Rd, Hull on Saturday the 17th. with W. Bro. Wildman at the Organ.  

 Hornsea was the WM's next destination when he attended the Installation meeting at the Alexandra Lodge 1511 where W. Bro Paul Brown took the Chair for a second term. Junior Warden W. Bro. Steve Longthorp PPJGD again supporting the WM who was pleased to respond on behalf of the visitors.

The WM was represented at St. Cuthbert's Lodge 630 in Howden on the 29th by W. Bro's Longthorp & Wildman where a lecture entitled "The Acception that proves the Rule" was given by W. Bro. Craig Maurier.


 The WM began February with a visit to the Installation of W. Bro. Robert Taylor as WM of the Humber Installed Masters' Lodge 2494 at Beverley Rd in Hull. He was supported by his Junior Warden W. Bro. Longthorp. W. Bro's Wildman & Yu attended as members of the Provincial team and of Humber Installed Masters as are W. Bro's Hemmings and Wheeldon who attended also..

The Wizard of Oz as Masonic Parable was the lecture given by The Daggards at the Kingston Lodge 1010 at Beverley Rd in Hull on Wednesday 4th of February ~ W. Bro's Calvert, Wheeldon, Wildman & Bro. Harris were pleased to attend and give greetings on behalf of the WM.


 The Rose Room at Tickton Grange near Beverley is the home of the Wyke Millenium Lodge 9696. The February meeting on the 9th was a passing ceremony attended by the WM accompanied by W. Bros. Longthorp & Wheeldon with W. Bro. Grant at the keyboard.

W. Bro. Allinson attended another passing ceremony at the Wilberforce Lodge 2134 at Beverley on the following evening.


 The Lodge Junior Warden was a personal guest at the Humber Lodge No.57 at Dagger Lane on Tuesday February 10th where the Provincial Lecture "Raising Dementia Awareness..." was given by W. Bro. Chris Riley. W. Bro's Longthorp & Wildman (right) gave greetings from the Lodge of St. Michael.

The Minerva Lodge is Hull's oldest being founded in 1782 and held its latest meeting on Wednesday 11th February. The Lodge of St. Michael was well represented with W. Bro's Calvert [250 & 7833] Longthorp, Wheeldon , Wildman & Bro. Harris all attending and enjoying an excellent 3rd degree ceremony.


 W. Bros. Wheeldon & Wildman took the coast road from Hull to Scarborough on Wednesday 25th February and attended a First degree ceremony at the Leopold Lodge 1760.

The WM visited the Ridings Tablers' Lodge 9586 on Friday 27th February where the WM W. Bro. Colin Woods initiated his son Callum. W. Bros Longthorp and Wildman also attended. On the same evening W. Bro. Wheeldon visited the Lodge of Living Stones in Leeds.


 Companion Allinson donned his Royal Arch apron on Tuesday 3rd of March and attended the Installation of Phillip Harry Daniels as the MEZ of the Technical Chapter 5666 at Beverley Rd in Hull. The meeting was very well attended and included E. Comps. Eddie Wildman & Ling Faang Yu of 7833 and Comp. Wheeldon of 1511.

The 3rd degree ceremony held at the Brough Lodge 5464 on Friday 6th March was attended by the WM and W. Bro. Peter Wright and W. Bro. Gary Bennett.

   The Minerva Lodge 250 performed a 2nd degree ceremony on Wednesday 11th March ~ W. Bros Calvert, Longthorp & Wildman attended and gave greetings from St. Michael.  

 Thursday 12th March was a busy night for St. Michael Brethren; W. Bro. Allinson attended at the Old Hymerian Lodge for the presentation of a certificate by the PGM to W. Bro. John Lightowler PPJGW to mark 70 years in Freemasonry.

On the same evening W. Bros Longthorp, Stride, Wheeldon & Wildman visited the Thesaurus Lodge 3891 for the Installation of Bro. Mark Gerald Rudston as the WM.


 Saturday 14th March was the Initiation of Mr Stephen Franklin at the Lord Bolton Lodge 3263. The Worshipful Master was supported on this occasion by W. Bros Longthorp, Wheeldon & Wildman.

It was Finals night at the Minerva Lodge LOI on Monday 16th March with Bro. Mark Richardson taking the chair and "initiating" "Mr" Richard Theaker ~ W.Bro's Calvert, Wheeldon & Wildman gave greetings from 7833.


 The Worshipful Master, accompanied by W. Bro's. Henderson (Secretary) & Longthorp (JW), visited the York Lodge 236 on Monday 16th March for a double 2nd degree ceremony.

This was the last leg of the WM's Lodge Family Tree visits having already visited Brough 5464, St Cuthbert's 630 and St. Germain 566 during his year in office. At all of these visits he was accompanied by W.Bro. Longthorp.

   On Tuesday 17th W. Bro's Longthorp & Wildman represented the Lodge of St. Michael at the Hull Old Grammarians Lodge 5129 at Dagger Lane in Hull where a double First Degree ceremony took place.  
   On Wednesday 18th March the Sykes Lodge 1040 celebrated its sesquicentennial anniversary in Driffield, with the Provincial rulers and team visiting. W. Bro's Wildman [Prov.G.Org.] and Yu [PAGDC] were part of the team; W. Bro. Grant also attended and assisted at the organ in a Lodge room filled to capacity. The Festive Board was held at the Bell Hotel in Driffield where the Sykes Lodge held its first meeting 150 years ago.  
   The annual Worshipful Master's Dinner took place at the Feathers Hotel in the Market Place at Helmsley North Yorkshire on Friday 27th March. W. Bro. Allinson travelled with W. Bro. David Johnstone the WM of the Wilberforce Lodge 2134 and they joined another 52 Masters attending the very enjoyable evening hosted by the Provincial Grand Master with the DPGM and both APGM's also in attendance.  Worshipful Master Apron
 MacAlister (Modern Colours) Tartan

 Ridings Tabler's Lodge 9586 held a First degree ceremony at the Masonic Hall, Trinity Lane, Beverley on Friday 27th March. The meeting was attended, & greeting extended, by 7833's Clan McAllister, W. Bro. Alex & Bro. Sandy with W. Bro. Wildman at the Organ.

On the same evening W. Bro. Wheeldon visited the Lodge of Living Stones 4957 at Leeds for the reading of W.L. Wilmshurst's Book of the Perfect Lodge.

 Image result for leeds coat of arms
 Image result for pictures of william de la pole  The last day in March was the De La Pole 1605 Open Evening. Lodge Preceptor W. Bro. Jack Chapman attended accompanied by ADC Bro. Bernard Frazer and the Prov. Grand Organist W. Bro. E.R. Wildman. Kingston Lodge 1010's meeting held on April the 1st was attended by W. Bro's Black & Wildman - A lecture about social aspects of the Craft was given by W. Bro. Terry Crossley.  
   On Friday 10th April the WM, accompanied by his JW, was back up the Lodge family tree at St. Germain 566 at Selby for a performance of the Daggards' highly acclaimed presentation "The Medieval Engineers" featuring W. Bro. Eddie Wildman.

The Wilberforce Lodge 2134 was the next visit for the WM on Tuesday 14th with W. Bro. David Johnstone installing his successor into the chair of King Solomon.

   The WM visited the Hull Old Grammarians Lodge 5129 on Tuesday 21st April where a lecture was given by W. Bro. Barry Hovell - Lodge Treasurer, W. Bro. Peter Wright & JW, W. Bro. Steve Longthorp also attended. On Thursday 30th April THe WM and JW visited at St. Cuthbert's Lodge 630 at Howden where W. Bro's Daniels and Maurier delivered The Wizard of Oz as as Masonic Parable to a packed house.  
   On Saturday 9th May W. Bro's J. Broughton, Ladd & Wheeldon attended Provincial Grand Lodge in York. W. Bro's Wildman & Yu were in their active roles as Prov. Organist & PAGDC respectively and all were delighted to witness W. Bro. Terry Lynn (right) receive a well deserved second promotion to PPJGW.

On the same evening the WM, W. Bro. Whittall and their wives Gill and Linda were guests at the joint ladies evening of the Cymbeline and Wendover Lodges in Cheltenham, Gloucestershire.

Image result for tickton grange images  Monday the 11th May was the Installation of W. Bro Eddie McGee at the Wyke Millenium Lodge at Tickton and the WM attended with his JW who was again in attendance as W. Bro. Allinson brought the gavel down on his year of visiting  with a visit to the Technical Lodge 5666 at Beverley Rd Hull on Saturday 16th May.

Well done and Congratulations Worshipful Master

 Image result for worshipful Masters collar picture


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