All members of the Lodge of St Michael are invited to contribute to this page
Thursday 19th December 2024:
Christmas Lodge
by Eddie Wildman
The sky was perfect. It was absolutely cloudless, in a blue grading imperceptibly from a rich cerulean to the palest yellow; the sunlight splintered through the skeletal trees and scattered diamonds of light over Spring Bank. A gibbous moon hung like a giant bauble in the west. It was a joy to breathe the crisp December air.
I'd bussed into town in the morning to drop off my Masonic gear at Dagger Lane - plus my bag of Christmas music, spare song sheets and the inevitable Twelve Days of Christmas - possibly my most hated piece of music next to Scarlet Ribbons and Walking in the Air. I'd one or two bits of shopping to do, but dealt with these quickly and walked back home to finish packing for my holiday the next day. The good weather continued cold and crisp but beautifully lit until the evening - and even then I remarked a clarity in the air as I walked through Zebedee's Yard and saw Trinity House Chapel lit up against a bleck velvet background. "This is the day the Lord has made," I said to myself - a mantra repeated at the Chapel for the School services - "let us rejoice and be glad in it."
The Lodge of St Michael had moved its meeting a half hour earlier for this evening - for which I was grateful - I didn't want to be late back as I had an early start tomorrow. There was little business upstairs; the Master, W Bro Leslie Thornett led the Lodge through the opening and the minutes, and placed the final ball in the box for what proved to be a successful ballot for a new Candidate. Nonetheless, the Emulation ritual practised by L7833 does not allow for shortcuts and it was a while before the Brethren joined their wives, partners and friends at the bar below.
Then followed a most convivial evening. Four large round tables accommodated the Brethren and guests who enjoyed delicious traditional fare; Julie again excelled herself in the kitchen. There was some remarkably tuneful carol singing; a highlight was when four ladies (Denise suggested they should be called the Fallen Angels) demonstrated their skill with the cue cards in We wish you a Merry Christmas - they were well appreciated. The Twelve Days of Christmas received the usual applause - everyone contributed mightily. The raffle raised £170. The WM and his wife Jeanette thanked everyone for their contributions - it had been a perfect night, and all joined hands for a chorus of Auld Lang Syne which has concluded almost every meeting of the Lodge of St Michael since its formation in 1962.
Bro John Burton was kind enough to give me a lift home, so I was able to complete this blog before 11.30, thinking "When you come to the end of a Perfect Day" - Judith Durham sang it in 1970, I recall, though it was written a long time before that. And so I'm signing off for 2024 - wishing all the very best to all our readers.
Eddie Wildman, organist
Tuesday17th December 2024:
Hull Old Grammarians' Christmas Lodge
The forecast was for a wet and windy night as Julie and I set off for Dagger Lane, True to form the wind was present but not the rain so far. I had expected heavier traffic than I encountered so arrived somewhat early.
Upon arrival we were greeted well and after settling the account and getting a drink we joined W Bro Mark Luscombe and passed a pleasant time talking about being IPM.
Soon the DC was calling the Brethren to sign and assemble; there was not a lot of business to cover so the meeting would be short.
After parading in the WM W Bro Duncan Taylor opened the Lodge and we were treated to a portion of the Ancient Charges. The Charity and Almoner's reports had already been submitted so after the risings the Lodge was closed, 22 minutes and 24 seconds later.
We went down to join the guests at the festive board. A Spicey Butternut Squash Soup followed by either Roast Beef or Turkey, followed by Christmas Pud or Cheesecake. It was good to see Roy the ex-Chef attending and enjoying a Lodge meal.
During the meal we were put the the test with a quiz set by Quizmaster W Bro Martin Collier, a tricky affair with spot the logo and alphabet quiz as well as twenty general knowledge questions, the table I was on came second!
We were then royally entertained by a singer with songs from the Sixties, Seventies and Eighties being well received. When the singer took a break WM Duncan gave his thanks to the people involved and drew the raffle, I was fortunate to win a prize which I let Julie pick.
The second half got underway and the singer, without prompting sang Happy Birthday to Julie, I have a bruised arm still.
The evening was passing quickly and we had to go home to sort the dog, so we said our farewells, wished all a Merry Christmas and departed for home happy and sated with good food and good company.
Peter Stokes IPM
Tuesday 10th December 2024:
Humber 57 Installation
As the year draws to a close and we begin to reflect, Humber 57 adds new life to the Masonic Calander with their Installation. Attending with W Bro Les Thornett to witness W Bro Eddie Wildman going into the chair again we met at Dagger Lane Masonic Hall along with 24 other visitors. Included amongst these were PDPGM Jonathan Mark Mitchell Smith and PAGM Ian Johnson, with representation from thirteen sister lodges.
The DC came to the bar and announced it was time to sign and assemble, so we made our way up to the lodge for the ceremony. The Worshipful Master W Bro Alan Todd was escorted to the dias, and after singing the opening hymn the Lodge was opened in due and ancient form.
Once open there were three knocks on the door and a visitor from the Stewards Lodge No 9611 was admitted, he anounced that W Bro Tony Randle representing the Provincial Grand Master was at the door and would we admit him. An Escort was formed and W Bro Randle was admitted, Salutations given and then on with the main event.
After reports and thank you's, The Installing DC, W Bro Craig Maurieer was appointed, W Bro Sergi Byelov was Installing SW, W Bro Peter Kenyon Brodie was Installing JW and W Bro Charles Alexander to Inner Guard. Next the Master Elect was collected by the DC, He declared he could do the job and the Master Proclaimed him Master of the Lodge. They then swapped seats and W Bro Wildman now WM installed his IPM. This took longer to write than to happen!
After the new WM had installed his team for the forthcoming year, the address to the Master was given by W Bro Ian Johnson PAPGM, the address to the Wardens was given by W Bro Richard Smedley and the address to the Brethren by W Bro Trevor Whitfiel,. after which W Bro Smedley took the first of his singing duties and sang the Masonic Anthem.
There were no propositions but two items of AOB: firstly a family had contacted the Almoner W Bro David Terry about some Masonic Memorabilia they had found, it was an invitation poster to a Masonic Ball from 1875; this had been framed and was presented to the Lodge. Secondly W Bro Jonathan Mark Mitchell Smith had found in his attic two Humber Ritual books that had belonged to his Grandfather, one from 1939 and the other from 1946. He presented these to the Lodge for safe keeping.
Greetings and salutations complete, the Lodge was closed and we sang the closing hymn. All were asked to assemble on the dias for a photograph.
Then it was down for the Festive Board. After Grace was given we tucked in to Prawn Cocktail followed by Roast Turkey dinner with all the trimmings then Cheesecake or Cheese and Biscuits. Generous sloshings of Whisky and Port were passed around and the conversation flowed freely.
The toasts followed and so did the speeches, W Bro Eddie was good value as he gave his acceptance speech, A good mix of humour with a side of reality. The services of W Bro Richard Smedley were called on again as he sang the Masters Song. The IPM thanked his team and the JW gave the Toat to Absent Brethren, The SW proposed The Visitors Toast and the Lodge members went around the tables shaking hands and singing the Visitors Song, to which W Bro Mike Price of KIngston Lodge 1010 responded. As the Parting Toast was being given W Bro Smedley again sang with Happy to meet sad to part but happy to meet again, and you know what . . . we will be!
Peter Stokes IPM
Friday 29th November 2024:
Worshipful Masters and Principals Dinner
by Les Thornett
Having checked the trusty SatNav earlier in the day and discovering an estimated journey of 1hr 15 minutes to Helmsley, not being familiar with the area and being cautious I set off at 17:00 allowing myself two hours for the journey. After just over half an hour and half way there I thought "Im going to be real early." This turned out to be the thought of death as the traffic on the York to Scarborough road suddenly went into stop/start mode for a while, and I duly arrived at 18:45.
Upon entering the venue I immediately bumped into E Comp Michael Shakesby from the Brough Chapter 5464 and W Bro Cliff Eden from Elmslac Lodge 9630 and we had a pleasant chat at the bar prior to going into dinner.
At 19:30 we were called to the dining room. Prior to the meal being served The Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master, The Most Excellent Grand Superintendent Dr David Chambers informed those present that he and the Rulers would be circulating around the tables between each course to sit with a varied group of diners.
W Bro Trevor Collinson Third Provincial Grand Principal said grace.
The meal was then served which consisted of Roast Tomato and Red Pepper Soup with Ciabatta Bread, Pan Roast Chicken Supreme, Fondant Potato, Roasted Carrot, Tenderstem Broccoli, Chicken Jui, Lemon and Raspberry Crème Brule and Vanilla Shortbread.
Grace after dining was again delivered by the Third Provincial Grand Principal.
The Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master, The Most Excellent Grand Superintendent Dr David Chambers then submitted a toast to the King, followed by a toast to The Most Excellent The First Grand Principal, the Most Excellent The Grand Master His Royal Highness The Duke of Kent, KG. GCMG. GCVO. ADC.
The Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master, The Most Excellent Grand Superintendent was then scheduled to address the Companions and Brethren but instead held an open Question and Answer session from those assembled which covered subjects from Provincial Grand Lodge Meeting to Lodge meetings on a Sunday and the online Yorkshire Mason. This session drew to a close and it was then time to depart.
Arriving home at 23:55 I reflected that it had been a thoroughly enjoyable evening and I am sure all those who attended would like to thank and congratulate the organisers, W Bros Mark Pybus and Simon Rehill from the Provincial Grand Stewards Lodge 9611 and Companion Steve Waudby of the Provincial Grand Stewards Chapter.
WBro Les Thornett WM
Thursday 28th November 2024:
Lodge of St Michael 7833 Regular Meeting
by Peter Stokes
It was my turn to drive, so I defrosted the car and set off to pick up W Bro Whittall. There was a sparkle to the roads so I drove with care.
We parked in Princes Quay and walked round to the Lodge where we met W Bro Eddie Wildman; he wasn't feeling great and as there was no meal he was going home. We discovered upon our arrival that the chef was no more after some heated words with the Masonic Hall Association. My second meeting with a crisis festive board. Fish and chips were discussed but it was decided that we would not have a meal.
Crisis resolved, we put on our regalia and signed in. The Master and Wardens paraded in and the Lodge was opened in due form. There was a knock at the door, and W Bro Steve Burns of the Provincial Stewards Lodge asked to be admitted. He anounced that W Bro Tony Randle representing the PGM was at the door requesting admittance, which the WM Les Thornett was happy to allow, Salutations given and responded to, the agenda was resumed. Minutes confirmed, there was a show of respect for Bro Michael Martin Smith who passed to the Grand Lodge Above on 21st October 2024 (see 20th November below.)
Then followed a presentation of the First Degree Tracing Board by Bro John Burton (pictured), an art sadly declining in modern Masonry. John was as usual superb.
There was a successful ballot for a Honorary Member W Bro Peter Barnes PPG Sup/Wks.
A Masonic Nugget on Mozart, his life and Masonic connection was delivered by W Bro Jack Chapman. The Charity Steward and Almoner gave his reports and under propositions a proposal for a new member was put and seconded.
The business being over the Lodge was closed and we retired down to the bar for a farewell drink before going home early but hungry.
Peter Stokes IPM
Wednesday 27th November 2024:
St Saviour Lodge of Installed Masters 8433 Installation
report by Eddie Wildman
It was a pleasant journey to York with W Bro Peter Wright in the driver's seat. I've known Peter for years - he is one of the directors of the Minerva Masonic Hall - and his skill as a raconteur is exceptional. Thus a range of Masonic and non-Masonic topics were touched upon - including arguments with car dealers, the eccentricities of Brethren and Lodges We Have Visited as he manouvered his car through less-travelled backroads to avoid the crush of traffic clogging the A1079.
St Savour Lodge's carpark was well-nigh full, but Peter found a space and we debouched into the Lodge building with time to spare. As the Lodge Secretary Peter was ready with the attendance register, the Brethren were impatient to sign. I was heartily welcomed as the Representative of the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master, and my DC, W Bro Adam Robson ProvGStwd had a a look of relief on his face - we were a little later than intended.
I donned my tailcoat and provincial pinnie as the Brethren gathered upstairs; the Representative is not present at the opening (wherein W Bro Paul Martin Darley was saluted as a Grand Lodge Officer) but is announced before the signing of the minutes. A glittering escort had been organised by my DC and I followed Adam in. He's twice my height, so I felt like a terrier scurrying along, but did my best to walk tall and look dignified.
I shook the hand of the WM, W Bro Neil Webster, PPGSuptWks, sat at his right hand side, and was smartly saluted by the Brethren. There were many familiar and friendly faces, and I quickly relaxed as the Installed Masters Lodge continued its routine. Consecrated in 1972, the Lodge ritual has been refined by W Bro John Malolm Raynor, who was Provincial Grand Master 1991-1995, and exercises some peculiarities which were evident in the subsequent ceremony; a Lodge of Past Masters, in which everyone is already familiar with the Lodge Inner Workings, can reduce the full ceremonial while continuing the fine tradition of Masonry in a building which reaches back in time nearly two hundred years.
The Lodge name comes from St Saviour’s Church, built in the eleventh century. St Saviourgate (the name of the street originally known for its butchers) took on the church name. It became a centre of nonconformists over the centuries – the York Unitarian Chapel was built in 1693, the Central Methodist Church in 1820, and the Congregational Chapel built in 1839 (and knocked down in 1960 to make way for an office block). There are fine eighteenth century houses to be admired. The Masonic Hall was originally built as the city’s Mechanics Institute, founded in 1827, the year Beethoven died, and it was the forerunner of the first free library in York. St Saviour’s Church now houses the Jorvik Dig Centre.
W Bro Neil Webster successfully installed W Bro John Roland Hayes PPGSwdB who then appointed and installed his Officers. All was carried out with admirable smoothness - the Lodge DC, W Bro J A Wilkinson conducted the proceedings with a smile on his face; there was an atmosphere of warmth and friendliness which, if it could be bottled, would make a fortune.
Following reports and propositions, the recycled W Master closed the Lodge. W Bro Nick Mitchell - photographer extraordinaire - managed a snapshot before we went downstairs for the festive board.
It is a peculiarity of this Lodge that despite the Brethren wearing their dinner jackets, the tables are without tablecloths, but that in no way diminished the quality of the food or the cameraderie of the occasion. It was my duty to speak on behalf of the RWPGM and mentioning the history of the Lodge and its name, spoke of changes over the years and the Provincial Grand Master's mantra of Change as the Province keeps abreast with our dynamic and transitional times.
The toast to the Master was superbly delivered by the IPM, highlighting the amity and concord of the Brethren of the Lodge. The WM's response concluded the evening by ten o' clock, brevity being, as Polonius remarked, the soul of wit, but no less sincere for all that.
It was a clear night and the stars shone like diamonds as Peter drove me home, content after a super evening.
Eddie Wildman, Rep
Wednesday 20th November 2024:
Dr Michael Martin-Smith 16th February 1948 - 21st October 2024
A respectable gathering of folk gave tribute to the passing of Bro "Doc Martin" Smith at the oldest parish in Hull, St Mary Sculcoates where the Rev'd Fr Philip Lamb led a moving and thoughtful service in the Anglo-Catholic tradition. It was heartening to see Brethren and wives from the Lodge of St Michael in attendance, together with friends, neighbours and family of Dr Martin-Smith. Here is an account from the Lodge Almoner, W Bro David Whittall.
Brother Michael Martin Smith was a much loved and popular member of our Lodge who is sadly missed by us all.
Michael had been well and in good spirits until the evening of the 16th October, he was admitted to hospital where he was diagnosed with sepsis and he passed on the 21 October in Hull Royal Infirmary.
"Doc Martin" was a retired GP who was held in the highest regards by everyone who he cared for over a 40 plus year career in general medical practice. He was a kind and generous man in so many ways and always there with a kind word or thoughtful gesture. Michael was a keen astronomer and enjoyed his astronomy which resulted in him working with a number of agencies including NASA no visit to his home went without seeing his latest photographs or if the conditions were right, a celestial visit via his telescope, and expert guidance.
Michael's funeral service was held at St Mary Church Sculcoates Lane followed by a private family cremation. I know Doc Martin would have been pleased to see so many loved ones, and friends at his service. A life well lived by a good man, RIP Brother Michael.
Tuesday 19th November 2024:
Installation L5129 H.O.G's
Baby it's cold outside, but there was a warm welcome inside the lodge at Dagger Lane, the occasion, the re installation of W Bro Duncan Taylor to the Chair of King Solomon.
Upon arrival I was greeted well and was told the chef was stuck in Manchester and currently the Lodge was working on Plan B. More on this later.
I ordered a full fat tonic and took a seat to watch the 'planning committee' dash around whilst getting a Plan B together.
At 18:20 the DC W Bro Geoffery Branton called the Brethren to sign and assemble, and we did just that.
Now in the Lodge room I was set to take notes for the Installation. These can get a bit lengthy. The WM and his Wardens paraded in and opened the Lodge in due and ancient form. With less time than it takes a bat to blink there was a knock on the door, W Bro Simon Simpson, Deputy Provincial DC was admitted and announced that the Assistant Provincial Grand Master Steven Cox was at the door and demanded admission. His escort of Active Provincial Officers formed up and the APGM entered the Lodge with great dignity. He was greeted with 5* and then he introduced his team.
Returning the Chair to the WM, the APGM took a seat to the right of the WM, who continued with the agenda. A portion of the Ancient Charges was read and the minutes of the last meeting confirmed.
And now the reinstallation of Duncan Scott Taylor . . The DC stood and anounced that by proclamation Duncan Scott Taylor would be WM for the next year. He then invited the new/old WM to invest his officers. During the investment it was anounced that W Bro Mackman had been Treasurer of the lodge for 41 years - an incredible achievment in a difficult post and worthy of note here.
Most of the changes were movement upwards from Junior to Senior and the key positions remained in the same safe hands.
In keeping with installation values the addresses to the Master, Wardens and Brethren were given respectively by W Bro B James W Mackman, W Bro Geoffery Branton and W Bro Steve Pickard. All were excellent in their delivery.
Installation was now complete and the next item was a Ballot for a Mr Victor Tutulanu who is 19 years old but he is a Lewis! His ballot was succesful and the Lodge looks forward to welcoming him in.
The Charity Steward presented a voucher for £1,000.00 to the APGM for the Festival which was gratefully received. Any Other Business and the risings bought no further actions, so the Lodge was closed. The Active Escort Formed and the APGM left the Lodge.We followed on shortly.
Plan B . . . fish and chips had been ordered from East Park Chippy shortly before the meeting closed, so whilst we had drinks and chatted our festive board was being created about 1½ miles away. (See also the Humber LoI report for 18th November.)
We enjoyed the unusual festive board and it provided a good conversation piece and once consumed and thanks having been given we proceeded to toast the King, the Grand Master, Grand Officers, the Provincial Grand Master, and the Provincial Officers to which The APGM responded. He thanked the Lodge for the way he and his team had been received, and for the generous donation to the Festival. He noted changes that have taken place in Masonry and some yet to come.
The toast of the evening was next: W Bro John Plater proposed the toast to the WM and his Officers to which the WM responded. The SW Proposed the visitors toast to which I responded having been asked in the morning to do so. I must learn to say no!
There was a raffle in which I won a prize, choccy bickies for me . . .
The JW submitted the toast to Absent Brethren and the WM gave the Parting Toast, bringing to an end a very strange day.
Walking back to the car park I pondered how would we cope with a failed caterer in the Lodge of St Michael.
[Photo APGM Steve Cox and WM W Bro Duncan Taylor by P Stokes]
Peter Stokes IPM
Friday 15th November 2024:
Nous sommes éstablis
by W Bro John Broughton
On this auspicious occasion I boarded a train to London, then the Eurostar to Paris, to take part in a most historic and unique enterprise.
In my role as Grand Senior Deacon of the Masonic Order of Athelstan, I was part of the team which constituted the Inauguration of the Grand Court of France into a Sovereign Body.
This unique occurrence, held at the Grand Temple of the G.L.N.F., Rue Christine de Pisan, echoed every aspect of elegance and grandeur expected of such a special occasion, and emphasised the unique cameraderie of International Masonry.
After a most impressive ceremony where the Team were appointed with "Honneur" (honorary) Membership, the Brethren dined together with many toasts in both English and French.
An occasion never to be forgotten. Cela restera avec moi pour toujours.
John Broughton
Tuesday 5th November 2024:
No Danger Can Ensue
Bonfire Night follows Halloween in the United Kingdom, and soon after that the shops are swamped with Christmas-related goods. It’s traditional.
This year I reflected mightily on the first two celebrations. Perhaps this was because I was taking some enforced rest; I was exhausted, burnt out, and unable to fulfil my regular Masonic visits. The spirit was willing, but alas, the flesh refused to cooperate. Hence the armchair thoughts.
Halloween is celebrated in many countries on October 31st, the eve of the Western Christian feast of All Hallows’ Day. Brother Rabbie Burns, the well-known eighteenth-century Scottish bard wrote a saucy poem about the revelry and customs of the night.
All Hallows (“hallow” means “holy person”) is in honour of all the saints of the Church, known or unknown. The eve (or e’en) used with it is considered evil by some as it is based on pagan practices and encourages participation with spirits, ghosts and demons. It originated from the Celtic holiday of Samhain, a time when the veil between our world and the “Otherworld” is broken and the spirits of the dead released. The gods were said to play tricks on humans. Other countries have traditions of “the Day of the Dead” and suchlike.
The practice of children dressing up in scary costumes, emulating spirits, zombies, fairies, ghost, goblins and demons and things that go bump in the night “trick-or-treating” is regarded by some as devil worship, albeit unconscious.
The custom is commercialised now: buy a pumpkin and make a lantern (in England a turnip was used, but the Irish immigrants to America found pumpkins were easier) – or hang up a plastic skeleton – or decorate your porch with bats and fake cobwebs. I wonder how much understanding accompanies some of these “traditions”, and somewhat deplore the relish with which the sinister and occult is grasped by the many. I confess it scares me.
Five days after Halloween, we Brits celebrate the tradition of the thwarting of the Gunpowder Plot of 1605 which intended to assassinate King James I and his parliament. The burning of effigies of hate-figures has diminished nowadays, and generally large-scale organised events have stopped the small social gatherings over street bonfires, and the original Protestant-Catholic confrontations have disappeared. Miniature explosives are still seen in the form of fireworks, but the connection with politics and religion is lost. But those pagan vampire/skeleton/chain-saw figures of a few days before might still be seen in the crowds waving sparklers.
I wondered, protected from the flashes and bangs by my armchair and drawn curtains, how many of the celebrants knew that Fawkes and four other conspirators had been racked and tortured and sentenced to be hung, drawn and quartered. Fawkes avoided the full punishment by breaking his neck while climbing the gallows ladder, but his body was still eviscerated. This was salutary entertainment for the spectators in those days.
We have a fascination with the grisly side of life. Separated by layers of years, our celebrations for Halloween and Bonfire Night have become anodyne rituals, observed because they are traditional without real comprehension what the traditions are about. I’m not sure whether this is good or bad. But I take comfort, as I’m sure others do, that despite the horrors of the world, where the Name of God is invoked, we trust no danger can ensue.
Walk safely, Brethren.
Eddie Wildman
Thursday 24th October 2024:
Festival 2024-29 Presentation
The fourth Thursday of the month comes around quickly; we assembled at Dagger Lane for our Craft Meeting. Tonight's event was to have been another initiation, but due to unavailability of the Candidate we had to rearrange at short notice. We were overdue the presentation on Festival, so our Charity Steward stepped up to the plate and saved the day.
As we gathered the conversation flowed and we made ready for the ceremony in the Lodge Room. At 1900 precisely the DC anounced that we should be upstanding to receive the WM and his Wardens upon which they paraded in. Sadly W Bro Wildman was ill so we had no accompanying music. Get well soon Eddie we miss you.
The Lodge was opened in Due and Ancient form and we sang the opening Hymn unaccompanied, I'm sure there was a tune in there somewhere!
We started with reports including updates on our Brethren who are too unwell to be with us. W Bro Peter Wright stood to advise the Lodge of the Passing to the Grand Lodge Above of Bro Michael Martin Smith who passed on Monday after a short illness. Our condolences go to his relatives and funeral announcements will follow.
At proposals, W Bro Terry Black Proposed that W Bro Peter Barnes be made a honorary member; this was seconded by W Bro Stephen Prior and will go to ballot at the next meeting.
Under Any Other Business the Treasurer gave a report on the Lodge Financial Situation, after a long discusion this was passed to the Way Forward Committee and all Lodge members will be informed of when the meeting will take place.
The Lodge business being over the Lodge was closed and we retired to the Bar/Dining area for a presentation on the Festival by our Charity Steward W Bro David Whittall. (pictured above.)
He informed the Brethren that we had raised nearly £4000.00 toward our target and that we were on target for our Lodge. He then proceeded to present the Provincial Overview and also gave out booklets re the festival. He challenged Brothers to think of unique ways to get sponsorship. We then tucked in to Chicken Curry with Onion Bajees and Rice Pudding for afters.
We toasted and raffled, the raffle raised £65.00 then after the Tylers Toast we gave a hearty rendition of Auld Lang Syne and then headed home with hearts and heads full of charitable things.
Peter Stokes IPM.
Thursday 26th September 2024:
End of Summer: 1st Degree
After the two month summer recess it was back to Masonic duties with a bang. A very busy night was planned with both an initiate and a ballot.
We were low on numbers due to illness and holidays and we wish all our ailing Brethren a speedy recovery so they can meet with us again soon. Once again traffic played a role in delaying our start as several members were caught in it, we will all be glad when the roadworks are done.
After opening the Lodge in due and ancient form, W Master W Bro Les Thornett announced the first order of business, the Initiation of Mr Ashley Fairburn. The Secretary and Treasurer left the Lodge to arrange his papers; upon their return the ceremony could commence.
The Candidate was admited in due form and after prayer the Lodge witnessed that he was properly prepared. He was then obligated and shown the secrets of the degree by W Bro Peter Barnes. W Bro Alex McAllister gave the Address at the NE Corner and Bro Tony Tyler explained the working tools. Our Secretary W Bro Stephen Prior presented the Warrant and Book of Constitutions after which the newly initiated Brother was allowed to leave the Lodge to restore his comforts.
During his absence we carried on with reports and a ballot for a new candidate. The ballot was in favour and a second 1st degree will be carried out next month.
Brother Fairburn was re-admitted and the Chaplain W Bro Terry Black gave the Charge. This completed the ceremony. Bro Fairburn was seated in the Lodge.
W Master Les Thornett stood for the risings, after which the Lodge was closed in due and ancient form.
After photographs we proceeded down for the Festive Board; it being Founders Night as well as a 1st degree we had a lot to get through here as well. After grace was given we tucked into Tomato Soup Meat Pie, Mash and Veg followed by Apple Pie with Custard. Thanks were given and we started on the toast list.
Toast 6 was given by W Bro David Whittall, the Proposer, who gave some background to Bro Ash's life, this was followed by The Entered Apprentice Song rendered by various members of the Lodge.
Bro Fairburn responded and thanked everyone for their attendance during the ceremony.
W Bro McAllister had provided a cake for Founders Night; after toasting the Founders the cake was cut and served.
The visitor's toast was next and we had but one; but one or one hundred we treat each visitor as special. The J Warden Bro John Burton proposed the toast to which Bro Steve Kingsbury from the Suva-based Lodge of Fiji No 1931 responded.
The Almoner toasted the Absent Brethren and finally the Tyler gave his toast. We formed a small Masonic Chain and sang Auld Lang Syne before wending our weary way homeward. It had been a long night.
Another account of this evening may be found under this date on the Humber website.
[Photos of Bro Ashley and the WM by W Bros Stokes and WIldman.]
Peter Stokes, IPM
Friday 6th September 2024:
Ship Ahoy!
During his recent cruise from Rosyth to the Azores and Portugal on the MS Balmoral, W Bro John Broughton was elected chairman of the Masonic Group aboard.
This was remarkable as he was the only Sassenach in the Group, all the other fifteen being Scottish Masons.
They had several highly successful meetings and collected £250 towards the Captain's Charity, the RNLI.
(John is not the only Sassenach in the Group, he is also the only one with the courage to show his knees.)
Thursday 4th July 2024:
Visit to the Constitutional Lodge No 294
by Les Thornett
I went with my Senior Warden W Bro Alex McAllister on a visit to the Constitutional Lodge 294 which is located in the Masonic Hall in Beverley. The Lodge was due to start at 18.30 so we arrived in good time in the nearby car park at 18.00 where we bumped into a couple of the Brethren heading for the meeting.
We arrived at the Lodge and promptly paid for our meal and mingled with the Brethren who were very friendly from the onset. We then made our way to the temple and the Master W Bro Michael Noble opened the Lodge in due form. Shortly after the Lodge received the Representative of the RW Provincial Grand Master, W Bro Edwin Robert Wildman PGO under the direction of his DC W Bro David Oakes ProvGPurs.
After a portion of the Ancient Charges were read and the minutes approved it was time for the main business of the evening to commence which was the Passing of Bro Ali Tekce. Once the Entered Apprentice had left the Lodge, the Candidate under the direction of the Junior Deacon started his journey to become a Craftsman. The ceremony although slightly different from the Emulation Ritual which we use in our Lodge was very good and congratulations to all who took part; I am sure it will stay with Bro Tekce for a long time. Ceremony complete, the Lodge was lowered to the 1° and normal Lodge business proceedings took place with reports and propositions, and the the Lodge was closed in due form.
Upon leaving the Lodge we made our way to the changing room, where the informal socialising with
the other visitors and Brethren continued, when a Steward appeared with a tray of glasses and a bottle of port. As Alex was duty driver I took “one” for the team. We then made our way to the bar to get our drinks before finding our places at the festive board. I sat opposite Bro Ali, the new Craftsman and he said how much he had enjoyed the experience and was looking forward to the continuance of his masonic career.
The menu for the festive board was very nice: Mediterranean Salad, Chicken Curry, Rice And Naan Bread, followed by Chocolate Brownie and Chocolate Ice Cream which appeared to be enjoyed by all in the vicinity as the pleasant, polite conversation died down as we did the food justice. It was then time for the toasts and speeches which were very good and all well received. Before we knew it it was time to depart and wend our ways home. It was a thoroughly enjoyable evening from the start to the finish and I would like to thank the Brethren of the Constitutional Lodge and the visitors for their hospitality, it won't be too long before I visit again.
Eddie Wildman's account of the meeting is on the Humber Lodge blogpage.
[Photo: the Candidate, the Master, the Rep and his DC by Bro Ben Blanchard]
Les Thornett, Worshipful Master
Tuesday 2nd July 2024:
See this date on the Chapter blog for an account of Technical's Sea Cadet Chapter meeting.
Thursday 27th June 2024:
Comments from the Master's Chair
Well here it is, my first meeting as Master. Upon arrival it was very nice to see so many friendly faces, especially W Bro's Peter Barnes and Terry Lynn and our visitor W Bro Armardas. Having greeted most of the Brethren downstairs it was time to make our way up to the temple for the evening's proceedings.
The agenda this evening was the passing of Bro Stephen Norman, I was very grateful for the stand-ins; W Bro Peter Stokes as Chaplain, W Bro David Whittall as Senior Deacon and W Bro Armardas as Inner Guard.
I opened the Lodge and invested Bro Norman as Steward of the Lodge before the second degree ceremony proceeded; nervous Candidate Bro Stephen Norman faced by a nervous Master. I would like to thank all those who took part in the ceremony without whom it wouldn't have taken place, also all those attending, which helped make the occasion more memorable for both me and the Candidate. I must mention the excellent explanation of the Second Degree Tracing Board by Bro John Burton, I am sure all those present enjoyed it as much as I did. The ceremony concluded, the Lodge closed in the second degree.Other business was carried out including my proposing a new member and the Lodge was closed in due form.
We retired down to the festive board where we enjoyed good food in good company. The Brethren joined in a rousing chorus of Happy Birthday to W Bro Stephen Longthorpe before it was time to wend our way home.
We are now in our summer recess and I would like to thank the Brethren for their support and I hope they all have a great summer.
I look forward to seeing you all again in September!
For further reading is highly recommended.
[Photograph: WM with Bro Stephen Norman in his Fellowcraft apron by Peter Stokes.]
W Bro L Thornett WM
Tuesday 25th June 2024:
Hull Old Grammarians' Lodge 5129: 900th Meeting.
A centenary of any kind is an auspicious occasion for a Lodge. I drove down to Hull early as uncertainty about traffic still plagues the area. I was not the first to arrive and was greeted well by those already there. The Lodge of St Michael was to be well represented with W Bros Thornett (WM) McCallister (SW) Stokes (IPM) Longthorpe (Mentor) and Wright (Tyler) and our Guest Organist W Bro Eddie WIldman.
Everybody was mixing and socialising when the DC called for us to sign and assemble; we made our way up to the Lodge room and took our seats. The Lodge was opened promptly in due and ancient form and a dispensation was read permitting the change of date of the meeting. The WM Duncan Scott Taylor then passed the gavel to Past Master W Bro John Plater who delegated W Bro Graeme Reid as SW, W Bro John Wilson as JW, W Bro Pickard as SD, Bro Elsworth as JD and W Bro Peaks as IG, all senior members of the Lodge to represent the founders.
A short Eulogy was given for W Bro Les Paling who had passed to the Grand Lodge above.
The next item was to initiate Mr Luca Magnocavallo into the Lodge. He was guided round the Lodge and his responses supplied by the JD with a confident and calm manner making Luca's experience all the better. After a solemn prayer was said and the questions posed and answered, the Candidate was led to the dias to be obligated. This done he was introduced to the essential aspects of first degree freemasonry by the following Brethren: Bro Stockton gave the Lesser Lights, W Bro Mackman the Secrets. After being invested with the badge by the SW, Bro Luca was conducted to the North East Corner where the Address was given by W Bro Wilson. The Warrant was explained by Bro Cordeaux, the Working Tools were presented by W Bro Eddie Wildman and lastly the Charge by W Bro Mackman.The newly invested Brother then left the Lodge to restore his comforts and we carried on with the agenda.
There being very little business the Lodge was closed and after photographs we proceded down to the festive board. A meal of Prawn Cocktail, Roast Beef with trimmings was followed by Gateaux or Cheese and Biscuits. Port and petit fours were also served.
After the five the regular toasts there was an extra toast to commemorate the Founders of the Lodge. W Bro Eddie Wildman gave a short presentation on how the Lodge was formed and the Grammar School Old Boys involved. This culminated with a sitting toast left handed. (A Lodge history is available on the HOG Web Page.)
Then on to the toast of the evening: W Bro John Wilson proposed the toast to the Candidate and told the tale of how they met and some background details, We then sang the Entered Apprentice Song (forming a masonic chain for the last verse) and Bro Luca responded. A Masonic VSL which had been circulated as we dined was presented to Bro Luca.
The evening was drawing to an end and we were all toasted out so picking up our brief cases we made our way to the car park, happy to meet again.
[Photographs: 1) HOG Members past and present 2) W Bro Plater with newest member Bro Luca Magnocavallo.]
Peter Stokes IPM
Tuesday 18th June 2024:
Humber Installed Masters 2494
This meeting originally programed for 3rd June had been moved by dispensation of the PGM.
Due to the special nature of the business for this meeting I arrived at Beverley Road early to find the car park already close to being full. The front doors to the Lodge building were open so I went in that way as I had never seen them open before.
Looking around the bar area I saw many familiar faces and was greeted well by all. After consuming a full fat tonic I signed in and dressed for the Lodge,
As the Worshipful Master Bill Granville was being invested as Deputy Provincial Grand Master W Bro Danny Betts took the Chair through the opening. The Lodge was opened promptly in due and ancient form. The dispensation was read by the Secretary then came the knock: "At the door of your Lodge stands the Provincial Grand Master and he demands entry," said W Bro Karl Ward, the Provincial DC, First the escort of Active Provincial Officers entered, followed by Grand Lodge Officers then came the APGMs, the PPGM and finally the PGM R W Bro Dr David Chambers. He took the Chair and salutations were given. With the aid of his DC he replaced the SW, JW, Chaplain and Inner Guard with the Provincial ones, effectively forming a Provincial Grand Lodge.
The first order of business was to invest the new Provincial Grand Secretary, this done he could then read the scroll decreeing from UGLE and the Grand Master that W Bro W E Glanvillle was selected for the role of DPGM for the Province of Yorkshire N and E Ridings. This having been read, an escort (Chosen by W Bro Glanville) formed and he was escorted into the Lodge. He then was duly obligated to the duties of DPGM, after which he was escorted to the dias where his chain of office was placed on him. Salutations were given.
R W Bro Glanville then replaced the PGM in the Chai; after all there was Lodge business to get on with. After scaring the Provincial Grand SW and JW the regular Lodge incumbants were re seated.
The Investment of Lodge Officers (DC, Secretary, Steward and Tyler) was followed by a Ballot for 3 joining members (passed) There were the propositions for 7 new joining members. Already the largest Lodge in the Province, it gets ever bigger.
At the risings Greetings were given from Grand Lodge, The PGM gave Provincial Greetings and a Visitor from Brough Lodge gave greetings on behalf of the visitors, The SW gave greetings on behalf of the Lodge.We sang the closing ode then the Provincial party formed up to leave.
After Photographs we proceeded down to the hall for the Festive Board.
A three course meal of Pate starter, Roast Pork with Crackling and Cheese and Biscuits was served; alternative menus were available, wine was offered to those who would like it.
There had been over 90 attending Lodge, over 75 dining, the catering ran reasonably smoothly with a couple of minor glitches. There were 30 visitors and everybody was happy to be there.
We toasted and raffled till after ten when it was time to depart for home, happy to have met, happy meet again.
[Photograph:- Provincial team welcoming new DPGM by W Bro Eddie Wildman.]
Peter Stokes IPM
Friday 24th May 2024:
Email from the Worshipful Master to the Brethren of the Lodge of St Michael.
Installation Day.
Well it has been eleven years in the making but the day had finally arrived. It was my installation day and I awoke with some trepidation and nerves with what was to come.
My wife Jeannette and I set off to the Masonic Hall and set up the customary tea/coffee reception with biscuits and cup cakes that she had baked for the Brethren and guests who started to arrive at about 15.30 and after a short mingle with some of the guests it was time to proceed to the Temple.
The Lodge was opened by the Worshipful Master Peter Stokes and we were honoured by a visit by The Assistant Provincial Grand Master Worshipful Brother Martin Eggermont and a team of Active Provincial Officers. Once the ceremony started my nerves abated a little and although some of it is a bit of a blur I must say I thoroughly enjoyed the occasion and it lived up to all my expectations. The festive board was a very pleasurable occasion and everyone I spoke with said they had enjoyed it, so thanks go to W Bro Shaun Rennison for putting it all together for me.
The music provided by W Bros Eddie Wildman and Terry Lynn both in the temple and festive board was excellent and thoroughly enjoyed by all.
In closing I would like to thank the Brethren who took part in the ceremony for making it such a special occasion, and all the Brethren of the Lodge who have shown confidence in me by selecting me to be Master of the Lodge of St Michael. I do feel honoured and hope that I can live up to the high standards set by all those Worshipful Brethren who have preceded me in the past.
Thank you all.
Sincerely and fraternally
Les Thornett
Worshipful Master
Thursday 23rd May 2024:
Despite the 4:30 start on a weekday Dagger Lane was alive with Brethren; a good dozen were Active Officers of the new Provincial Team supporting the Assistant Provincial Grand Master, W Bro Martin Richard Eggermont, PAGDC, but the Brethren of the Lodge of St Michael were also out in force along with visitors from sister Lodges.
There was refreshment (tea or coffee - help yourself) available with biscuits and the most delicious array of home made cup cakes delightfully iced with Masonic blue and white. I decided that today the diet would be forgotten. Thanks, Jeanette! Some Brethren were thoughtfully pre-ordering drinks at the bar for later, others were putting their regalia. We made our way to the Lodge Room upstairs for a prompt start.
The (outgoing) Worshipful Master, W Bro Peter Stokes opened the Lodge with the efficiency of long practice - after two years in the Chair he was still nervous about the forthcoming ceremony - and quite unnecessarily, and at the appropriate point before the signing of the minutes, the Tyler knocked to announce the Assistant Provincial Director of Ceremonies, W Bro Ben Kelly, who informed the Brethren that the Assistant Provincial Grand Master, W Bro Martin Eggermont with his team of Active Officers demanded admission.
It was an impressive escort for the APGM. W Bro Stokes relinquished the gavel to W Bro Eggermont, who introduced his team to the assembled Brethren, before handing back the gavel of authority and taking his place to the right of the WM's Chair. "Take the opportunity to talk to them," said the APGM, "they are interesting people." It was good to see St Michael's W Bro John Broughton, Provincial Grand Superintendent of Works amongst the newly appointed Provincial Officers.
Next there was a succesful ballot for a Candidate, followed by a report from the Almoner. W Bro Whittall had sent out an email report previously, but on behalf of the Brethren he welcomed back W Bro Terry Lynn, who despite ambulatory difficulties whilst waiting for a hip operation had turned up to bid farewell to the outgoing WM and to greet the new.
W Bro Stokes declared all Offices vacant and appointed Senior Brethren to the principal Chairs. W Bro Paul Henderson took the staff of Installing Director of Ceremonies and (there being no Entered Apprentices present) made the necessary changes as the WM opened the Lodge in the 2°. He presented the Master Elect, Bro Thornett, who stood with military smartness while the WM and Secretary addressed him, outlining the necessary qualifications for Mastership, then took his obligation as Master Elect.
The Tyler knocked and three late arrivals were admitted.
The Lodge was opened in the 3° and the Master Masons (with the exception of Bro Thornett) retired, and W Bro Stokes declared the gathering a Board of Installed Masters. In the ceremony that followed, Brother Thornett took his obligation as an Installed Master and was deftly placed in the figurative Chair of King Solomon. I had the pleasure of presenting the Working Tools of an Installed Master after which all the Worshipful Brethren saluted the new Worshipful Master.
The Lodge was lowered to the 3° and the Working Tools of a Master Mason presented by Bro David Broughton, after which W Bro Terry Lynn sang the first verse of the Masonic Anthem. The Lodge was likewise lowered to the 2°, the Tools presented by Bro John Burton as though explaining a piece of military ordinance (much appreciated by W Bro Thornett who also has a military background - see the Brethren Page), the second verse sung by W Bro Lynn, and the Lodge lowered to the 1°. The Working Tools of the Entered Apprentice Freemason were presented by Bro Tony Tyler, and the last verse of the Anthem performed, the Brethren joining in the chorus. The Immediate Past Master, W Bro Stokes, passed on the Warrant to his successor and the Worshipful Master appointed and invested his Officers.
W Bro Eggermont gave the Address to the Master, I addressed the Wardens and W Bro John Broughton gave the address to the Brethren in time-honoured tradition. The Installation ceremony being ended, the WM presented a Past Master's jewel to W Bro Stokes.
I managed a few photographs after the closing of the Lodge, and the Brethren went downstairs for the Festive Board.
The waitresses had arrived, but we were downstairs earlier than expected (another first for the Lodge of St Michael) so after the Brethren had diminished the bar's stocks and taken their places at the table, the Lodge DC, W Bro Paul Henderson, called for order, and the Assistant Provincial Director of Ceremonies announced the Assistant Provincial Grand Master with the Worshipful Master of the Lodge of St Michael. They were applauded to their places, and W Bro Henderson announced that the first verse of the National Anthem would be sung after which the Worshipful Master would submit the first toast. The first four toasts were dealt with, after which Grace was called for, and the meal was served.
It was a happy occasion and the Brethren did indeed talk to the visiting Team. I was opposite W Bro Derek McKenzie, ProvGChStwd who had Represented only a few days earlier (18th May) at the Technical Lodge 5666. He and the Senior Warden, W Bro Alex McAllister had much in common and regaled Terry Lynn and I with stories of squaddie experiences. The Chef's homemade vegetable soup, roast topside of beef with horseradish served with roast and creamed potatoes and a selection of fresh seasonal vegetables with Yorkshire pudding & pan gravy went down very well. Some Brethren opted for Bramley apple pie; at my end of the table we tucked into cheese and biscuits. There were bottles of port on the table generously provided by the Worshipful Master.
After the meal and return of thanks the toasts recommenced at nine o' clock. W Bro Thornett introduced the APGM, highlighting his sporting prowess in youth, his national and international work in the CID and his substantial Masonic career which included the role of Provincial Grand Mentor, and presented him with a donation from the Lodge for the Festival. W Bro Eggermont responded. This was his maiden meeting as a Ruler and he had enjoyed himself. He spoke of the convocation at York and Festival 29, mentioning the dedicated team for the MCF and the support this charity affords to Brethren in need, suggesting that the website was worth a visit. He congratulated W Bro Broughton on his preferment as ProvGSuptWks and thanked W Bro Kelly and the Provincial Team for their support - especially W Bro Des McKenzie who had driven all the way from Liverpool for the meeting.
The toast to Absent Brethren was given by W Bro Whittal PPGSuptWks, and the toast to the WM by the Senior Warden (whereafter W Bro Lynn gave a fine performance of the Worshipful Masters Song. W Bro Whittall rose to toast the IPM and his team, dilating on the care expended by W Bro Stokes over the last two years in the Chair. W Bro Stokes responded saying he'd enjoyed being WM and thanked all his officers for their work, which had made him proud to be part of the Lodge of St Michael, and wished Les every success. The Junior Warden, Bro John Burton announced there were sixteen visitors from fourteen sister Lodges, and he had had a brilliant night in the company of those on his table. W Bro Duncan Scott, WM of the Hull Old Grammarians' Lodge 5129 responded.
The meeting ended soon after the APGM presented the WM with a menu card which had been signed by all the Brethren present; many of the St Michael Brethren continuing on to the nearby Holiday Inn to rejoin their wives and partners who had also been celebrating the occasion. It was by now past my bedtime - I was tired (nothing to do with the port and the wine, of course) and left along with the Treasurer, Bro David Broughton and the Preceptor, W Bro Jack Chapman, and enjoyed a lift home in their company. The next meeting, I understand, will be a 1° - and I'm sure the Brethren are all looking forward to it.
Eddie Wildman, Organist & Webmaster
Addendum by the IPM
During the Festive Board two presentations took place, I was sat at the top table and witnessed these so felt best positioned to report. Firstly our new Worshipful Master presented a certificate for £500.00 to the APGM Martin Eggermont for the Festival, this was well received particularly as Martin has been appointed as Festival Lead. The second presentation was a Festival Jewel to Bro David Broughton, The jewel is pictured in the blog above, and a very fine jewel it is.
So now I was the IPM, or Immediate Past Master (a note from W Bro Jack Chapman on my ritual sheets reminded me) I have begun a different role in Lodge proceedings; but I'm happy to support the new Master in all things Masonic!
Thank you to the Lodge for its support during my tenure and I wish W Bro Les a bright and prosperous year in the Chair.
Peter Stokes IPM
Tuesday 21st May 2024:
Umbrella Garden Party at Buckingham Palace
by W Bro John Stanley Broughton
Due to the considerable work I'm privileged to do for Hull United Charities and the Almshouse Association, I and my wife Anne were invited to attend the Royal Garden Party on 21st May, where we were presented to the Duke of Gloucester, the Vice Patron of the Association (pictured with the black umbrella.)
His Majesty the King is the Patron: both take a keen interest in all aspects of the work carried out by the Almshouse Charities; the King presents prizes in several catagories each year to those he considers worthy. As can be seen from the pictures the weather didn't enhance the occasion, but it was still an enjoyable experience.
The Yeomen of the Guard, oldest of the Royal bodyguards and the oldest military corps in existence in Britain are all former officers and sergeants of the British Service, and being inside on this occasion did not require umbrellas. They were magnificent in their scarlet and gold State dress uniforms. "Makes you proud to be British," I said.
"Yes dear," said Anne, "and I'm proud of you."
John Broughton
Thursday 16th May 2024:
See the Chapter blog for Eddie's report on the Masonic Creatures in the Lodge of St Michael on this date.
Saturday 11th May 2024:
Provincial Craft Convocation in York
A day out at the racecourse in York, glorious weather and we were meeting indoors in suits, but it could have been raining!
I set out at 0800 for a 0930 start, a small tractor with a many vehicle queue forced me to take a much slower ride than I had anticipated, I was late. Missed the first half! This was the first time that families were invited and the ladies/families were seated to the left of the dias, we were on the right and those receiving promotions were to the right of us. Grand Lodge Officers (Eddie was there) and Active Officers were in front of us.
I joined up with other members of our Lodge: W Bro Terry Black, W Bro Peter Wright, W Bro Stephen Prior and Master Elect Bro Les Thornett. We took our seats (at the back) in the hall and we watched the dignitaries parade in. Visiting PGMs and Leaders of Side Orders all made their way to the dais. Bringing up the rear was the Acting Deputy Provincial Grand Master and two Assistant PGMs and lastly the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master Dr David Chambers. Once salutations were given and everybody was seated the appointments could begin.
Two new APGM's were appointed; W Bro Martin Eggermont and W Bro Stephen Cox and then the year's officers received their honours. The Large room soon began to get very warm and the awards were quite drawn out, I noted a few Brethren who struggled to stay awake and someone was snoring.
The Festival 2029 was also launched during this meeting with a talk from representatives of the MCF, the figures are very impressive, but I feel we will hear them a lot over the coming weeks so I will not steal anybody's thunder.
I was also to get a PSA test while there. I had booked it for 13 30, so as the meeting closed I made my way up to the testing room: a little prick and I bled into a tube, it didn't hurt and was soon over. I would recomend that every Brother make themselves available for this simple test, it may not be totally accurate, yet, but it gives an indication of a potential problem, and that could save your life. For my age the ceiling is 4; my result was 0.13. I feel happy with that.
After returning my briefcase to the car I made my way to the dining area. Twenty-six tables were laid out with eight people at each. After getting a drink (£6.70p for J2O and Soda!) I found my table and sat to recover from the shock. The meal was Yorkshire Pud with Chipolates (Deconstructed Toad in the Hole,) Braised Beef with seasonal veg and Bubble and Squeak potatoes followed by Vanilla Ice Cream with a Butterscotch Sauce. We made two toasts and the Tyler's Toast and it was time to head for home. An uneventful trip back to Hull but a lot of things to consider from the day's events.
Peter Stokes WM
Thursday 9th May 2024:
A Third at Old Hymerians 6885
I set out to Beverley Road Masonic Hall a little early expecting traffic to delay me, it didn't and I arrived early. Not a problem visiting this friendly lodge and I was greeted well. Tonight I would be joined by Brother Tony Tyler (his first visit) and we would be witnessing a raising to the sublime degree of Master Mason. I always find this ceremony special as it is the first when you have some idea about what is going on.
W Bro David Waddington (WM) opened the lodge promptly I think the IPM must have lost weight as his Apron fell to the floor when he stood. We sang the opening hymn, I prefer the tune we use but each to their own. and we set about the agenda. After the Ancient Charge reading there were two obituaries. The first was given by W Bro Michael Roberts for W Bro David Harrison, the second, for W Bro Chris Shuttleworth, was given by the Worshipful Master as the Brother who was to do it had been taken ill,
The next item was the raising of Bro Simon Copeman. After clearing the Lodge of Entered Apprentices the Lodge was raised to the 2°, In this degree Bro Copeman answered the questions to show he was ready, this he did without prompts. Fellow Crafts were asked to leave the Lodge and we raised the Lodge to the 3° for the ceremony. The DC prepared the room and we awaited the return of the candidate.
On re-entry, Bro Copeman (pictured) was guided to the pedestal by the proper steps and here he took his obligation as a Master Mason.
The retrospect was given by W Bro Anthony Cadle, W Bro David Greendale gave the Charge. The Secrets were presented by W Bro MIchael Roberts after which the candidate retired to restore his comforts. Upon his return he was presented with the badge of a Master Mason, W Bro Robin Alden presented the Traditional History and W Bro Michael Roberts presented the Working Tools.
This concluded the ceremony and we resumed the agenda. There being no propositions the meeting was closed and we sang the closing hymn, again to a different tune, still prefer ours.
After taking a photograph or two we proceeded down for the festive board, I had been asked to respond to the visitors toast and was happy to do so, but as it was getting late the Lodge asked if they could do only the two toasts and we agreed.
The meal was a soup starter, followed by the biggest pork chops I have seen in the UK and a cheesecake dessert. It all looked delicious as I tucked in to my salmon and cheese board! I enjoyed talking with the Senior Warden, Bro Malcolm Cuthbert despite him having served in the RAF! He is to be the next WM and he is looking forward to it with a little trepidation, I think he will enjoy it. There was no raffle so after the two toasts and parish notes the Tyler toasted Absent Brethren and the Junior Warden gave the Parting Toast and we headed for home happy to have met and happy meet again.
Peter Stokes, WM
Friday 26th April 2024:
Read about the Wyke Millennium Royal Arch Chapter Installation on the St M Chapter blog for this date.
Thursday 25th April 2024:
Election Night
W Bro Peter James Stokes opened the Lodge of St Michael with the ease and confidence of long practice, and the minutes of the previous meeting signed. The Master for next year was elected and Bro Leslie Thornett thanked the Brethren for the honour accorded him. The Treasurer for next year was elected: Bro David Broughton gracefully accepted the post. It is apparently incorrect to elect auditors unless they have the necessary qualifications; two Accounts Examiners, the Preceptor was voted to remain in situ and a Lodge Committee established, though later events will necessitate some changes.
The Almoner and Charity Steward share one body; W Bro David Whittall had little to add to the electronic communications sent prior to the meeting, but on the Charity side, thanked the Brethren for their suggestions as to worthy causes that might need support, bearing in mind that the "forgotten" lesser charities were favoured for consideration, whilst a sum was earmarked for presenting to the Festival Fund at the Installation meeting. "Your ideas for fund-raising are very welcome," said David, "and while I have one or two of my own, please put forward your suggestions."
David also proposed a Candidate, which met with approval. There will be no shortage of ceremonies during the ensuing year if all goes to plan. The ballot should take place next month: watch this space.
The next business was tricky; the consideration of a member who has not paid his dues. Both the Bylaws and the Book of Constitutions are unequivocal on this issue, however; due warnings had been sent and there had been no previous inclination by the member to address the matter. Had assistance been requested a year ago it is possible that some moves might be made to alleviate the situation; although the Province will be consulted, and in the absence of a miracle, it is unlikely that the Brother in question will be able to return. This was later quietly debated by small gatherings of the Brethren round the Festive Board, and there were obvious differences of opinion, but as Freemasons we agree to be bound by the Regulations of the Order.
Congratulations were given to W Bro John Stanley Broughton on his promotion in May to the Active Office of Superintendent of Works, and I was pleased to be able to supply the reference to the character in the VSL who first held that office (1 Kings, 4:6).
I managed a snapshot of the WM and the WM Elect after the closing of the Lodge, and another of W Bro Stokes at the Festive Board, looking remarkably relaxed as he approached the end of his two-year term as Master of the Lodge of St Michael.
I was sitting next to Leslie while we enjoyed Roy's tasty steak pie and he told me he was already planning the year ahead. A military man (see the Brethren page) he was organising his time and resources with anticipation and trepidation, he said in response to the brief toast to him by W Bro Alex McAllister. "I'll tell you all more about him next month," promised Alex.
The DC, W Bro Paul Michael Henderson allocated the submission of other toasts to some of the Brethren who have not yet taken the Chair, a worthy practice. The unique "Absent Brethren" song written for the consecration of L7833 in 1962 was sung, and the WM gave his final "parish notes" before drawing the raffle. As I have no doubt he will wish to add his postscript to this blog, I'll sign off now.
Eddie Wildman
Master's Postscript
I was apprehensive, this was my last full meeting, a night for electing my successor and getting things in place for the installation. What could go wrong?
It has been a good two years in the Chair from my perspective, I came with goals and think I have achieved most of them. A lot of people have helped and guided me along the way and for that I thank them and will always hold them dear to me.
During my time I have made numerous visits to sister Lodges which I have thoroughly enjoyed. I still feel that visiting is a great way to meet other Brothers and to promote the Lodge of St Michael within the Province.
Thank you everybody.
Peter Stokes, WM
Monday 8th April 2024:
Preceptor's Festival L7833
The Lodge of St Michael, like many other local Lodges, has an annual Lodge of Instruction Open Night whereat the Officers for the next year perform their new roles in an enactment of a First Degree Ceremony. Unlike other local Lodges, however, the Lodge of St Michael calls this the Preceptor's Festival, the culmination of a year's instruction, encouragement, exhortation and bullying from the Lecture Master (known in L7833 as the Preceptor - from the Latin præceptor, a teacher or instructor.) To any visitor (on this occasion W Bro Bernard Frazer who gave greetings from Brough Lodge 5464) the ritual may have appeared somewhat different to the local practice, as the Lodge of St Michael practises Emulation ritual rather than Humber working, a decision taken by the Founders before the consecration in 1962.
It was an excellent ceremony, given the same level of seriousness that would be accorded to an actual Candidate, though regalia is not worn, and the VSL is not used. Some of the Brethren take the opportunity to flaunt their most flamboyant ties, and John Burton's rainbow coloured neckwear gave rise to some gentle teasing while David Whittall's strident lime green creation lit up the West side of the Lodge. David Broughton as Senior Warden wore a red tie with matching socks. John Broughton and Peter Wright, both long enough in the tooth to qualify as tutters found themselves redundant. The Brethren had learned their ritual well.
I shall not name everyone who took part in the ceremony, but from the new lads and the old established hands alike there was genuine commitment, and the Master Elect, Bro Les Thornett can look forward to loyal support and maximum effort from his team next year if tonight's performance was anything to go by, and the Preceptor, Jack Chapman, had a smile on his face.
The festive board - twenty places round a square of tables - was convivial despite a little geographical confusion as to where the Wardens were sitting, and the Candidate, W Bro Peter Stokes, responded to his toast with kind words. The Preceptor, having delivered a nugget upstairs, presented the Brethren with a boulder downstairs speculating on the origin of the "firing" after toasts.
Well done, Lodge of Saint Michael!
[Photo: Peter Stokes and Les Thornett by ERW.]
Eddie Wildman, guest organist.
Thursday 28th March 2024:
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly: Famous Freemasons
I wasn't sure whether the later start time of 7:00 was a good idea, but it didn't delay the Lodge meeting unduly, and the roads and parking were much easier for the Brethren. The WM, W Bro Peter Stokes opened the Lodge with facility, warmly welcoming the three visitors, one of whom was giving a presentation on "Famous Freemasons". As the dining room downstairs is ideal for a power point presentation, it was decided to defer this item on the agenda to a spot after the Lodge had closed and before the Festive Board began.
This turned out to be a good idea. The WM took reports from the Almoner and Charity Steward, and the Preceptor read out a snippet regarding the origins of Freemasonry, which are obscured in the mists of time. W Bro Stokes closed the Lodge and the eighteen Brethren retired,
It was good to be able to order a drink to nurse during the presentation. W Bro Priestley (now no longer in Masonic regalia) gave a persuasive account of famous names in the Craft including Edward VII, Houdini and John Entwistle, bass guitarist of The Who and others, often with amusing and pertinent background information. A quiz followed, and the Brethren of the Lodge of St Michael gave a good account of themselves, sometimes identifying the Freemasons in question after only one fact had been supplied.
The WM thanked W Bro Priestely for his excellent presentation and the Brethren applauded. A two-course meal followed, accompanied by convivial conversation, and the DC W Bro Paul Michael Henderson moved the toasts on apace. W Bro Alan Todd, WM of the Humber Lodge 57 responded on behalf of the visitors. The raffle continued my unbroken losing streak, and the Tyler's toast was followed by the Brethren gathering round to sing Auld Lang Syne.
It had been a lovely evening.
Eddie Wildman, Organist
Tuesday 19th March 2024:
A First for Hull Old Gramarians 5129
Spring is in the air, new buds are bursting forth, as is the case in Masonry.This is to be the first of Three Firsts that HOG's are having over the coming months.
I arrived at the Lodge in good time for the 6.30 start and was greeted well. I was unaware that there was to be a Representative Visit until I saw W Bro Steve Burns of the Provincial Grand Steward Lodge, and the Rep was non other than W Bro Eddie Wildman.
A little after 6 30 the Lodge was opened, The Senior Warden was traveling from London and his train was late; a slight delay and a stand-in later, we proceeded. (I learned later that he had taken a taxi from Doncaster to attend Lodge that evening, there is dedication.)
Shortly after opening there was a knock and in came W Bro Steve Burns to announce that the Rep was at the door and asked to come in. A guard was formed and the Rep was admitted and he took his seat, salutations were given and returned and we proceeded with the agenda.
A Ballot was carried out for a new member and proved successful. after which came the knock we had waited for: Whom have you ther? Mr Steven James Haigh, a candidate . . . after being vouched for he was admitted. He passed before the Lodge to show he was properly prepared with the WM and Wardens knocking at each pass. He was then presented by the Senior Warden and the traditional questions asked. He was then bought before the Dias and an obligation was repeated.
He was then explained the Lesser Lights by Bro David Stockton and the Secrets By W Bro James Mackman after which he was invested with the Badge of an Entered Apprentice.
Having now been placed in the NE Corner this piece of ritual was given by W Bro John Wilson. The Warrent and Book of Constitution was given by Bro Charlie Cordeaux. A slight change, as the Brother who was to give the working tools was ill, so the Representative, W Bro Eddie Wildman presented the working tools, unrehearsed. The Chaplin W Bro James Mackman presented the Charge and that concluded the ceremony of Initiation.
The agenda was quickly completed and after closing the lodge with hymns and solum prayer we made our way down to the festive board. A Cullen Skink Soup starter followed by Braised Steak with Veg and Mash, and an Eton Mess or Cheese Board. After Grace we continued the evening with the toasts.
1) The King and Craft and RAM.
2) The Grand Master.
3) The Pro Grand Master and Grand Officers
4) The Provincial Grand Master
5) Deputy and assistant PGM's and Provincial Officers to which W Bro Eddie Wildman responded.
6) The Candidate proposed by W Bro Geoffery Branton, after which we sang the Entered Apprentice Song, the responce by the candidate was prepared.
7) Visitors Toast by the S W Bro Emmanuel Musah, to which I responded
8) Absent Brethren by the J W W Bro John Wilson. After which we sang 'ToThose in Peril'
9) The W M Gave the parting Toast Happy to meet sad to part Happy to meet again.
It was time to hit the road heading homeward happy and content.
Thursday 14th March 2024:
Installation at Thesaurus Lodge No3891
Two nights in succession and two Installations, I will have to reintroduce myself to Julie!
Tonights was a 5:30 start, so I set out early as I expected traffic, and I was right. After my twenty minute journey had taken forty minutess I was ready for a tonic water pre Lodge.
Upon arrival I was greeted well by the assembled Brethren, some visitors, some lodge members and some Provincial Team. Tonight was being attended by VW Bro Jonathan Mark Mitchell Smith The Deputy Provincial Grand Master.
Soon we were called by the DC to sign and assemble, one Brother had a problem with his leg and was unable to climb the stairs so there was a delay in proceedings whilst the chair lift was summoned.
All well now and the Lodge was formed and opened by WM W Bro Adam Watson and salutations given to a Grand Lodge Officer. Then as expected came a knock at the door, who wants admission? W Bro Simon Simpson Deputy Provinsial Grand Director of Ceremonies, He announced that VWB Jonathan Mark Mitchell Smith was at the door and he demanded admission. First came a support team of Active Provincial Officers, Then a Grand Lodge Officer and one from the Irish Constitution. Next came Assistant Provincial Grand Masters W Bros Ian Johnson and W Bro Christopher John Thomas, lastly the Very Worshipful DPGM Jonathan Mark MItchell Smith. He took the Chair and introduced the Provincial Team with some hillarious side notes.
A variant from other Lodges we carried on with the agenda including reports and a ballot before we proceeded with the Installation. (I thought this a good idea as the existing officers in post could make their reports.)
The Lodge was raised to the second degree and W Bro Richard East was appointed Installing Director of Ceremonies He then presented Master Elect Bro Matthew Hunt to the Lodge. Bro Matthew took the Master Elect Obligation and the Lodge was then raised to the third degree.
The installing team consisted of W Bro David Harrison Inst SW, W Bro Michael East Inst JW W Bro John Watson Inst Chaplin and W Bro Steve Burns Inst IG.
All offices were declared vacant and past officers assembled in the East with their collars to bid farewell to the outgoing Master. Master Masons were then cleared from the Lodge with the exception of the Master Elect. A Board of Installed Masters was declared open.
After investing the IPM the BOIM was closed and W Bro Matthew Hunt was WM of Thesaurus Lodge.
Master Masons were readmitted and W Bro Matt was declared Master from the East with Salutations.The Working tools were presented by Bro Malcolm Dale. The :odge was lowered to the second degree.
There were no Fellow Crafts to re admit but W Bro Matthew was declared Master from the West and the working tools were presented by Bro Carl Moore. The Lodge was lowered to the first degree.
The Entered Apprentices were readmitted and W Bro Matthew was declared Master from the South.The working tools were presented by Bro Alan Miller who made use of the DC to exhibit the tools.
The Masonic Anthem was sung byW Bro Paul Ralph of Alexander Lodge No 1511 accompanied by W Bro Eddie Wildman.
After investing the Officers the addresses were given; to the Master by DPGM Jonathan Mark Mitchell Smith; To the Wardens W Bro Eddie Wildman and to the Brethren Assistant PGM Ian Johnson. This ended the Installation and after thanking the Installing Team the Lodge was closed by the new WM. After photographs we made our way down to take our seats for the Festive Board.
The Meal was delayed so we carried out the first toasts prior to dining, The King and Craft and RAM, The Grand Master, The Pro Grand Master and Grand Officers,and The Provincial Grand Master. Food was then served, Starting with Fish Cakes with Sweet Chilli Sauce, Shepherds Pie with Veg and Potatoes. Profiteroles with Pouring Cream and a Cheese Board.
After Grace we picked up where we left off with the Toast List: The Deputy PGM and Assistant PGM's and Provincial Officers, the DPGM responded (Lodge Stats, Festival and Masonry in General were the topics covered incluing advances in Provincial Management.)
The toast to the Worshipful Master and his Officers was proposed and W Bro Matthew responded, he set out three ambitions for the Lodge in the coming year. W Bro Paul Ralph sang the Masters song
W Bro John Watson Proposed the Toast to the Past Master and very emotional it was. The IPM W Bro Adam Watson thanked his team and all who had assisted him during his year in office.
Bro Neil Tomlin (SW) proposed the Visitors toast which was responded to by the WM of St Germain Lodge.
Bro Pericles Miller (JW) gave the toast to Absent Brethren and we sang To Those in Peril.
After the raffle which raised £240.00, The WM Proposed the Parting Toast: Happy to meet, sad to part, happy to meet again.
[Photograph:Provincial team with Thesaurus Lodge, by Peter Stokes]
Peter Stokes WM
Wednesday 13th March 2024
Installation at St Andrew No 4683
With Chapter visits and other stuff it felt good to be going to a Craft Lodge for a change. This evening was at Beverley Road and it was the Installation of a new master, Bro James Billaney into the Chair.
I arrived relatively early and was surprised at how full the car park was, then I remembered The Assistant PGM Chrisopher John Thomas with a full team would be in attendance and these boys know how to fill a car park.
Having greeted fellow guests and Lodge members, I signed in both myself and my car and got a drink from the bar and mingled a bit more. It was good to see so many familiar faces, I wish I were better at names!
The DC knocked and called the Brethren to sign and assemble, I made my way up to the lodge room and found a seat among the visiting Masters.The incumbent Master, W Bro Matthew Owen opened the lodge in Due and Ancient form then came the expected knock at the door. "Whom have you there" asked the Inner Guard. "W Bro Simon Simpson The Deputy Provincial Grand DC" replied the Tyler outside the door. The DepPGDC was admitted.
"At the door of your Lodge is W Bro Chrisopher John Thomas APGM and he demands admision," announced the DepPGDC. "We will be pleased to admit him under your direction," replied the WM.. First a team of Active Provincial Officers was admitted as escort, then an officer of Grand Lodge. Finally, and cutting a fine figure the APGM himself. At the dias he took the Chair, received salutations and then introduced the Active Team.
After retaking his chair W Bro Matt carried on with the agenda. The main Item was the installation of Bro Jim, so having cleared the room of Apprentices the Lodge was raised to the second degree. W Bro Robert Jackson took the role of Installing DC and in this degree the Master Elect was obligated. The Lodge was further raised to the third degree and all offices were declared vacant. W Bro Michael Williams was Inst SW, W Bro Brian Daragon Inst JW, W Bro Roy Newton Inst Chaplain and W Bro Paul Bull Inst IG, After handing back their collars and saying farewell to W Bro Matt all belowthe rank of Installed Master left the Lodge and a Board of Installed Masters was formed. WIth due ceremony W Bro James Billaney was Installed into the Chair and from there he appointed his IPM. The BoIM was declared closed and the Master Masons were readmitted.
W Bro James was declared Master of the Lodge and salutations given, Bro Lee Cawood explained the Working Tools and the Lodge was lowered to the second degree, which was the signal Fellow Crafts to be readmitted. For the second time W Bro James was declared Master and the Working Tools ritual for this degree were given by Bro Craig Eastburn, The Lodge was lowered to the first degree and EA's admitted.
W Bro James was declared Master for the Third time and the first degree Working Tools were given by Bro Okikiola Imam. The Warrant and Book of Constitutions were presented and now the investment of offices could take place.
Unlike Emulation there is no set ritual for each office so this was over fairly quickly, W Bro Paul Bull took his place in the West and delivered the Masters Address. W Bro Brian Daragon stood in the North and gave the Wardens Address, W Bro Roy Newton stood in the East and gave the Address to the Brethren; all seamlessly. This ended the installation and W Bro James stood and thanked the Installing Team.
On with the Agenda, the next Item was the presentation of Grand Lodge Certificates to Bro's Lee Cawood and Ryan Mark, The APGM came forward to do this short ceremony. Then wrapping up AOB and Risings the Lodge was Closed. After photographs we mustered downstairs in the dining room for the Festive board.
The three course meal consisted of Tomato Soup, Hunters Chicken and Chips, followed by Lemon Cheesecake with Cream.
We sang God Save the King and toasted 1) the King and Craft and RAM, 2) the Grand Master, 3) The Pro GM and Grand Officers, 4) The Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master, 5) Provincial Officers, to which APGM Chris Thomas Responded, He congratulated the ritualists and spoke about the Festival 2029,
Toast 6) was proposed by W Bro Brian Daragon to the Incoming Master and his Team, to which the WM responded. 7) The IPM proposed by W Bro Mike Graham and W Bro Matt Responded. 8) The SW Proposed the visitors Toast and W Bro Ian Parkinson, WM of Technical Lodge 5666 responded. The JW Proposed Absent Brethren and we sang For Those in Peril on the Sea (Melita) and 10) The Parting Toast.
Having been to a few installations I have to congratualate all the ritualists but especially Matthew Owen . the IPM, His ritual was impeccable and all without notes.The only thing missing was the music, music maketh the day!
[Photograph: APGM Active team with WM James Billaney. Peter Stokes]
Peter Stokes WM
Saturday 24th February 2024
An Installation with Phoenix Lodge 9963
Saturday morning and all dressed up, W Bro David Whittall and I headed off to Dagger Lane for a very important gathering. Phoenix Lodge 9963 normally meets at the Sailmakers Arms on High Street but for their installation the temple at Dagger Lane was utilised.
We arrived early and were met by familiar faces and greeted well. We dressed and made our way up to the Temple signing in on the way. After taking our seats the DC anounced "Be upstanding to receive the Worshipful Master." W Bro Alex McCallum paraded in wearing a tricorn hat, (I learnt that this is traditiion in Phoenix Lodge.)
Before he opened the lodge visitors were asked to stand and be vouched for, a good way of proving a mason (W Bro Wildman vouched for us.) The Lodge was opened in a Humber-esque manner with indiviuals explaining their duties, after which the Rep's DC knocked at the door. W BroJimmy (two kilts) Kerr was admitted and announced that W BroTony Dyer representing the PGM was at the door and could he come in. He was admitted with an escort and salutations were given.
Before we could continue a dispensation needed to be read and the secretary W Bro Antonio Ramirez carried this out. On to the main event: the installation of Bro Peter Kenyon-Brodie.
Clearing the Lodge of Apprentices the Lodge was raised to the second degree. The charges were read and accepted and the Master Elect obligated. Fellowcrafts were asked to leave and the Lodge was raised to the third degree. W Bro Richard Smedley was Installing DC, W Bro John Broughton was ISW, W Bro Stan Smith IJW and W Bro Eddie Wildman Installing Chaplain. After returning their collars the Master Masons were asked to leave and a Board of Installed Masters was formed. W Bro Peter was installed into the Chair and also invested his IPM. The Board was closed and MM's readmitted.
Salutations were given to the new Master and the working tools were presented. The Lodge was then lowered to the second degree.
Salutations were once again given and the 2° working tools were presented; the Lodge was lowered to the first.
Entered Apprentices were readmitted and salutations given, the working tools were presented.
The representative W Bro Tony Dyer gave the Master's Address, W Bro Stan Smith gave the Wardens' Address and W Bro John Broughton gave the Brethren's address. W Bro Richard Smedley accompanied by W Bro Eddie Wildman sang the Masonic Anthem and the Installation was over.
The Lodge was closed and after photographs were taken we proceeded down to the festive board. The menu was Prawn Cocktail followed by Roast Lamb with mint sauce and treacle sponge with custard for dessert. After the Return of Thanks, at the point where we sing the National Anthem, a 17th Century song to his Majesty's health was sung instead. The WM then set about the toasts and soon we were down to No 5. After a brief resume about the representative's activities, Masonic and otherwise, the Rep responded.
The next toast, proposed by W Bro Eddie Wildman was to the Worshipful Master and W Bro Richard Smedley sang the Master's song: we all joined in for the choruses. The WM responded and it was then the turn of the IPM, the toast proposed by W Bro Antonio Ramirez and W Bro McCallum responded. Absent Brethren from the JW, and the Visitors from the SW to which I responded. The last toast from the Tyler: Happy to have met and happy meet again. With these words ringing we departed for home.
[Photograph Phoenix Lodge by Peter Stokes]
Peter Stokes WM
Thursday 22nd February 2024:
Lodge of St Michael
A regular meeting of the Lodge with added spice of a Daggards Presentation. The 7.00 pm meeting was uneventful and over relatively quickly as we mustered downstairs for the main event.
The presentation was about Scrooge, a look at the hidden Masonic references and at Charles Dickens in particular. Once we were assembled, W Bro Eddie Wildman, now dressed in character, walked to the desk and took his seat, like a Victorian Accountant, and scratched out financial dealings on his ledger while W Bro Neil Armstrong of Kingston Lodge 1010 (who wrote the piece) took his place as narrator. Operating the slide show was W Bro Gary Crossland, WM of Kingston Lodge 1010. The back drop was a screen featuring pictures from various movies.
Introducing the act Neil explained that Charles Dickins was not a mason but some of his inner circle were. Between the two of them Eddie and Neil explained that there were similarities between the ghosts' visits and the three degrees and that some hidden meanings could be taken from the story.
An Excellent presentation and was well received by the Brethren of St Michael. After which we enjoyed a two course festive board of Chicken and Leek Pie with veg and potatoes, and dessert.
Peter Stokes WM
Thursday 15th February 2024:
This evening saw the Installation of Excellent Companion Stephen Christopher Prior into the First Principal's Chair in the Chapter of St Michael, and the outstallation of E Comp John Irving Burton after his very succesful year in that Chair. Read all about it on the Chapter Blog page.
Thursday 8th February 2024:
Hymerian Installation
After a slow start we are back in the swing: three visits in eight days. Last night W Bro David Whittall and I made our way to Beverley Road for the Old Hymerians Installation.
We were greeted by the Steward on arrival, and paid for our meals, David registered his car and I got us a drink. We mingled with Lodge members and visitors (one had traveled from Hertfordshire, twice - he forgot his regalia)) and we were made very welcome.
The Old Hymerian Lodge practices Emulation Ritual so we knew what we were in for, Having signed in we made our way upstairs to the Lodge room and found a seat. The Brethren assembled to the dulcet tones of W Bro Eddie WIldman at the organ. The regular organist was singing the anthem later and had invited Eddie to accompany him.
The Worshipful Master W Bro Andrew Crozier opened the evening by welcoming the brethren and visitors, We sang the opening hymn, to an unfamiliar tune. The Lodge was then opened in due and ancient form, Once opened salutations were given to the Past Provincial Grand Master R W Bro Jeffery Gillyon (7)
A knock at the door: W Bro Mark Cusack of the Provincial Grand Stewards Lodge 9611 was admitted. He addressed the Master and Brethren: "At the door of your Lodge stands W Bro Paul Harper Representing the Provincial Grand Masterand he requests admitance." W Bro Harper entered preceded by an Escort of Provincial Officers and after greeting by the WM he took his seat. We gave salutations (3) and now the main event could begin.
All EA's were asked to leave the Lodge, but before we raised it to the 2° all Lodge positions were declared vacant and the Installing team put in place. IDC W Bro Anthony Cadle, ISW W Bro Little, IJW RW Bro Jeffrey Gillyon IIG W Bro Robert Jennings The Lodge was then raised to the 2nd.
The IDC presented the Master Elect and the duties and Ancient Charges were read and accepted. Bro Waddington then took the Obligation as Master Elect. Fellow Crafts were now asked to leave the Lodge.
The Lodge was now raised to the 3° and a short time later the Master Masons were also asked to leave. A Board of Installed Masters was formed. W Bro Michael Roberts took the chair and conducted the ceremony of installation placing W Bro David Waddington into the Chair of King Solomon. His first task was to invest his IPM, This done the Board was closed and Master Masons re-admitted and passed round the Lodge..
The Working Tools of a Master Mason were presented by Bro Peter Presland. The Lodge was then Lowered to the 2° and Fellow Crafts were re-admitted.
Again after the MMs and FCs passed round the Lodge the Working Tools of a Fellow Craft were presented by Bro Simon Copeland. The Lodge was now further Lowered to the 1°.
The Entered Apprentice was recalled, the Brethren processed and the Working Tools were presented by Bro Andrew Walters. In Each degree the pass round the Lodge room was lead by the IDC; this ensured there were no mistakes with salutes etc.
Now began the Investment of Officers for the year, After the Investment came the addresses.The address to the Master was given by PPGM RW Bro Jeffrey Gillyon, that to the Wardens by W B David Greendale and the address to the Brethren by WB Michael Roberts.
WB J Graham Hunter sang the Masonic Anthem; this ended the Installation and we resumed the normal agenda of reports, propositions and AOB. after which the Lodge was closed.
We went down to the festive board, where we were served Smoked Salmon with Lemon Creme Fraiche, Braised Beef Steak or Salmon with Vegetables and Apple and Cherry Crumble and Custard.
The Toasts were submitted and the Representative Responded to the fifth. The sixth was to the Worshipful Maste, proposed by W Bro Bob Jennings and W Bro Hunter was called into service again when he sang the Masters Song. The Worshipful Master responded . Toast Seven was to the IPM, proposed by Bro Tony Grimes, who spoke of W Bro Crozier's highly successful year in the Chair. The IPM responded.
The toast to the Visitors was Proposed by Bro Malcome Cuthbert (SW) and responded to by W Bro Simon Ramshaw of Kingston Lodge 1010.
The Tylers Toast Given by W Bro Graham Baze, and finally the Parting Toast given by Bro Peter Presland (JW) after which we headed for home, happy to have met.
[Photographs 1) WBro Mark Cusack, Bro Peter Preslamd JW,W Bro David Waddington WM, Bro Malcom Cuthbert Representative W Bro Paul Harper. Photo 2,) Bro's Presland and Cuthbert with W Bro Waddington by Peter Stokes.]
Peter Stokes W M
Wednesday 7th February 2024:
Sixty Years a Mason
by W Bro Stephen Prior
Meeting of Kingston Lodge No 1010 - Lodge Meeting -
Masonic Hall, Beverley Road, Kingston upon Hull.
Shortly after Christmas I received an invitation from W Bro John Christopher Phillip Sharp PGStdB to attend his Lodge, Kingston Lodge, in February, as his guest, when he would be celebrating the 60th anniversary of becoming a Mason and also a member of Kingston Lodge. I eagerly accepted his invitation, knowing the event would be both memorable and enjoyable and so it proved.
The Lodge was opened by the Worshipful Master W Bro Gary Crossland at 6.30 pm.
V W Bro. William Henry Fisher PDepProvGM was received in due form.
The Worshipful Master announced W Bro John Bridger PgStdB had recently been called to service in the Grand Lodge above at the age of 97. Those present stood in silence in memory of W. Bro. Bridger, who was a long serving member of the Lodge and had a distinguished Craft and Royal Arch career. In recent years he had found regular attendance difficult because of infirmity. I have been informed that he was a recipient of the Grand Superintendent's Certificate for Service to Royal Arch Masonry and is noted for work in developing the Lodge consecration ceremony used by the Province.
The mood of sadness occasioned by W Bro Bridger’s death was happily lightened, when the Lodge Secretary, in accordance with Lodge tradition, read a section of Masonic text. The text chosen that evening concerned the strictures to be observed relating to “merriment and mirth”. The minutes of the last meeting were then confirmed and the following officers, who were absent at the Installation were invested: Chaplain - W Bro John Christopher Phillip Sharp PGStdB, Almoner and Mentor - W Bro William Hartley PPSGW, Chief Steward - Bro Roger Watkinson and Lecture Master - W Bro Simon Ramshaw PPJGW.
The Worshipful Master then announced the presentation to W Bro John Christopher Phillip Sharp of a 60th year membership certificate. During a brief interlude two seats were positioned in the centre of the temple which were then occupied by VW Bro Fisher (Bill) and W Bro Christopher Sharp (Chris). The Tyler was admitted and VW Bro Bill invited W Bro Chris to describe his origins, how he became a Mason and details of his lengthy Masonic career.
W Bro Chris commenced a most erudite and entertaining response which was skilfully enhanced by VW Bro Bill who ably questioned W Bro Chris with perfect timing to elucidate those extra details all present wanted to hear (VW Bro Bill had performed a similar duty when W Bro Chris received his certificate for 50 years of membership).
W Bro Chris noted that he was born in 1936, the son of W Bro E P Sharp (of Kingston Lodge and Founder Member of Old Hymerian Lodge). The family lived in Anlaby but the worry of bombing in Hull led to a move to Willerby and later to Kirkella. The family business was John C Mallory Ltd wholesale and retail housewares, ironmongers, dry salters and distributors, with forty retail outlets in Hull. His father had other business interests including Radio Wire, a service he developed, which for a small charge, distributed radio to homes using a wire (an advantage of the system was that it minimised reception difficulties of the type encountered with domestic aerials). He recalled a number of childhood wartime memories including seeing French tanks in Anlaby prior to the “D day” invasion and anti-aircraft guns. He also remembered that his father’s radio business which in wartime was a vital means of communication, necessitated his father staying all night at the business in Hessle, to ensure essential emergency information was transmitted. His father’s work in radio led to W Bro Chris’s lifetime interest in radio.
Chris left his first school in Willerby at age nine when he was sent to board at Woodleigh School Langton near Malton (a prep. school having origins in Hessle) and then from ages 13-19 to Haileybury and Imperial Service College in Hertfordshire. In 1956, having finished education, he was “called up” for National Service in the East Yorkshire Regiment which he joined at Victoria Barracks, Beverley. Having undertaken various courses at Imphal Barracks York and elsewhere, his final posting was to a former RAF base near Millom, where he joined an army unit specialising in search and rescue.
After National Service in 1958 he joined the family firm, initially learning the business from the bottom up, including stock control, warehousing and distribution. This experience proved valuable when a little later he controlled the business in conjunction with his father. In 1960 a general depression affected the retail industry and an approach was made by Wm Jackson & Sons of Hull, for Mallory Ltd to join them in a new retail concept: that of having food and non-food under one roof with the added attraction of cut-prices, trading as Grandways. From 1962-68 W Bro Chris was Buying Controller for non-food products at Grandways involving eighty retail stores across Yorkshire. A large number of volume grocery lines were later added to his responsibilities. Wm Jackson decided in 1988 to leave supermarket retailing and ended its involvement in Grandways, thereby ending the requirement for a specialist non-food business and W Bro Chris’ position in it.
W Bro Chris described how he was initiated in Kingston Lodge on the Wednesday 1st January 1964 in the Lodge’s Centenary Year. He observed that in 1964 the 1st of January was not a Bank Holiday and Masonic business (and business in general) continued as normal. He had been proposed by his father and seconded W Bro Gilbert Burton (his uncle). He was passed in March and raised in June. He recalled, with humour, that during his initiation whilst at the North-East Corner he had become aware of Uncle Gilbert tugging at his left hand to draw attention to the gold signet ring he was wearing. He had not been deprived of all metals and the ceremony might not have continued. The ring was quickly taken away, the ceremony continued and to his relief, returned later that evening.
Since that time W Bro Chris progressed through the offices in Kingston Lodge and Kingston Chapter to achieve high rank in the Province of Yorkshire (N&E Ridings) in both Craft and the Royal Arch. He became a Grand Lodge Officer. He became a member of Lodges in London including his Old School Lodge (details of his Lodge memberships and the principal offices he held or holds are summarised below).
During his review of his Masonic career he recounted a number of interesting Masonic experiences he had witnessed including:
* Attending an initiation with the then Provincial Grand Master, Iian Ross Bryce, in Bermuda when the only means of transport available was a motor scooter, in full evening dress with masonic regalia case. There was only the most minor request for masonic identification on entry and the charge delivered to the Candidate was of such severity, both visitors from the UK, were left shivering and wondering how the Candidate felt. No meal was provided after the meeting and it proved necessary to purchase a sandwich at a beach bar.
* Being Senior Warden of Old Haleyburians Lodge 3912 when the WM passed away, which necessitated taking his office - an unhappy experience.
* Witnessing a disciplinary appeal at Grand Lodge affecting several Freemasons. Those making the appeal were escorted from Grand Lodge whilst their appeals were considered. They were re-admitted and told the appeals had been rejected, following which they were escorted out of Grand Lodge as men but not Freemasons. The atmosphere in Grand Lodge afterwards was very unpleasant and the practice was never repeated. A confidential committee now considers such cases.
* Attending the inauguration of the Metropolitan Grand Lodge of London in 2003, during which a Craft Installation had been organised for the morning and a Chapter Installation for the afternoon, only to discover that he had brought craft regalia only.
* Acting as an usher at the Past Provincial Grand Master’s (The Marquis of Zetland) Memorial service at Ripon Cathedral. Despite the distinguished role the Marquis had in Masonry, no mention of it was made in the oration.
* Attending in 1992 the 275th Anniversary of UGLE at Earls Court, including the ceremony and lunch. This coincided with the Queen’s 40th Anniversary of Accession and the Grand Master’s 27th year of service as Grand Master. A very impressive event.
* Attending/officiating at the Consecrations of Myton, Bridlington Bay and Beverlonian Lodges.
* Attending/officiating at Provincial Grand Lodge Meetings at Wallis’s Holiday Camp Theatre and at the Spa, Scarborough.
When VW Bro. Bill enquired as to how many Provincial Grand Masters he had served under, W. Bro Chris observed that he had been privileged to serve under 7 Provincial Grand Masters: The Marquis of Zetland, Iian Ross Bryce, John Malcolm Raylor, Gerald James Kay Coles, Richard John Anderson, Jeffrey Gillion and David Chambers. W Bro Chris affirmed with conviction that he had thoroughly enjoyed all the 60 years of his membership under their direction.
Following gentle prompting from VW Bro Bill, Chris concluded by giving details of his immediate family. He married Angie in 1961 and they live in Brough, having moved some three years ago from a larger home in North Ferriby to premises better suited to their age. They have three children, a son who is a Chartered Surveyor in West Yorkshire, a daughter who is a fashion consultant in London and a second daughter who is a teacher in London.
VW Bro Fisher then presented W Bro Sharp with a Certificate and a Masonic lapel badge in recognition of his sixty years of Masonic service. The presentation was greeted with expressions of acclamation from those present.
The main business of the evening having ended, the Worshipful Master proceeded very efficiently to consider the remaining items of business. Apologies for absence were reported and greetings were received from the following Lodges: Humber 57, Lodge of St Matthew 1447, Technical 5666, Old Hymerians 6885, Lodge of St Michael 7833, Ridings Tablers 9568 and Juno 10001. Twenty-seven Masons were present. The Lodge was closed at approximately 8.00pm and the Brethren retired to the Festive Board in very good heart.
A delightful evening continued at the Festive Board at which the fare provided proved excellent. A highlight was the response given by W Bro Sharp to his toast. With all the expertise of a seasoned raconteur he entertained the Brethren with further interesting and humorous stories from his many years' experience of Masonry. The evening drew to a close around 10pm and the Brethren departed in happy mood to a wet, cold February night.
Not for me however. I had the advantage of being delivered to my doorstep (or more properly my drive) in the heated seat of W Bro Shaun Rennison’s Mercedes, suitably fed and prudently lubricated. W Bro Terry Black was also with us. A perfect end to a perfect Masonic evening.
Thank you and congratulations to W Bro Christopher Sharp. Thank you and well done Kingston.
Stephen C. Prior PPJGD and PPGSwdB (Cheshire) - Lodge of St Michael no 7833
Summary of W Bro Sharp’s Masonic Career:
A Lewis (son of EP Sharp) initiated 01 Jan 1964 Kingston Lodge 1010, WM 1973
Provincial Deputy Grand Director of Ceremonies (Yorks N&E Ridings)1983
Provincial Honours – Craft- (Yorks N&E Ridings) PPGReg 1982, PDPGDC 1983
Grand Lodge PGStdB 1987
Exalted in Kingston Chapter 1010 in 1966, First Principal 1980
Provincial Honours Chapter (Yorks N&E Ridings), PG Soj 1986, PPScrN 1991
Joined Humber Lodge of Installed Masters Lodge 2494, 1989, SW in 1999
Joined Old Hailleyburian and Imperial Service College 3912, London in 2002, WM 2006, Hon. Member 2019
Founder Member of the Metropolitan Grand Lodge, London
Founder Member of the Metropolitan Grand Lodges Council
Member of the Public Schools Lodge Council
Summary of W Bro Sharp’s other interests
Past member of Hull 36 and Hull and Humberside 650 Round Tables
Past Round Table Area 15 Secretary
Founder of Humberside Rotary Club 1969, Club President 1997
Member of Hull Golf Club
Member of Hull Literary and Philosophical Society
Member of the Radio Society of Great Britain from1953 and Radio Ham
Amateur Member of the Guild of Sommeliers and the Yorkshire Guild of Sommeliers.
Monday 5th February 2024:
Humber Installed Masters Installation
Humber Installed Masters Lodge No 2494 has had 130 Masters, Last night we installed No 131 when W Bro Philip Daniels installed W Bro William (Bill) Glanville into the Chair.
It was to be an 1800 start so I set off early and arrived in good time. I mingled and chatted with the gathering Brethren and signed in as a member not a guest.
We assembled in the Temple and I found a seat where I could take notes. At 1800 the WM gavelled. We sang the opening hymn after which the Lodge was opened.
A knock on the door: who is it? W Bro Karl Ward Provincial DC requests admittance.
"At the door of the Lodge," W Bro Ward said, "is Right Worshipful Brother Dr David Chambers, the Provincial Grand Master, and he demands admittance."
First the escort of Active Provincial Officers came in, followed by an Officer of Grand Rank; next came PPGM RW Bro Jeffery Gillyon, then APGM W Bro Ian Paul Johnson and DPGM VW Bro Jonathan Mark Mitchell Smith, and finally The PGM R W Bro Dr David Chambers. Once the latter was seated we gave salutations.
Before we carried on with the agenda PPGM Jeffery Gillyon gave a moving Eulogy to W Bro John Reginald Bridger PPGStB who had passed recently.
The Lodge was raised to the 2nd degree and W Bro Richard Smedley was appointed as Installing DC. He introduced the Master Elect who having been a WM previously confirmed his understanding of the ancient charges. He then took the 2° obligation which outlines the duties of a Master of the Lodge. The Installing Chaplain was W Bro Adrian Hayward, ISW was W Bro Neil Armstrong, IJW W Bro Hiten Thaker and IIG W Bro Mark Cusack. The Lodge was raised to the 3rd degree and cleared of anybody below the degree of an Installed Master.
The ceremony of Installation took place and DPGM V W Bro Jonathan Mark Mitchel Smith presented the Installed Masters Working Tools. After Investing his IPM the Board of Installed Masters was closed.
The IPM presented the Warrant and Book of Constitution, and the IDC declared from the East, West and South that W Bro Bill Glanville was Master of the Lodge, The working tools in each degree were presented as the Lodge was lowered.
W M Bill next Invested his Officers; this was followed by the addresses, The PGM gave the address to the Master, There was a little confusion for the Wardens' address, but it was given by W Bro Roger Lewis and the address to the Brethren was given by W Bro Adrian Hayward. W Bro Richard Smedley sang the Masonic Anthem and this concluded the Ceremony of Installation
After reports, propositions and AOB the Lodge was closed. We assembled in the dining room for the Festive Board. I found my seat near the SW W Bro Terry Fisher, and stood whilst the Master and PGM entered. We said Grace and I went to help with the serving.
The meal consisted of Mushroom Soup, Roast Loin of Pork with Crackling and a Chocolate Pudding.and from the empty plates was enjoyed by all.
The Toasts, No 1 The King, the Craft and Royal Arch Masonry; No 2 The Grand Master; No 3 The Pro Grand Master and Grand Lodge Officers' No 4 The Provincial Grand Master, This called for a little bit of information, This is the PGM's 50th year in Masonry, his anniversary will be in December. In his response the Ruler of the Province said that the time of talking about change was over and now he was going to implement it.
Toast No 5 was to the Provincial Officers; I felt a little exposed being one of only five light blues at the table.
Toast No 6 was to the new Worshipful Master. The DPGM V W Bro Jonathan Mark Mitchel Smith gave a very amusing toast from his early days with Bill at Police College to current times. The WM recovered and responded, and W Bro Richard Smedley sang the Masters Song.
Toast No 7: W Bro John Chapman praised the labours of W Bro Philip Daniels during his year in office and we drank his health, W Bro Daniels responded. W Bro's Chapman and Smedley sang a song that I had not heard before here: Bless this Lodge.
Toast No 8: W Bro Terry Fisher SW proposed the toast to the visitors, W Bro Tom Cawkwell responded. He informed us of a New Lodge being formed for light blues, the Cornerstone Lodge, to be consecrated on March 23rd.
W Bro's Daniels and Chapman sang the visitors song
Toast No 9: W Bro Tony Calvert JW informed us of the King having being diagnosed with cancer - breaking news - before he proposed the Absent Brethren Toast.
Toast 10, the Parting Toast was sung by all three singing brothers. All songs were accompanied by W Bro Eddie Wildman at the keyboard.
As the Toast said, Happy to Meet Sorry to Part, Happy to Meet Again.
For Eddie Wildman's report, see the Humber Blog.
For Neil Armstrong's report, see the Kingston Blog.
[Photographs: 1) W Master and PGM with Provincial Team, 2) W Master with SW W Bro Terry Fisher and JW W Bro Tony Calvert, by Peter Stokes.]
Peter Stokes WM
Friday 2nd February 2024:
Friday at Sutton.
My first visit to Brough Lodge No 5464 this year, on this occasion a rising for Bro Terry Dagnell.
I arrived early as I had given myself time to miss the traffic, this time there was no traffic! So I paid for my meal and got a drink from the bar.I sought out W Bro Mel Harmer to congratulate him on his Promotion .
As the Reception room got busier I was joined by W Bro John Watkins, a member of Brough Lodge as well as St Michael. We made our way up to the temple signing in en route and found a seat. Looking around I noted I was the only visitor a sad reflection on where we are post Covid.
The WM W Bro Brian Fletcher opened the Lodge but before we could begin with the agenda there was a report, A late comer, not a Rep on this occasion.
We proceeded through the agenda: Ancient Charge, Minutes, Ballot for two Candidates, and then on to the main event, the Raising of Bro Terry Dagnell. Clearing the Lodge of Entered Apprentices the Lodge was raised to the 2nd Degree. After answering the questions Bro Terry was given the Pass grip and word to re enter the Lodge and sent out to be prepared.
The Lodge was then raised to the 3rd and preparations to the Lodge were carried out. There was a knock on the door and Bro Terry was admitted. The ceremony was carried out with aplomb, The History being given by W Bro Steve Bisby, The Apron Address by W Bro Kevin Lyons, Secrets by W Bro Gary Chambers and the Working Tools by W Bro Andrew Chan. The ceremony complete, Bro Terry retired to restore his comforts and WM Brian Fletcher bought the Lodge to a close after receiving greetings.
I took my seat for the festive board and made conversation with those nearby. The meal, Veg Soup, Chilli con Carne with Rice and Chips followed by Cheese Cake with Fruit and Cheese and Biscuits was soon consumed and with only me there, we agreed on two toasts. It was getting late so the WM Brian gave the Parting Toast and we made ready for home Happy to have Met.
Peter Stokes WM
Monday 29th January 2024:
Festival 2029
Last night several members of the Lodge attended the Soft Launch for the Festival. Upon arrival at Beverley Road we were offered Tea, Coffee and Biscuits before going to the dining area where the presentation was to take place. Looking round at the faces, some familiar some not so, it was good to see the launch so well attended.
We signed in and once seated the presentation could begin, Festival Chairman W Bro Martin Eggermont revailed us with facts and figures about the Masonic Charitable Foundation (MCF) The biggest one being we have received more from the MCF since the last Festival than we have put into it.
We can support the festival by Purchasing a Festival Jewel or purchasing merchandise when offered or by simply donating.
It was good to see W Bro David Whittall, W Bro Terry Black, W Bro Stephen Prior, Bro Les Thornett and our very own ish W Bro Eddie Wildman.
Peter Stokes WM
Friday 26th January 2024:
It's Bright Outside!
by Peter Stokes
W Bro David Whittall and I arranged to meet at Beverley Road Masonic Hall for my first ever daytime lodge visit. Myton Lodge 9808 was the destination, the installation of W Bro David Ward was the occasion. Due to heavier than expected traffic I was a lot later than I anticipated, only five minutes before the meeting was due to start. I was admitted to the hall by none other than Dr David Chambers PGM a member of the Lodge. So I clothed, signed in, David (W) found me and we went to the Lodge room. At the door I was informed, we don't wear gloves in Lodge. So they went into my pocket.
Upon entering the Lodge I saw W Bro Eddie Wildman sitting by the organ, I gave greetings and then found a seat. The WM and Wardens were in Place and the Lodge was opened and the opening hymn sung (same tune as L of St M uses.) Then salutations were given to the Provincial Grand Master (7).
A report, and W Bro Jim Kerr (Jimmy 2 Kilts) was at the door in his capacity as a Member of the Provincial Grand Stewards Lodge 9611. At the door was W Bro William (Bill) Glanville, representing the Provincial Grand Master and he would like to come in! "Please admit him under your direction," said the WM. An escort of Provincial Officers paraded in followed by the Representative, Salutations were given (3) and W Bro Glanville responded; we proceeded with the agenda.
The next item was the Installation of W Bro David Ward into the Chair of King Solomon. W Bro Marcus Whereat was appointed as the Installing DC and the Lodge was raised to the Second Degree. The IDC presented the Master Elect to the Master and he was then Obligated. The Ancient Charges were not read as W Bro David had previously been a Master. The Lodge was raised to the Third Degree.
The Installing officers were appointed, W Bro Michael Roberts ISW, RW Bro Dr David Chambers IJW, W Bro Derek Broderick I Chaplain. The outgoing Officers Lined up facing East and handed back their Collars. Those below the degree of Installed Master then left the Lodge.
A Board of Installed Masters was formed and W Bro David was Installed into the Chair of King Solomon.
The Board of IM was closed, we had been in Lodge exactly 47 minutes and the new WM was in the Chair! The IPM was invested and the Master masons were recalled. The IDC Proclaimed the new Master and salutations were given, The working tools were presented en block and as there were no Fellow Crafts or Apprentices, The Master was proclaimed without further salutes and brought the Lodge back to the first degree ("by the power of Greystoke" he quipped.)
After investing his officers there came the addresses. The Address to the Master was given by RW Bro Dr David Chambers PGM, the Address to the Wardens by W Bro David Greendale and the address to the Brethren by W Bro Michael Roberts. This completed the Installation and the WM thanked his predecessor and the Installing Team.
Back on with the Agenda: Ballot for a Joining Member (passed); Reports, Propositions and AOB. The meeting and the Lodge was bought to a close. Incidental music throughout was of a Scotish theme, I wrongly thought as a tribute to Jimmy 2 Kilts, but it was Eddie rehearsing for Technical Lodge Burns Night on 27th!
Down for the Festive Board where we were joind by the Ladies, it came as a surprise to me but the Ladies are invited to every meeting of Myton Lodge. The meal that followed, Tomato Soup, Roast Beef with trimmings was eagerly set upon by all and with there being Ladies present only two toasts were given. We enjoyed good company and good conversation with the meal and left for home happy and full.
[Photo: W Bro Kerr, RW Bro Dr David Chambers, W Bro WIlliam Glanville, W Bro David Ward WM, W Bro Derek Edwards IPM by Peter Stokes.]
Peter Stokes WM
Thursday 25th January 2024:
Peter Sellers - a Freemason for the wrong reasons
report by Eddie
Our Worshipful Master Peter Stokes dilated eloquently using notes taken from a paper on the above topic by Yasha Beresiner, prolific author, lecturer and Freemason. After welcoming the brace of visitors from Hull Grammarians' Lodge 5129 and opening the Lodge in due form, the WM launched into a talk on the biography and circumstances of Sellers (1925 - 1980), his upbringing as part of a constantly shifting poor family and education at a Catholic School, the only Jewish boy there.
Sellers was seventeen in 1943 and enlisted, meeting Michael Bentine (later founder of the Goons) in the Entertainment Division of the RAF. He joined Chelsea Lodge 3098 in 1948 - his father having been a member there. He was not a regular attender of this Performer and Artistes' Lodge and it is possible he had joined for commercial reasons, being ambitious to progress in showbusiness. Beresiner opines "He brought little into our Craft and derived even less benefit from it because Peter Sellers never embraced the true and basic spirit of Freemsonry."
The Almoner and Charity Steward, W Bro David Whittall then dilated on the welfare of several Brethren, widows and family members and asking the Brethren that worthy causes for Charity might be brought to his attention. The RAR, Bro John Burton (whose Chapter blog reports feature frequently on this website) spoke of the forthcoming Installation (15th February) when he would be retiring from the Z's Chair.
On the first rising, I took the opportunity to commend W Bro Stokes on his lecture and to remark that it is often salutary to hear of something wrong in order that we as Masons can endeavour in ourselves to put it right. For example, in music, there is much to be learnt by listening to a poor performer - it makes one aware of how much good practice is missing. Certainly we all learnt something from the lecture, as it gave us much to think about. Peter Sellers was far more than Inspector Clouseau from the Pink Panther, and far less than an ideal Freemason.
I also took the opportunity to congratulate the WM on being the first to identify the now rare masonic artifact pictured in the sidebar as a quiz question; he won a box of chocolates!
The festive board had a Scottish theme, it being the date of the birth of the Scottish Bard, and the Brethren appropriately joined hands to sing Auld Lang Syne to complete the evening.
Eddie Wildman, Organist
Wednesday 17th January 2024:
First Visit of the Year.
Didn't we have a lovely time the day we went to Hornsea? It was a very cold and frosty day when I put on my suit for the first time in 2024. Installation at Alexander Lodge 1511 was the occasion. I arrived at 5 for a 5:30 start and found a radiator to warm my body.
I was greeted well by those present and noted that there was a full Provincial Team attending, I made payment for my meal and then hit the bar for a full fat tonic water. Suitably refreshed I made my way up to the Lodge room and signed in.
At 5:30 the WM Paul Brown was paraded in, he opened the lodge in due and ancient form.Upon opening I noted the Chaplain gave a reading from the scriptures, I do not recall seeing/hearing this before. (This was repeated in each degree)
Once the Lodge was was open there came an alarm, the Inner Guard reported that W Bro Simon Simpson, Provincial Assistant Director of Ceremonies was at the door and requested admision. Once in W Bro Simpson anounced that the Assistant Provincial Grand Master Ian P Johnson was at the door and he demanded admission.The Provincial Escort came in first followed by the APGM, He was offered and accepted the Gavel from where he introduced the Provincial Escort, eleven members in total as one was ill, get well soon W Bro Ian Sydall.
After Salutations we got back to the agenda. The Lodge was raised to the 2nd degree, In this degree the Master Elect is normally obligated and the charges of Master of the Lodge are read to him, but as he W Bro Collin Woods has previously been a Master the charges were not required. W Bro Stephen Hawkes was the Installing Director of Ceremonies and the Installing Team were placed. W Bro Malcolm Walsh Inst SW, WB Peter Taylor Inst JW, WB Ian Wood Inst Chaplain, and WB Malcolm Wayne Inst Inner Guard.
The Lodge was raised to the Third degree, The outgoing officers formed columns and returned their collars to the Master. All those below the rank of Installed Master proceeded from the Lodge. In a strange turn of events the Master Elect was given a pass word and he also left the Lodge. We then formed a Board of Installed Masters. The Master Elect returned to the Lodge with his pass word and was then Installed into the Chair of King Solomon.His first duty was to install W Bro Paul Brown as IPM. The Board was closed and Master Masons readmitted.
The Master Masons greeted the newly installed Master and the Masonic Anthem 1st verse was sung by Bro Tony Greenaway. The working tools were presented by the IDC and the Master was directed to lower the working of the Lodge, "by the power vested in me."
Now in the 2nd degree working the IDC Proclaimed W Bro Collin Woods as Master and salutations were given, the 2nd verse of the anthem was sung and the Working Tools were presented by the ISW. The master was once again told to lower the working of the Lodge, by the power vested in him.
Now in the First Degree,the Entered Apprentice was readmitted, W Bro Collin was declared WM for the third time and salutations were given, the third verse of the Anthem was sung and the Working Tools were presented by IJW, the IPM presented the Warrant and Book of Constitutions along with the bylaws of both Province and Lodge.This concluded the Installation of the Master and now the Investment of the new team could begin. Once the officers were invested the addresses were given, the Masters Address by The IDC WB Stephen Hawkes, the Wardens Address by W Bro Alan Smith and the Brethren Address by WB Ian Midgely.
We proceeded through AOB and into the risings where greetings were given by the visitors. The business being ended the Lodge was closed with Solemn Prayer and we retired down for the Festive Board.
A starter of Shrimp Cocktail was followed by Roast Beef and traditional trimmings and dessert was either sticky toffee pudding or cheese and biscuits, after which we got into the Toasts. The first four being submitted the APGM responded to the fifth, telling the Lodge how they were bucking the trend with membership and remarking on 150 years of the Lodge and within two years another 50 years in freemasonry. He also referred to the Festival that starts in May.
W Bro Sylvan, the SW proposed a toast to the IPM to which W Bro Paul Brown responded. He thanked his team for their support and wished the incoming master success. W Bro Alan Smith proposed a toast to the incoming Master and his team. Bro Tony Greenway sang the Masters Song after which W Bro Collin responded. The SW proposed a toast to the visitors; noting the time and having listened to conversations about distances to drive my response was kept deliberately short. The JW submitted the parting toast and the assembled disassembled and we made our way homewards, happy to have met and happy meet again. Sorry no pictures of the Brethren for this one.
Peter Stokes WM
Thursday 21st December 2023:
Worshipful Master's New Year Message
It has been an eventful second year in the Chair with I suspect more changes yet to come.
To all our Brethren who are unable to be with us due to illness or other commitments I wish you a speedy return to our fold.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank the Brethren of the Lodge of St Michael for their support during my tenure, and wish all of you and your families a Happy New Year.
Peter Stokes Worshipful Master L7833
Thursday 21st December 2023:
Lodge of St Michael 7833 Christmas Meeting
report by Eddie
It was with a twinge of nostalgia I entered Dagger Lane to find the bar area thronging with familiar faces; traditionally, the L7833 December meeting is a Christmas celebration, and the WM and his Lady had put the boat out! Wives and widows, family and friends were there, meeting and greeting; the bar was busy and the noise was happy. There were visitors from other Lodges. The St Michael Preceptor and his wife were introducing their daughter and son-in-law to those who hadn't yet learnt of the recent wedding. It was good to see younger Brethren there joining in. The tables in the dining hall were being superbly decorated - napkins, crackers. little Christmas trees - it was delightfully festive, just like Old Times, I told myself.
After the brief Masonic meeting upstairs, W Bro Stokes moving the business along swiftly, the Brethren were joined by wives, partners and friends and the Hull Choral Union sang carols.
The festive board was magnificent; traditional turkey and trimmings (I wonder how the turkey became traditional - it was not a British bird originally - introduced in 1526 by a Yorkshireman who had acquired them from American Indian traders, it gained popularity when turkey farms began to flourish, but not as a Christmas dish until the 19th century) with parsnips, sprouts, roast and mashed potatoes. (Spuds arrived even later - Thomas Harriot brought the first potato from Virginia in 1586 - some authorities ascribe the introduction to his boss, Walter Raleigh, who planted the first crop in Ireland. Francis Drake also brought the potato back as booty along with tobacco.)
There were lots of raffle prizes - testimony to the generosity of the attendees, and everyone joined in with carols afterwards, led by W Bro Terry Lynn, followed, of course, by the ever-popular Twelve Days of Christmas.
Many congratulations to the WM and Brethren of the Lodge of St Michael ("Bless his little cotton socks," said JB) for the revival of a tradition which covid contrived to destroy. What a pleasure to see everyone with smiles on their faces!
Worshipful Brother Peter Stokes thanked all who attended, wishing everyone the compliments of the season and a safe journey home. It had been a splendid winter solstice and a lovely occasion. A electronic letter from the Worshipful Master can be seen above this article.
Eddie Wildman, Organ Grinder.
Tuesday 19th December 2023:
Christmas with Hull Old Grammarians' Lodge 5129
Julie and I were invited to HOG by WB Graeme Reid and we were very happy to accept. Upon arrival we were greeted well and soon joined up with our group. As Brethren arrived we chatted and passed the time before the meeting was to start. The ladies and non-masonic guests stayed in the well-appointed bar area as the Brethren gathered upstairs.
At 1830 the Worshipful Master Duncan Taylor, and his Wardens, paraded into the Lodge. This being the WM's first meeting since installation there were one or two delays in the opening but he performed very well . . . although at one point he did gavel four times in succession without speaking!
We ploughed through the agenda and there was a ballot for a rejoining member. No futher propositions, no other business, on to the risings; greetings given, Lodge closed. Down to the Festive Board we proceeded.
Joining up with the Ladies and guests I noted the evening's Musician had set up in the dining area; out of curiosity I drifted over to look at his technical equipment. A very nice mixer and floor switching arrangement, I thought approvingly. As a guitarist myself, I notice such things.
Before I became totally distracted, we took our seats and Grace was given. We pulled the crackers and put on our paper crowns, soft music was playing through the PA, but no food was appearing. It seemed we were a little early; still we chatted and made good the situation till the waitresses appeared with the evening fare, Tomato and Roasted Red Pepper Soup, Beef Borguignon or Salmon, Potato Dauphinoise and Seasonal Veg, Christmas Pud or Profiteroles or Cheese and Biscuits. We all tucked in with gusto whilst the musician Phil Richards played and sang appropriate songs for dining. When the empties were cleared, we were offered tea or coffee with chocolate mints and mince pies.
A twenty question Christmas quiz by WB Stephen Jordon was followed by the raffle which raised £147.00. We didn't win the quiz but I won a raffle prize.
Phil Richards played his second set and we enjoyed the music. Sadly though, all good things come to an end and it was time to go. Julie and I made our way to the car park contentedly for a steady journey home.
[Photographs, some of the guests enjoying Christmas fare by Peter Stokes.] Peter Stokes WM
Thursday 14th December 2023:
Fellowcraft Passing at Old Hymerians 6885
report by Eddie
Affiliated to the Federation of School Lodges, the Old Hymerian Lodge Brethren wear ties with the image of the hind which features on the school crest. When founded in 1949 its membership was restricted to members of the Old Hymerian Association but now it is an open Lodge, and thriving. A plethora of candidates have joined in the past couple of years, and this evening another was proposed.
Beverley Road is quite close to where I live, and this evening I walked to the Lodge - I was simply a visitor and didn't need to take any music. It wasn't raining, though the streets were wet. I was warmly welcomed when I arrived - there were, I think thirty-seven people there, fourteen of them visitors.
The Past Provincial Grand Master, R W Bro Jeffrey Gillyon was there, but instead of sitting next to the WM on the dais, he was standing in as Senior Deacon. His job, I realised, would be to lead the Candidate through his 2°. I sat next to the WM, W Bro Andrew Crozier and consequently had a good view of everything that went on.
The Worshipful Master opened the Lodge with his usual flair. and asked Bro Joshua Hornby for the requisite answers to the questions leading to the Second Degree. Bro Josh was word perfect in his replies; the Entered Apprentices were asked to retire, and then Bro Hornby was entrusted with the necessary information to allow him re-entry. He retired to change, during which time the WM raised the Lodge to the Fellowcraft Degree.
On his re-entry, Bro Josh was treated to a superb ceremony. Few other Brethren can say they have been conducted round the Lodge by a Past Provincial Grand Master! The Worshipful Master's mantra is that the ceremony should always be directed at the Candidate to make it meaningful him - this was exactly what happened. W Bro Crozier obligated him, the Secrets were beautifully explained by W Bro Bob Jennings. W Bro Anthony Cadle delivered the Address at the South East Corner and the Working Tools by Fellowcraft Freemason Bro Simon Copeman. The DC invited those who had never seen the explanation of the Tracing Board to join Brother Hornby on the main floor of the Lodge while R W Bro Gillyon gave a stunning account of the diagrammatic Second Degree, pointing out the essential features displayed, with architectural andother details and their symbolic meanings.
The Entered Apprentices returned, reports were given and hearty greetings expressed from various Lodges - there were four Brethren from the Lodge of St Michael 7833. I also stood with Brethren of Technical 5666 and Phoenix 9963 before giving greetings from Humber 57.
The festive board was great. Luke the Chef must be getting fed up of cooking turkey and Christmas pudding at this time of year, but everyone enjoyed the food. It had been a relaxing night out in good company - and I had a lift home with Alex McCallum, WM of Phoenix and Old Hymerian's ADC. Congratulations, Old Hymerians, and let me wish you all a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
[Photo L to R: JW Bro Mally Cuthbert; WM W Bro Andy Crozier; FC Josh Kirby EA; SD VW Bro Jeff Gillyon; SW Bro David Waddington.]
Eddie Wildman, visitor.
Wednesday 13th December 2023:
See Eddie Wildman's report from repping at Denison Chapter on this date on the Chapter Blog.
Tuesday 12th December 2023:
Humber Lodge No 57 Installation
A very wet day, heavy traffic, luckily most going in the opposite direction to me. I was on my way to Dagger Lane for Humber 57 installation. I had set out relatively early as the Hull traffic can be surprisingly slow, but not the case on this occasion and I arrived early.
I was greeted well by members present and payed for my meal, about this time other members and visitors started arriving, soon it was time to dress and sign in. As a visiting active mater I was invited on to the dias, but I wanted to take notes so politely declined and took my seat next to the Senior Deacon.
While the Lodge was filling WB Eddie Wildman regaled us with Carols from the organ, at 1830 the DC, W Bro Terry Fisher called us to order and the Master W Bro Charles Alexander was paraded in. After singing the opening hymn the Lodge was opened, the regular extentions to the lights on the Warden' tables were missing as was the Senior Warden's light bulb until a replacement was found. Salutations were given to Grand Lodge Officers present and now the fun could begin.
A knock and W Bro Mark Cusack (Provincial Stewards Lodge) was admitted, A smart salute and a firm "Good evening, WB Tony Randle PPGMO is at the door representing the provincial Grand Master and he requests admittance." "Admit him under your guidance," was the reply, and a team of Provincial Officers left to form an escort. We stood to admit the Escort and Representative, then after salutations the Installation could begin.
The Master Elect W Bro Alan Todd had previously been a Master, therefore the rituals were shorter than normal. The Lodge was raised to the Second Degree, the obligation read, and then raised to the Third Degree. The installing team of DC W Bro Terry Fisher, SW Trevor Whitfield, JW John Swift and IG David Terry, were put in position. The Lodge being cleared of those below the rank of Installed Master the Installation could begin. Having been placed in the Chair of King Solomon, WM Alan Todd's first duty was to invest his IPM, W Bro Charles Alexander.
Master Masons were readmitted and W Bro Todd was declared Master and salutations given; the Lodge was lowered to the Second Degree. The working tools were presented by the Installing DC at each degree. The Lodge was soon back in the First degree where investment of officers could begin. As each officer was presented to collect his collar a suitable tune was played by W Bro Wildman at the Organ.
On completion of Investment the IPM Presented The Warrent, Book of Constitution and Bylaws. The Masters Address was given by W Bro Trevor Whitfield, The Wardens by W Bro Richard Smedley and the Brethrens Address by a breathless WB Terry Fisher. The Anthem Was sung by W Bto Richard Smedley accompanied by W Bro Eddie Wildman. This concluded the Installation and we returned to the agenda.
A joining member was introduced and there being no other business the Lodge was closed. After photographs we proceeded down to the festive board.
For the meat eaters Roast Beef with Yorkshire Puds followed by Apple Pie and Cheese and Biscuits. Port was passed amongst us with the Cheese. After Grace was returned we began the Toast List, The King, The Grand Master, Pro Grand Master, PGM, Provincial Officers with a response from the Representative, W Bro Tony Randle.
W Bro Richard Smedley proposed the toast to the Worshipful Master, he also sang the Masters Song accompanied by Eddie. The WM Alan Todd responded with thanks to the Installing team and his officers for taking on their roles. He has a busy year ahead with an initiation, a second and possibly a third degree ceremony to oversee..
W Bro Terry Fisher proposed the toast to the IPM and WB Charles Alexander responded with thanks to his team and thanks to his IPM who stood in at short notice when he was ill.
The Visitors Toast was proposed by the SW Bro Craig Fish and the Visitors Song sung By W Bro Richard Smedley and the Humber 57 Brethren. I had been asked to respond, with the time getting on I reduced my normal 10/15 mins to 2 and the Brethren were grateful.
The JW submitted the Absent Brethren toast, and W Bro Richard Smedley sang the Parting Toast. With the refrain "Happy to meet, Sorry to part, But Happy to meet again" ringing in my ears I headed for home sated by an evening well spent.
Peter Stokes WM
Wednesday 6th December 2023:
Kingston Lodge No 1010 Installation.
I had arranged to meet Bro Les Thornett at the Lodge on Beverley Road an early start for the Installation meeting. I arrived with plenty of time on hand so I signed in, both myself and car and chatted with the members present. Soon we were robing and still no sign of Les, maybe he is running late.
We assembled in the Lodge Room which seemed very empty, (that traffic again) and sang the opening hymn, WM Marcus Whereat opened the Lodge and the DC gave Grand Officer Salutations. Then the knock came at the door, WB Gary Shores of the Provincial Stewards Lodge was admitted, saying "At the door of your lodge waits WB Ian Syddall representing the RWPGM and he requests admission!"
"We will be pleased to admit him under your direction," replied the WM and proceedings were under way. (Les arrived about now.)
With the retiring of the EA's The Lodge was raised to the Second Degree, the Lodge DC WB Booth introduced the Master Elect, Bro Gary Crossland, and he was Obligated most efficiently.
The Fellowcrafts retired and the Lodge was raised to the Third Degree. The Master declared all Offices vacant, having placed WB Michael Price as Installing DC, WB Derek Broderick as Inst SW, WB Malcolm Watkinson as Inst JW and WB Dibnah retaining his stand-in position as IG.
Those below the degree of an Installed Master left the Lodge and a Board of Installed Masters was formed. The incoming Master was obligated and placed into the Chair of King Solomon. After being congratulated by those present WM Gary installed his IPM, the Board of IM's was closed and the Master Masons were invited to re-enter.
After anouncing that WB Gary Crossland has been installed and salutations given, the Working Tools for the degree were given by Bro Wayne Walker. The Lodge was then lowered to the Second Degree.
Fellow Crafts were readmitted and after salutations the Working Tools were given by WB Dibnah.
After salutations in the First Degree the Working Tools were given by Brother Carl Proctor. The IPM presented the Warrant and WB Price the Book of Constitutions and by-laws. It was time to invest some Officers.
Bro Wayne Walker was invested Senior Warden and WB Booth Junior Warden. At this point WB Booth gave the Masters Address and WB Wildman gave the Wardens Address. The investment then continued. Upon completion WB Malcom Watkinson gave the Address to the Brethren.
WB Price sang the Anthem and we all joined in with the chorus. (On a special note I very much enjoyed WB Wildman's accompanying tinkling with Christmas Carol based tunes) after which the Lodge was closed and following photographs taken on various mobile phones we retired down for the festive board.
Taking our seats we were served a Christmas Dinner by the lady waitresses; we then got round to the Toasts, The first four were submitted by the WM and number five was proposed with a response by the Representative. WB Syddall talked of the longevity within Kingston Lodge with three current members having been 59, 54, and 49 years in Masonry, but also of the growing need for new Masons to keep up the traditions.
The next toast was to the Worshipful Master, proposed by WB Neil Armstrong, The response was suitably short and full of hope for the future. WB Price sang the Masters Song. Next, the toast to the IPM was proposed by the Junior Warden and WB Marcus Whereat responded highlighting works carried out during his tenure and some difficult times they had weathered. He compared it with the checkered pavement in the Lodge representing light and dark times.
SW Bro Wayne proposed the visitors toast and WB Alan Shand responded. After the toast submitted to Absent Brethren, Those in Peril was sung and finally WB Price was called upon to sing Happy to Meet Again - and we will be.
Pictures WB Gary Crossland and IPM Marcus Whereat, Gary with WB Ian Sydall and WB Gary Shores Rep and DC.
P Stokes WM
Monday 4th December 2023:
Humber Installed Masters No 2494 Christmas Meeting.
A cold frosty evening when Julie and I scraped the car windows so we could get to Beverley Road Lodge, The occasion being the H.I.M. Christmastime meeting and dinner. We arrived in good time and introduced ourselves to some members present. After logging in the car and signing in I showed Julie where things were.
The call "Sign and Assemble" was announced so I made my way up to the Lodge room. As we formed before opening the WM, W Bro Philip Daniels noticed we lacked a Senior Deacon he called for a volunteer and Past Provincial Grand Master Jeffery Gillyon stepped up to the plate. The WM then proceeded to open the Lodge. Salutations were given to Past PGM, Deputy PGM Jonathon Mark Mitchell Smith and Grand Lodge Officers.
The main purpose of the meeting was to elect the next WM and WB Bill Glanville was elected to the Chair.
Rapidly moving through the order of business under AOB the WM gave special mention of members who had received Provincial Honours and Appointments. He then proceeded to close the Lodge.
We were asked to remain in the lodge room whilst the guests and Ladies were summoned to come up and join us. once reunited a choir of Ladies called The Wedding Belles performed Carols and Show Songs to an appreciative audience, once complete we moved down to the Festive Board.
We took our seats and introduced ourselves to those nearby. We chatted till the DC asked all to stand for Grace. Lodge members served Roast Veg Soup, Roast Turkey with trimmings and Christmas Pudding.
Thanks were given and after the Toasts WM Philip Daniels Presented a Cheque for £600.00, raised during his year as Master, to Mr Christopher Sadler, Chief Executive of Dove House who was accompanied by his wife Laura. Mr Sadler thanked the Brethren for their generosity and gave a talk on how the Hospice helps not only those in care but Family and Friends as well.
We all rejoiced with Carols followed by the ever popular 12 Days of Christmas, WB John Chapman closed the evening with Happy to meet, Sorry to part, but Happy to meet again. and we were and we did!
[Picture, Christopher and Laura Sadler with WM Philip Daniels by P Stokes.]
Peter Stokes WM
Friday 1st December 2023:
Another Friday, the start of the month, where else to be but Brough Lodge. This being the occasion of the Christmas Party. Julie and I had been invited, so we took ourselves along. The weather had become a lot colder and there had been a hint of snow, we proceeded with care.
Upon arrival we were greeted well, we hung our coats and got refreshments from the bar and I readied my self for the lodge.The guests were to join us in the lodge room for some entertainment, that would mean a call off! Before we could do that the lodge needed to be opened,
Promptly at 1830 the Lodge was opened and the preliminaries carried out. Reports were read and propositions made and voted on, and at 1905 the Lodge was called off. The Ladies and guests joined us, and Sue Hatfield led a small group with readings of Christmas Poetry, some self penned. Appreciation was shown by the gathering, then the Lodge was cleared of guests and closed.
We reassembled downstairs for the festive board, a traditional Christmas Meal, Prawn Cocktail, Roast Turkey and Christmas Pudding with Cheese and Buscuits as well.After Grace to give thanks,we sang some Carols (Caroloke) and the raffle was drawn. (I won a calendar.) It was by now getting quite late and with the roads being icy we took our leave and made our way slowly home.
Thank you Brough for a very good night.
Peter Stokes WM
Monday 27th November 2023:
Juno Lodge 10001 (University Lodge)
I have never visited a University Lodge; I was eager to do so especially when I heard that the ceremony was to be a triple second. I arrived with plenty of time and saw many familiar faces, we exchanged pleasantries and made ready for the event.
The Lodge was due to open at 1900, later than normal, and promptly at 1900 the Master, W Bro Benjaman Rose entered the Lodge Room, resplendent in his academic gown as were the Wardens.
I sat near the JW and noted his gavel was replaced by a peacock. (Apparently Juno's bird was a peacock; it also features on the summons.)
The Lodge was opened and salutations given to Grand Lodge Officers present and a portion of the ancient charges was read out.
The three Brothers to be Passed were Timothy Roberts, David Emerton and Romeo Akosah; they were called to order and escorted by the Deacons to be addressed by the Master. The WM asked them the Traditional Questions in turn, which they answered with little prompting. They were then led from the Lodge to be prepared.
The Lodge was raised to the Second Degree and whilst we waited reports were given and proposals taken and voted on.
The three Candidates were readmitted and paraded together to the JW where they were proved Entered Apprentices; then onward to the SW Where they demonstrated they were entitled to be in the Lodge. Next came the approach to the dias by the proper steps. With some imaginative shepherding the Candidates lined up and the steps were demonstrated, then one at a time they proceeded to the dias. (This took on the quality of an excerpt from the Ministry of Silly Walks sketch for a time.)
They then took their obligations, figuratively kneeling as there were insufficient stools comfortably to accommodate them.
On with the ceremony, the Secrets were given by W Bro David Cowley, SE Corner by W Bro James Steele, Working Tools by Bro Tony Collins and the Charge by W Bro Adrian Hayward.
The next item was a presentation of the Second Degree Tracing Board by WB Martin Clark (from Ridings Tablers Lodge 9586) A lot of work had been put into this and his delivery was excellent.
The Lodge was lowered back to the first degree, we sang the closing hymn and after I had taken some pictures we went down for the festive board, A two-course offering of Corned Beef Hash with Ginger Sponge and Custard was enjoyed by all. The full toast list was carried out with a Brother from Ridings Tablers Lodge responding for the visitors,
[Photographs: JW's Gavel The three candidates post ceremony by Peter Stokes.]
Peter Stokes WM
Thursday 23rd November 2023:
At our regular meeting of the Lodge of St Michael, we had a mid term visit from a Representative of the Provincial Grand Master in the body of Worshipful Brother Paul Harper PAGDoC with his DC W Bro Mark Cusack from the Provincial Grand Stewards Lodge 9696.
Pre meeting the chatter was friendly and banter true to form: I enjoy our Lodge Nights.
After signing in and robing, my Wardens and I paraded in, we then opened the Lodge. Next the Representative was admitted and made welcome.
After investing the Tyler WB Alex McCallister, we received an illuminating presentation from W Bro Terry Black about Then and Now in Masonry. It was very well received.
We received reports from Almoner and Charity Steward, we held a discusion about the approaching Festival and what Lodges would need to do over the period.
There being no further business the Lodge was closed and we retired down for the festive board: Mushroom Soup followed by Beef Bourguignon and Fresh Fruit with Ice Cream.
The Representative in his response told us that we needed to grow as a Lodge due to an impending tsunami of Age, Illness and The Passing to the Grand Lodge Above causing shortages of personel in our midst. As a result of this we have called an extraordinary meeting to discuss ways and means of overcoming this situation.
Peter Stokes WM
Tuesday 21st November 2023:
After previously experiencing problems with traffic, I decided to set off early to Hull Old Grammarians' Lodge 5129 in Hull's Dagger Lane. I didn't hit traffic and arrived very early, first in fact. I took time out to read some ritual.
Tonight was the Installation of Brother Duncan Scott Taylor, putting him in the chair previously occupied by W Bro Mark Luscombe.
Brethren started to arrive and soon the atmosphere was full of small talk and all things Masonic. I saw W Bro Steve Longthorpe in the throng, he was there representing Humber Lodge 57.
The DC W Bro Geoffry Branton call for us to sign and assemble, so I made my way up to the Lodge room and took my seat. The Master and Wardens paraded into the Lodge, which was duly opened and salutations given to Grand Lodge Officers present.
W Bro Gary Shores Provincial Stewards Lodge was admitted and declared "At the door of your Lodge W Bro Ian Sydall representing the Provincial Grand Master waits and he requests admision." An escort was formed and re-entered the lodge and the Representative was admitted.
Back to the agenda, all below the degree of a Fellowcraft were asked to leave, the Lodge was raised to the second degree. The installing team comprised W Bro John Plater, Inst DC; W Bro Beverley Mackman SW; W Bro Wilson JW; W Bro Michael Harding Inst Chaplain and W Bro Graeme Reid IG.
After Bro Scott Taylor taking the Master Elect obligation and agreeing the Charges, the Lodge was cleared of all below Master Mason, and then raised to the Third Degree.
After handing back the collars when all positions were declared vacant the Master Masons paraded from the Lodge and a Board of Installed Masters was declared.
With Solemn Prayer and word perfect ritual the new Master was installed into the Chair of King Solomon. His first task thereafter was to install his IPM. This complete the BoIM was declared closed and the Master Masons readmitted and salutations were given. The Working Tools were presented in each degree as the Lodge was lowered to the first degree and the Brethren readmitted.
The warrant was presented by the IPM and the Book of Constution and Bylaws by the Installing DC. The Masters Address was given by WB Mackman, the Wardens Address by W Bro Branton and the Brethren Address by W Bro Steve Pickard. These concluded the ceremony of installation.
The Representative was called on to earn his supper by presenting a Grand Lodge Certificate to Bro Matthew Ferron.
This concluded the business in the Lodge and after taking photographs we retired down for the Festive Board. A Sumptious meal of Paté or Prawn Cocktail starter, Prime Rib of Beef followed by Sticky toffee Pudding was served by the Brethren, complimentary whisky was passedround and the wine flowed liberally.
The toasts came next with the Representative responding to toast No 5. He complimented the Lodge on the number of ceremonies carried out and encouraged them to keep going.
W Bro Rolland Smallwood (Holderness Lodge 3563) toasted the Worshipful Master and his team and W Bro Michael Harding sang the Masters Song before the newly installed WM responded. W Bro John Plater toasted the IPM and His team to which the IPM responded. The SW, Bro Emanual Musah proposed the Visitors Toast and W Bro Ian Parkinson (Technical Lodge 5666) responded. He also delivered Barney the travelling Bear to the Lodge.
Parish notes and the raffle followed (I won a box of chocolates) and time was passing quickly. With two toasts to go it was after eleven o' clock. I arrived home about 11:45 somewhat knackered as it had been a long but enjoyable day.
[Photographs: IPM Mark Luscombe & WM Duncan Scott Taylor; W Bro Ian Syddall (Rep), the WM & W Bro Gary Shores (Rep's DC); the Rep, the WM, Barnie the Bear & W Bro Montvydas.]
Peter Stokes WM
Saturday 18th November 2023:
An early start, well for a Lodge meeting, 1600 it said on the summons. So off I went with my case and shiny shoes for the Installation of W Bro Ian Parkinson at Technical Lodge No 5666.
I arrived at Beverley Road early as is my wont, and bade friendly greetings to those assembled which were returned. Cake with tea and coffee were available supplied by the incoming WM's partner (very nice it was too) and soon we were called to sign and assemble.
I was invited onto the dais, but due to making notes for this blog I declined; taking my seat near the Secretary where I was able to see and hear all that went on.
The Lodge was opened and salutations were given, then came the familiar knock on the door. W Bro Brian Carlisle was admitted, informing us: "At the door of the Lodge waits W Bro Paul Harper, Representative of the RWPGM and he requests admittance." The Provincial Escort left the Lodge and reassembled in the North East wafter greeting W Bro Harper outside the door. Then the Representative was conducted in by his DC and took his seat next to the Master, W Bro Danny Laughton.
Salutations were given and we resumed the agenda. Raising the Lodge to the Second Degree the Master Elect was instructed in, and agreed to, the ancient charges and then Obligated. The Lodge was then raised to the Third Degree.
W Bro Dan Loughton declared all offices vacant after having replaced the DC with W Bro Rob Gorman; SW with W Bro Philip Daniels; JW with W Bro Robert Johnson and the IG with W Bro Rob Atkinson as an Installing team.
The Installing DC cleared the Lodge of all below an Installed Master, a Board of Installed Masters was opened, and W Bro Dan Laughton Installed W Bro Ian Parkinson in the Chair. The latter's first task was to invest W Bro Dan Laughton as IPM who then closed the Board of Installed Masters.
Master Masons were readmitted and salutations given; the working tools were presented by Bro Ed Thompson, the Lodge was reduced to the 2° by the power invested in the WM and the Fellowcrafts were readmitted; salutations were given and the working tools presented by Bro Nanda Kumar. The Lodge was reduced to the 1° and Entered Apprentices readmitted, salutations given and the working tools presented by Bro Ken Wright. The IPM then presented the WM with the Warrant and Book of Constitutions as well as the Bye Laws for the Province and his Lodge.
The investment of Officers took place next and this was followed by an address to the Master about his collar given by W Bro Mark Cusack, I had not heard this before: it refered to a jewel symbolising the ongoing contributions made by the Technical Lodge for medical research.
The address to the WM was given by W Bro Paul Hillary, that to the Wardens by W Bro Eddie Wildman and to the Brethren by W Bro Rob Gorman, (who had had a busy afternoon) after which the Masonic Anthem was sung by W Bro David Turner.
Normal Lodge business was resumed and the Lodge was closed in peace and harmony with solemn prayer and we retired to the Festive Board.
After grace we were served a delicious meal of Fishcake in lemongrass Gravy, Pork (three ways) with mashed potatoe and veg and a dessert of Creme Brulé with Berry Compote. The regular toasts were given and the Rep W Bro Paul Harper responded to the fifth toast.
The toast to the Worshipful Master was given by W Bro Frank Lovely; his friendly but jocular chat was followed by the singing of the Masters Song by W Bro Philip Daniels.
The IPM toast was proposed by W Bro Rob Atkinson with a short sincere reply from W Bro Dan Loughton.
The JW Bro Adam Tunnicliffe submitted the Absent Brethren toast and we sang "For Those in Peril on the Sea" as a reminder.
The SW Arash Vasali proposed the Vistors Toast, and W Bro John Chapman serenaded us with the Visitors Song.
The Parish notes were next followed by the raffle; I won a bottle of wine, must be on a winning streak.
A happy evening was bought to a close by the Parting Toast followed by the final song "Happy to meet, Sorry to part, but Happy to meet again."
[Photographs: WM Ian Parkinson, IPM Danny Laughton; ProvDC Brian Carlisle, WM Ian Parkinson; Rep W Bro Paul Harper]
Peter Stokes WM
Monday 13th November 2023:
Tickton Grange was my destination, if I could get out of Hull. Due to ongoing road works I think Hull was closed!
I headed to pick up W Bro David Whittall and arrived some fifteen minutes late, but still with time to get to Tickton; we were meeting Bro Les Thornett there. Upon arrival we were well greeted by Lodge members and visitors and a team of Active Provincial Officers.
The agenda for the evening included a Second Degree for Bro Chris Wall and a mid term Provincial visit, the visiting Officer was the Assistant Provincial Grand Master Chris Thomas.
The Lodge was opened in due form and immediately there was a knock, WB Howard Bean Provincial DC was admitted, "The Assistant PGM is at the door of your Lodge and he demands admission," announced the Provincial DC. "Admit him," said the WM, W Bro Malcolm Grange, "under your direction." First came the Provincial Escort, then the APGM, finally the Prov DC. After taking the chair and introducing his team, salutations were given to W Bro Thomas and we returned to the agenda.
Passing Bro Chris Wall was the next item; after answering the usual questions he retired from the Lodge and we raised to the second. When he returned he was led round the Lodge by the SD and after being anounced by the SW was taken to the pedestal by the proper steps. Here he took his obligation as a Fellow Craft Freemason.
He was now able to receive the Secrets of the degree, these were well presented by W Bro Tim Haley. Next he was escorted via the JW to the SW to be presented with the Badge of Fellowcraft, then on to the SE Corner where the address was presented by W Bro Ian Sharp. The Working Tools were given by W Bro Kevin Shilcock after which Bro Wall was allowed to leave the Lodge room to restore his comforts
Upon his return a demonstration of the Second Degree Tracing Board was given by W Bro Martin Clark (WM Ridings Tablers Lodge No 9586) all of the ritualists performed well.
Completing the agenda the Lodge was closed and we retired to the bar, reassembling after about 30 mins (the time taken to dismantle the Lodge furniture) we took our seats at the Festive Board.
A starter of Smoked Ham Hock Terrine (Celariac and Apple Soup Alternative) followed by Sea Bass on Samphire, and a desert of Chocolate Brownie and Ice Cream was served.
Once tea and coffe was served we continued with the toasts, the five regular toasts were given with APGM Chris Thomas responding to the fifth. WB Armadus T..... from Nigeria responded to the Visitors Toast and both he and I won a prize on the raffle,
The evening drew to a close with the Tylers Toast and we started saying our goodbyes. Thankfully the drive home was quieter than the drive out.
[Photograph: APGM Chris Thomas with FC Bros Chris Wall and Philip Lord by Peter Stokes.]
Peter Stokes WM
Friday 3rd November 2023:
After a short halt to visits due to illness it was time to get back amongst the Brethren, and where better to start than in Brough Lodge No 5464?
Upon arrival I noted that the dinner tables were set for fewer members than normal; after enquiring I was told that some senior members were attending another order's Convocation in Scarborough that was due to start at 0800 the next day; no early starts here! Still I was greeted well and in a friendly manner.
The main business of the evening was an untitled talk by the WM, W Bro Brian Fletcher, so I signed in and dressed for the Lodge, taking a seat next to W Bro John Watkins, a member of both St Michaels and Brough.
The Lodge was opened and we set about the agenda, a ballot was carried out for a new member (succesfully) and after the Almoner's report the WM stood to present his talk. Rudyard Kipling (pictured) was the topic, and exceedingly good it was too! Centered around his Masonic poem "The Mother Lodge" it is an expression of Kipling's Masonic dedication for his Mother Lodge, Hope and Perseverance No 782 in Lahore, Punjab, India, into which he had been initiated in 1885. Although couched in a light-hearted vernacular style, Kipling's poem deals with the themes of Brotherhood, racial unity and the absence of class distinctions within the Lodge.
This was followed by the presentation of Grand Lodge Certificates by W Bro Alan Hatfield to Bro Mike Quilller and Bro Chris Walklet.
A poposal to donate £200.00 to Riding for the Disabled a volunteer-led, self-funded charity running a therapy centre to provide the opportunity for people of all ages and disabilities to interact with and learn to ride horses, ponies and donkeys was passed. After the risings the Lodge was closed.
Proceeding down to the festive board a meal of Carrot and Coriander Soup, Sausage and Bacon with Yorkshire Puddings and Veg was followed by Ginger Parkin and Custard, and then Cheese and Biscuits. Feeling extremely sated we toasted and raffled until the parting toast was delivered, and only then did we say our goodbyes and head homeward, happy to have met.
Peter Stokes WM
Monday 16th October 2023:
Giving it all away.
See Charity Page for Details.
Friday 13th September 2023:
De La Pole Lodge No 1605 Installation.
After many broken promises to attend the De La Pole Lodge I finally made it, just. On Friday morning I was convinced I was going to Dagger Lane, only one hour prior to setting off did I look up where the Lodge meets to discover it is Beverley Road. Lesson learnt, plan ahead.
Upon arrival I was greeted well by the brethren and saw many familiar faces, Malcom Curtis was multitasking as Steward so I paid him for my meal. The Lodge Ladies had provided Tea and Cakes so I had tea and cake before we started, very nice it was too.
After signing in and dressing, the DC called for us to assemble in the Lodge Room, I made my way up and took a seat, I had been invited on to the dias but I wanted to take notes for this blog and thought that would be unbecoming in full view of everyone, so remained in the ordinary seats!
The Lodge was opened promptly by WB Philip Cowing and then came a knock at the door. WB Gary Shores of the Provincial Stewards Lodge was at the door and asked to be admitted, he anounced that WB Alex Sheldon Provincial Grand Learning Officer and Representative of the Provincial Grand Master was at the door and would like to come in. The WM agreed and left this in the hands of the visiting DC.
Everybody in place now and back to the meeting. A portion of the ancient charges was read, minutes agreed then on to the Installing of Bro Peter Frank Clark as Worshipful Master.
The WM Invited WB James Kerr (Jimmy 2 Kilts) to be Installing DC, He then cleared the EA's from the Temple and raised the lodge to the 2nd. The Master Elect was then read the Charges of Office and then Obligated as Master Elect. All offices were declared Vacant, the following Installing officers were put in place. WB John Taylor SW, WB Peter Robson JW and WB Dave Nichol IG, raising the lodge to the 3rd degree after clearing out any Fellowcraft, then clearing all below Installed Master. A moving ceremony was completed with now Worshipful Brother Peter Clark installed in the Chair of King Solomon.
The IPM Duly Installed, the Representative presented him with his Past Masters Jewel, the Master Masons were invited back in. Acknowledging the new Master with Salutes and Bro Graham Thornley giving a short version of the Working tools of a MM. Lodge lowered to 2nd (by the power of Greystoke) Fellowcraft were invited to return, the short version of working tools was given by Bro John Holmes. The Lodge was lowered to the 1st degree where the Working tools were presented by Bro Mike Kelly, At each level before reducing the lodge a verse of the Masonic Anthem was sung by WB James Kerr with everyone joining in with the chorus.
The WM Invested his officers, well, those who were there, due to illness etc. some were unable to attend.
The Address to the Master was given by WB Eddie Wildman, to the Wardens by WB Peter Robson and the Brethren by WB David Garbutt.
On with the agenda, reports, AOB, Risings, I still find it strange that some Lodges do not stand for the risings, then on to close the Lodge. When closed we gathered for Photographs in the Temple.
From here we retired down to the festive board. After claiming our seats and Grace was said we were served by the local Sea Cadets Catering Corp, we had Egg Mayo with Salad, Chicken and Leek pie with carrots peas and roast potatoes, followed by apple crumble and custard. The Cadets were presented with two cheques which will go towards the rewiring of Iron Duke HQ. The Cadet who received the cheques, Josh Smith has recently been awarded 1st Sea Lord Cadet; one of only six in the country, well done Josh. With applause ringing in their ears the Sea Cadets departed and the Toasts were begun, All the regular toasts were submitted and W Bro Alex Sheldon responded to toast number five. He explained that he was a stand in and a virgin on repping but he was made welcome by De la Pole Lodge and felt comfortable. He thanked his DC and the Lodge Secretary for information supplied.
WB Jimmy 2 kilts proposed a toast in the manner of Robbie Burns to the incoming Master and then sang the Masters Song. to which the new master responded.W Bro Sam Salah gave a toast to the outgoing Master citing him as a very charitable man. The Junior Warden submitted the toast to absent brethren and the SW gave the visitors toast which was responded to by WB Simon Ramshaw of Kingston 1010. He congratulated the ritualists and confirmed the charitable works of the outgoing Master. After the parish notes and raffle (only pink tickets won, alas) the parting toast was given and as the evening was getting late we retired for home Happy to have met and Happy meet again.
[Photograph Peter Stokes] Peter Stokes WM
Saturday 30th September 2023:
Riding Tablers 9586 Lodge and Chapter
Report by Peter Stokes
Out of the ordinary, but there were two summonses for this meeting, one from the Craft and one from the Chapter. An Exaltation was the order of the day but why open the Craft Lodge first? Curiosity got the better of me so I went along to see!
I was picked up by our MEZ John Burton who gave me a lift to the Lodge at Beverley Road; RT Lodge had a dispensation to use the Hull Lodge building, this was read out and minuted.
We were greeted by the Provincial team on arrival as due to light traffic we arrived early. They were rehearsing the steps to be taken when acting as escort to the PGM Right Worshipful Brother Dr David Chambers (and also the Most Excellent Grand Superintendent.)
Sign in and assemble was called so we made our way to the smaller Lodge Room. After parading in the Lodge was opened and the dispensation was read.
A knock at the door: the Provincial DC W Bro Karl Ward was admitted; the Provincial Grand Master, he informed us, was at the door of the Lodge and he demanded entry. He was admitted under the direction of the Provincial DC with his escort of Active Provincial Officers. He took the Chair and spoke about how this meeting was making history in the Province as nothing like it had been tried before.
E Comp N Mitchell presented the Royal Arch Lecture to Bro Ian Brough (the Candidate for Exaltation) after which Worshipful Master Martin Clark ordered the Lodge Call Off.
We retired from the Lodge and re-dressed in our Chapter regalia, then reassembled in the large Lodge room where the ceremony was to take place.
The Chapter being already opened we took our places after the Provincial team. The story introducing the Chapter was read out and the scene set for the ceremony to begin. There were some fundimental differences between the RT Ritual and ours but the aim and result were the same and Brother Brough became Companion Brough over the intervening minutes. (See the Chapter blog for C7833 MEZ comments.)
The Provincial Escort formed and the PGM was escorted out, we followed but reformed to enable photographs to be taken after which we retired to the dining room for a two course festive board served by the Sea Cadet Corps.
The meal, Fish Cake starter and Steak Pie with potatoes and vegetables was enjoyed by all and a collection was taken for the Sea Cadets (raising £230:20p) and the RT Whisky bottle was once again raffled. I think by the time it is won the whisky will have dried up.
Grace was said and toasts submitted, a cheque from both the Craft and Chapter for £100:00 was presented to the sea Cadets for Electrical works on their HQ. This, along with the collection was raised to £500:00 by the PGM from his fund.
A short parish note from both Z and WM, congratulations from the PGM and the Tylers Toast and we were ready for home in time to see the Rugby World Cup games live!
[Photographs of the Brethren and Companions, representatives from the Cadets with Martin Clark and John Bridges by Peter Stokes.]
Peter Stokes, WM
Thursday 28th September 2023:
The phone rang. "Could you present a Grand Lodge Certificate tonight?" asked Stephen Prior, the ever-efficient Secretary for the Lodge of St Michael, "It's the only convenient time as the recipient cannot attend the two meetings afterwards, and you will be the most senior Officer there."
"Of course," I said, reflecting that Stephen was the only man I knew who would use the word 'recipient' in a casual telephone call. "I'm doing the Northeast Corner too."
I looked through my little ritual book as I took the bus into town to make sure the words were lined up nicely in my head, and ambled from the bus stop to Dagger Lane, noticing that there was a Street Food event on in nearby Zebedee's Yard - parking would be a problem tonight, I realised. I like to arrive at a Lodge early - it's easier to concentrate on what I have to do without the distractions of all those tasks I ought to be doing when I'm at home.
The Lodge Preceptor, W Bro Isaac Jackie Chapman PPGReg arrived a little later to set up the Lodge and I lent a hand. Not only does the Lodge of St Michael 7833 practice a different ritual to the other Dagger Lane Lodges, but some of the Officers sit in different places, so I was a little confused putting out some of the collars and cuffs, but did my best.
Laying out the Lodge is not achieved by a magic spell - the Warrant and Banner need to be set in place, the necessary accoutrements for the Candidate checked, the working tools, etc. We'd just about finished when some others arrived. I decided I'd done enough and let the others decide on where the chairs and tables would go for the festive board. Katie in the kitchen made me a cup of tea which was very welcome - thanks, Katie!
There were lots of visitors - sixteen from six sister Lodges, and the Lodge of St Andrew 4683 was well represented, including Brother King March de Leon, who had been initiated less than a fortnight ago (see article 13th September below.) The traffic was horrendous however, and there were several late arrivals into the Lodge Room as people had had trouble not only getting into town but parking as well. Nonetheless the opening ode was sung with gusto. A couple of reports from W Bro Steve Longthorp, the Tyler, admitted the latecomers and the Lodge was under way.
While the Candidate, Mr Steven Norman was being prepared we heard reports from the Almoner and Charity Steward and the Royal Arch Chapter Representative.
The Candidate, now prepared, was admitted and answered the questions put to him confidently. Worshipful Brother Peter James Stokes (WM) obligated him and pointed out the three great lights in Freemasonry. The lesser lights were lucidly explained by W Bro David Whittall PPGSuptW. Both he and Bro Norman being military men the demonstration of the salute was an exercise in smartness. W Bro Whittall explained the ritual at the door of the Lodge and the meaning of the cable tow, entrusting Bro Norman with the signs of an Entered Apprentice Freemason. The Senior Warden, Bro Leslie Thornett invested him with the pristine white Apron, and I had the privilege of giving the address at the Northeast Corner. The Worshipful Master himself explained the Working Tools, comparing their operative uses to their moral applications.
Those Brethren delivering ritual were escorted to the correct part of the Lodge by the DC, W Bro Paul Henderson PPGSuptW. Being an Officer of the Province as well as an Officer of the Lodge he wore two collars, and as he escorted me to the NE Corner I was reminded of a friend who'd remarked on someone with two collars and jewels of office when I was an Entered Apprentice myself. "I'd like to wear two collars with medals on the end myself," he remarked. "Why?" said I. "So that I can clank when I'm walking round the Lodge," he replied.
Brother Steven Norman left the Lodge Room to restore himself to his smart suit, and in the interim I presented the UGL certificate to one of the L7833 Brethren. The Candidate returned to receive an explanation of the First Degree Tracing Board by Bro John Burton (currently the Z in the Chapter of St Michael, bless his little cotton socks.) In addition to Brother Norman, there were four Entered Apprentice visitors who had not seen this impressive ritual before. W Bro Terry Black delivered the Ancient Charge with great sincerity; Bro Norman paid close attention, taking in every word.
At the closing of the Lodge it was impressive to receive greetings from as far afield as Nigeria; from the Phoenix Lodge 9963, St Andrew 4683, De la Pole 1605, and of course from Humber Lodge 57, premier Lodge in the Province.
I sat with Bro Norman at the festive board and found him good company, with many interesting stories of military life and his work in communications, including having the responsibility for the entire communications network in the Millennium Dome. Bro Norman is now moving into solar energy. He'd been recommended to L7833 by UGLE.
This night was the 61st birthday of the Lodge and the Senior Warden Les Thornett gave the Founders Toast. His wife had baked a delicious cake (the WM cutting the first slice.) After this the Master proposed the toast of the evening to Bro Norman who responded succinctly.
The raffle (£175 to Masonic Charities) made a couple of the visitors very happy (I'm sure if the Secretary had been minuting the afterproceedings he would have written 'recipients'.) Then it was time for W Bro Steve Longthorpe to submit the Tyler's toast. The Brethren joined in a fraternal chain for the traditional singing of Auld Lang Syne, which was written by the Scottish Bard and Freemason Robbie Burns. It had been a long but satisfactory evening, and a pleasure to welcome a newcomer into the Brotherhood.
Eddie Wildman
Wednesday 13th September 2023:
When manning Dagger Lane for visitors during the Civic Week Open Day I was invited by one visitor to his initiation at St Andrews Lodge 4683. Thank you Mr King March De Leon, now a Brother amongst us.
St Andrews starts at 1900 hrs and with a busy agenda I knew we were in for a late night.
After opening the Lodge, the Brethren received WB David Frank Johnstone, Representing the RW Provincial Grand Master and his DC W Bro Andy Hunn.
Next up was Bro Philip Beadle who received the Chapter Address from the Chapter Rep W Bro Brian Daragon.
Item five on the agenda was to ballot for and, if successful, Initiate Mr King March De Leon. The ballot proved clear and the ceremony of initiation began.
Mr De Leon having been properly prepared entered the Lodge to be Obligated, This complete, the ritualists were bought on to enlighten the Candidate. They were: Bro Philip Beadle, Lesser Lights; W Bro Robert Jackson, Secrets; Bro Craig Eastbourne, NE Corner; Bro Ryan Mark, Warrant; Bro Lee Caywood, Working Tools, and W Bro Glyn Davis The Charge. All were presented with confidence and added greatly to the Candidate's experience. The newly-made Brother retired to restore his comforts and we proceeded with the agenda.
Item six, Presentation of Three Grand Lodge Certificates. The representative was called upon to present them to Bros Andrew White, Craig Eastbourne and Philip Beadle.
The Lodge was then closed and we gathered downstairs for the festive board. The Brethren served us Tomato Soup with a Roll, Steak and Guiness Pie with Chips Carrots and Peas followed by Jam Sponge with Custard (or an individual Cheese Board.) The regular toasts complete, I responded on behalf of the visitors, then on to the main toast of the evening, Brother King De Leon who responded well. We sang the Entered Apprentice Song and then formed a Masonic Chain which was eloquently explained.
We made the parting toast then said our goodbyes till next time.
Photo - W Bro David Johnstone PPSGW, Bro King De Leon and W Bro Matthew Owen WM
Peter Stokes WM
Tuesday 12th September 2023:
A first at Humber 57, a good reason for a visit. Upon arrival at Dagger Lane I was greeted well by the brethren and noted several new faces amongst the crowd. Visitors from as far afield as Essex and Nigeria. We should be in for a good night.
Sadly WM Charles Alexander was ill but his reserve was W Bro Eddie WIldman, a worthy replacement, the consequence of this was no organ music!
The meeting was opened promptly and the nessesary formalities carried out while the candidate, Mr Michael Andrew Barber was prepared. Question for the knowledgeable, Is there a title for a father of a mason proposed by his son? eg:- Lewis for the son of a Mason.
Mr Barber was properly prepared and entered the lodge to be obligated, this was carried out with due regard and reverence. The ritualists followed, they were: Bro Matthew Barber, Lesser Lights; W Bro Terry Fisher, Communications (Secrets); W Bro Sergei Byelov, NE Corner; Bro Robert Parkinson, Warrant; Working Tools W Bro Philip Watts and lastly The Charge by W Bro Richard Smedley. All added to the occasion in a positive way.
The initiation was over but there was more work to do, the presentation of a Grand Lodge Certificate to Bro Robert Parkinson. W Bro Eddie Wildman presented the certificate in his own inimitable way, a poem pointing out all the features.
Now the work was complete, the Lodge was closed and after photographs we retired to the bar for the festive board. We were served Roast Pork with the trimmings and Lemon Posset with Raspberries or Cheese Board by the Lodge members. I got to know the Brethren from Essex a little better as we talked during the meal. The toasts complete, the visitors were serenaded by the Humber Lodge Members and W Bro Mark Lanscomb returned the toast. Then the toast of the evening, to the Candidate, who responded well. We sang The Entered Apprentice Song, and then formed a Masonic Chain which was explained By W Bro Terry Fisher.
The end was soon upon us and after W Bro Richard Smedley had sung the parting toast we set out for home, Happy to meet, Sad to part, Happy to meet again.
Photograph by Peter Stokes Peter Stokes WM
Saturday and Sunday 9/10th September 2023:
Lodge Open Days:
"Ask not what Freemasonry can do for you, but what can you do for Masonry." The words of the PGM were in my ears when I volunteered to man the Lodge for the first open weekend in the city's Civic Week.
Along with Brethren from sister Lodges we attended to the curious and genuinely interested members of the general public who wanted to see the beauty of our temple.
We hosted about twenty visitors on Saturday and closer to forty on Sunday. It was interesting to hear their perception of the organisation and what they thought we did; luckily no conspiracy theorists attended!
A worthwhile and very tiring weekend.
Peter Stokes WM
Friday 1st September 2023:
The Worshipful Master reports:
After a lengthy summer break it was time to get back into the visiting routine. Where better to start than Brough Lodge No 5464? I arrived early and was greeted well by those present and made conversation with several members of this friendly Lodge.
The occasion tonight was the Raising of Bro Malcolm Douglas Trevor Quiller to the sublime degree of Master Mason. I was joined, unexpectedly by Bro John Burton who had come along with W Bro John Watkins (our IPM but also a Brough Member). We signed in and made our way to the temple.
The Lodge was opened and the minutes approved and signed, Then followed a long Almoner's report, which went some way to explaining the low numbers. After this we moved to the main event; EA's were asked to leave and the Lodge was moved to the Second Degree, The Candidate was asked his questions and then left the Lodge for preparation. The Lodge was then raised to the Third Degree and the Tyler, W Bro Gary Chambers was invited in to prepare the Lodge for the ceremony to follow.
Bro Quiller was readmitted upon proof and a prayer was said on his behalf, then making his way to the Pedestal by his proper steps he was obligated into the sublime degree of Master Mason.
W Bro Tony Calvert continued the Raising with the Fifteen Fellowcraft ritual, which was followed by W Bro Gary Bennett's explanation of the Apron and the Sprig of Acacia.
W Bro Gary Chambers was re admitted and delivered the Secrets; W Bro Andrew Chan presented the Working Tools. A Charge was presented by W Bro Brian Tiplady and the ceremony was bought to a close.
Despite short notice and stand-ins all ritualists carried out their parts with dignity and clarity.
Brother Quiller retired to regain his comforts and the Lodge was returned to the First Degree. There being no other business the meeting was closed and we retired to the festive board. After grace, a meal of Chicken Kebab, Gammon and Egg, Lemon Rulard and Cheese and Biscuits was served by the members.
The Toasts were given and the raffle drawn (£80+ was raised), the parting toast was submitted, whereafter we said our goodbyes and headed for Hull and home.
Peter Stokes WM
Tuesday 8th August 2023:
Bro John Burton reports
I attended the Humber 57 Lodge to watch a presentation and talk on the 2nd Degree Tracing Board. I arrived on time got changed and went into and sat down in the temple. W Bro Eddie Wildman was in the Chair acting as Worshipful Master and the Lodge was opened in what can only be described as Eddie's own way and style. There was no parade in; we went straight into the business. A portion of the Ancient Charge was read and the minutes of the last regular meeting were rapidly approved.
There then followed a presentation of the 2nd Degree Tracing Board by W Bro Craig Maurier, incorporating comments by W Bro Richard Smedley who was unfortunately unable to be present.
As someone who delivers this presentation I was surprised just how much I did not know about it. There were quite a few anomalies which were very well explained and several things in the established ritual were more fully explained (and I can see now where everything goes!) At the end Craig sat down to applause for a job well done.
The Lodge was closed in a way only Eddie can and we came down to the festive board which was fish followed by Eton mess which I enjoyed very much. The parting toast was given and I went round and shook hands with the members there and made my way to where my wife was to pick me up. I had a very good time that night at Dagger Lane and will be going again.
[Photograph: Craig Maurier at the lectern.]
John Burton
Friday 7th July 2023:
Another Friday and I find myself once more enjoying the company of Brough Lodge 5464. The ceremony for the first meeting under the newly installed team of W Master Brian Fletcher was an initiation. It was to have been a double, but one candidate was unable to attend.
The Lodge was opened, and we set about the agenda with gusto. A ballot for another candidate was held and passed, the Past Masters Jewel was presented to W Bro Tim Brown by W Bro Tony Calvert, then on to the main event.
The Candidate, Mr Craig Ian Chadwick entered the Lodge in the appropriate garb and was escorted round by the Junior Deacon Brother Matthew Harvey. After he had passed before the Brethren he was prepared for the Obligation. This being duly taken he was then instructed in the Lesser Lights by Bro Mike Quiller, the Secrets were presented by W Bro Steve Bisby, The address at the North East Corner was delivered by Bro Ashley Laverick and a guest presentation of the working tools by Bro John Sykes of the Technical Lodge 5666. After being restored to his regular mode of dress, Brother Chadwick stood as the Ancient Charge was presented by Bro Brian Tiplady. All of the ritualists were new to their roles and all performed confidently.
The meeting was brought to a close and we retired down to the Festive Board where Prawn Cocktail was followed by Braised Steak and a Jam Sponge with Cream and Cheese and Biscuits. The conversation flowed and much Masonic knowledge was passed to the new initiate.
After the meal we honoured our traditional toasts, and W Bro Tony Calvert proposed a toast to the Candidate. We sang the Entered Apprentice Song and Bro Chadwick responded, The Senior Warden proposed the Visitors Toast, to which W Bro Ian Sydall of the Humber Lodge 57 responded. After the raffle which raised £97.00 we raised our glasses for the parting toast and headed home happy to have met.
Photo: Candidate and W Master Brough Lodge.
Peter Stokes WM
Tuesday 4th July 2023:
Peter Adamson - farewell
While he would have been the first to admit he was not a great ritualist, Peter Leslie Adamson enjoyed his Freemasonry, and took his role of Almoner in the Kingston Lodge 1010 very seriously. Charity was a driving force in his life; his work behind the counter of the Beverley Scope Charity Shop made him a familiar figure to many, and his funeral at the Chanterlands Crematorium was well attended not only by Masonic Brethren and Companions (including the RWPGM and the Deputy PGM) but by family and friends from different walks of life. Peter died unexpectedly last week, aged seventy-two, and his passing came as a shock to many. Despite this, Janet, his wife strongly suggested that those coming to the Celebration of his Life should wear bright colours: she wanted Peter to be remembered for the happiness he enjoyed and so freely shared with others.
His long-time friend Worshipful Brother Bill Hartley gave a moving eulogy, speaking of the time spent with Peter in the Lodge of St Michael 7833, Kingston 1010, Myton 9808 and in the Mark degree, which Peter particularly relished. "Peter got a lot of joy from what he did," Bill said, "particularly when helping others." He spoke of his role as Almoner and his caring for those in need. "One of his greatest strengths," he told us, "was his humility." He mentioned the Teddies for Loving Care scheme, wherein soft toy teddy bears are given to children going into hospital, as being particularly close to Peter's heart.
Peter was a supporter of Hull Kingston Rovers (a photograph on the back of the Order of Service showed him in a KR shirt with its proud three-crown logo, a glass in his hand and a smile on his face) and Bill, looking round at the hundred-plus attentive faces in the Chapel, said that if anyone wanted a phrase to remember Peter by, it was there in the team's song: "Live, love, laugh and be happy."
Donations were split between Scope and Masonic Charities. Many people met at the Masonic Hall, Beverley Road afterwards, to eat cake, drink a quiet toast to Peter and to share good memories.
Eddie Wildman
Saturday 1st July 2023:
50 Year Certificate.
Another Saturday night, all dressed up with somewhere to go; Beverlonian Lodge 9084 for the presentation of a 50 year certificate (more about this later.)
My timing was out as the Lodge was due to tyle at 1800 and I arrived at ten to, but a quick change and up to sign in and we were away. I noted that there was not many Lodge members present and wondered if is this a symptom of the lethergy that is affecting Masonry? The Lodge agenda was a business meeting so it was fairly straight forward, then we were to close and see the certificate presentation with Ladies present.
Having opened, the agenda was followed, Bro Thomas Baxter (Senior Warden) was voted Master Elect and W Bro Roger Lewis re elected Treasurer. The meeting completed without much else of note occuring, then we closed and the Ladies were invited in. The temple was prepared so we all could see and two chairs were placed in line with the J Warden's chair. W Bro David Thorne and W Bro Eddie Wildman took their seats and an informal interview of the life and times of W Bro David took place, starting with his childhood in Croydon through to his joining the Army (Horse Guards) and subsequently the Met Police. His later life move to Yorkshire and joining the Bevelonian Lodge completed the interview, with sage advice to newcomers offered by W Bro Thorne. W Bro WIldman presented the 50 Year Certificate and Pin.
We retired down to the festive board which was a white table cloth event, A starter of Melon with Parma Ham was followed by Salmon and Salad and Cheese Cake, Tea and Coffee.
Photograph W Bro David Thorn in conversation with W bro Eddie Wildman (Photo P Stokes)
Peter Stokes WM
Thursday 22nd June 2023:
Another First for the Candidate
A regular Lodge night, the last before the summer break. We had a very busy agenda though and due to illness and holidays a shortage of people to fill the roles required. Thankfully our Preceptor W Bro Jack Chapman cajoled those present into filling in the blanks. Special mention to W Bro Amardas Tuboalabo for standing in as Junior Warden and W Bro Eddie Wildman for his address at the North East Corner.
On the agenda was investment of Officers not present at Installation, a ballot and a rehearsal of the First Degree ceremony. As is the tradition in St MIchael, we paraded into the Lodge, which was then opened in due and ancient form. Once open we started working down the list: Investment (tick.) Ballot, slight hicough when traditionally the JW opens it, and our JW was a visitor tonight, but we overcame this! (tick.) Now for the big one, First Degree with Volunteer Candidate, who had not been initiated in this country and was interested to see it done the St Michael way. Due to his traveling overseas regularly for work we are unable to name him but he receives our thanks (tick.)
The First Degree in Emulation is one of the longer ceremonies but I find it quite moving, and as Master this was my first one so it was particularly special. After the Candidate was Obligated the ritual could begin; special mention to W Bro David Whittall for the Lesser lights and Secrets and W Bro Terry Black for the Charge. Indeed, hearty congratulations to all who contributed, our Candidate was well and truly re-initiated!
After taking reports the Lodge was closed and we retired to the hall below for the festive board. A meal of Soup, Chicken Pie and Apple pie or Cheese and biscuits was served by the Brethren and we moved on to the toasts. W Bro Terry Black proposed the toast to the Candidate who eloquently responded after we had sung The Entered Apprentice Song to him. As the JW was a visitor I proposed the toast to the visitors and W Bro Darren Wiseman, Worshipful Master of the Holderness Lodge 3563 responded. The raffle raised £90. After the Tylers Toast (W Bro Steve Longthorp delicered this great dignity) we formed a Masonic Chain and sang Auld Lang Syne, after which we parted for home, happy to have met.
For the Humber 57 report on this ceremony, please see this date on
[Photograph of the Lodge Room from the East by Eddie Wildman.]
Peter Stokes, WM.
Wednesday 14th June 2023:
Grand Lodge London
I was due to be picked up at 0630, it was a very sunny morning. We were going to follow Christopher Robin and head down to London, "we" being W Bro Peter Wright, W Bro Terry Black, W Bro Graham Reid (Hull Old Grammarians 5129) and myself. The train was on time and our seats were comfortable, we sat back and enjoyed the journey.
Upon arrival at Kings Cross we bumped into W Bro Armardos Tuboalabo who had also travelled down from Hull, He had been in Nigeria at his mother Lodge where he was installed as Master.
We made our way down to Covent Garden where we had tea to wet our whistles prior to walking to Grand Lodge. I was going to take a picture but the entrance was covered by scaffolding so I put the camera away. Eddie, whom we saw inside, had taken a picture, saying that the opportunity to see a UGLE face lift in progress was not to be missed.
We entered via a side door and were immediately were lost. but by asking directions and trial and error we found the robing room (temple 10). From there we found our way to the Grand Lodge Temple. The organist was playing a selection of tunes and the hum of people talking was the back drop as I looked around trying to take it all in. The Deputy DC came forth and gave the fire evacuation address, the DC then adressed us advising that there would be three parades culmulating with the MW Pro Grand Master.
The parade in's were magnificent, the precision of the stewards and DC's was worthy of any parade ground and there was so much Gold Braid on display I thought the braid mines must have been emptied.
The meeting was opened and we saluted the MW Pro Grand Master with 11. The agenda was adhered to and to save space I will only report on one item. That is the awarding of The Grand Master's order of Service to Freemasonry to Brother MIchael Edward Herbert, a 90 year old Leicestershire Mason, for outstanding services to the Craft and other Orders. After the presentation a talk was given about this remarkable and limited honour. Initiated in 1945 as a personal gift from the Grand Master, the order is limited to twelve holders (returned on their death) and entitles them to place the initials OSM after their name and before any other Masonic honour. When presented there is a list of all the previous holders included with it.
The Lodge was closed and all paraded out and we returned to the disrobing room. After a wander round the shop, I was tempted by the masonic plastic ducks but decided against it. We met up with Armardos and made our way out, where we talked to a Mason from Brazil; he asked if he could join us so the six of us moved over the road to the pub for a drink. We had a table booked at the Ivy in the Garden for 3pm so we had a little time to kill, we compared notes with our Brazilian Brother and after a phone call both he and Armardos joined us for a truely international festive board. The meal was pleasurable and I even stretched to dessert, but we had a train to catch so we made our goodbyes and headed to Kings Cross.
The train was very full but we had reserved our seats, we had to evict some schoolchildren from our seats but that caused other problems for the teaching staff. After some negotiation we moved into First Class and left the kids with our seats. The rest of the journey was uneventful and we all got home tired but happy.
Peter Stokes WM
Tuesday 13th June 2023:
Masonic Lecture with Humber 57
On this very hot evening I arrived at Dagger Lane and was well met by several familiar faces from Humber Lodge, I did note a large number of visitors from all points of the compass. The occasion was a lecture given by W Bro Robert Lomas, (biog) Achieved !st Class Honours Degree in Electronic Engineering and awarded Phd for his work on Solid State physics and Crystaline Structures. He has been involved in Emergency Services Control and Command Systems and Information Systems. He has lectured on various subjects and is the author of several Masonic books.
The subject of the Lecture was the Hidden Mysteries of the Third Degree. As this material is intended for those who have already passed through the third degree, (indeed one young member of Humber Lodge had to leave the Temple during the duration of the lecture) I shall not go into depth here. it is sufficient to say that the talk, well illustrated on a wide screen, showed how the Third Degree is built on lessons taught at initiation (light and knowledge) and on passing (mysteries and the building of charactor) cumulating wit the suppresion of ego, a balance between emotion and rationality, cold reason and spirituality and an awareness of the divine spark and man's ultimate purpose.
After reports the meeting was bought to a close and we retired to the Festive Board. We were served Stilton and broccoli soup followed by braised beef and a dessert or cheese board, W Bro Robert Lomas responded most eloquently to a toast to him, and W Bro Neil Armstrong (Kingston Lodge 1010) resonded to the visitors toas. W Bro's Richard Smedly and David Terry led the Brethren with the visitors song to end the evening. I headed homeward to get ready for the trip to London tomorrow. (See above.)
[Photograph W Bro Robert Lomas and W Bro Charles Alexander WM Humber 57.]
Peter Stokes WM
Monday 12th June, Wednesday 14th June:
See the blog page for Chapter reports by John Burton and David Broughton.
Monday 5th June 2023:
Having been proposed and seconded at the last meeting, tonight I was to be balloted to become a member of Humber Installed Masters Lodge 2494. I arrived early and was greeted by many familiar faces, all friendly! Whilst not taking anything for granted I didn't think I should worry about being blackballed.
The meeting opened promptly and we set about the agenda with gusto, The Ballot was item 3 and it proved successful, so both myself and W Bro Richard Smedley were admitted into the Lodge. We only learned afterwards that the delay before letting us back in was because when the ballot was first taken, the dividing slat seperating the "for" and "against" compartments was missing, and the process had had to be repeated.
Next item was to complete the investment of officers, then on to a talk by W Bro Hiten Thaker entitled "Old Infections in New Clothes" His role as Infectious Disease Control at Castle Hill Hospital brings him into contact with some particularly nasty and virulent viruses. The talk centered on some old ones we maybe thought had gone away but were re-emerging with antibiotic resistance. Also, how we were preparing the next generation of infection fighting drugs. A very informative and interesting talk which the members rewarded with an appreciative due round of applause.
Under AOB the past Almoner asked the Brethren to consider a "Broken Column" broach for Lodge widows; this would be presented to them and could be worn to identify them as such by members of the fraternity. There being no further business the Lodge was closed.
At the festive board we enjoyed good company and good food, consisting of Egg Mayo starter, Chicken in a mushroom sauce, boiled potatos and veg followed by tart au citron with ice cream. The Toasts followed on and as the evening drew to an end W Bro John Chapman accompanied by W Bro Eddie Wildman sang Happy to meet Sorry to Part Happy to Meet again, the refrains of which were still ringing in our ears we headed homewards.
[Photograph of W Bro Hiten Thaker by Eddie Wildman.]
. Peter Stokes WM
Saturday 3rd June 2023:
Wrong day? Wrong Time? Brough 5464 hold their Installation on a Saturday Afternoon! As Brough is our Mother Lodge I felt it right and proper to attend the Installation of the new master W Bro Brian Fletcher.
I arrived early and after exchanging friendly greetings was pleased to see the Provincial Team getting ready for the show. Soon it was time to sign and assemble.
The Lodge was opened punctually by stand in WM W Bro Tony Calvert, The summons read, we then admitted the Acting Provincial DC W Bro Tony Dyer who informed us that at the door of the Lodge was RWPGM Dr David Chambers who demanded entry. First came the Provincial Escort, Grand Lodge Officer,Standard Bearer, Sword Bearer, SW JW Deacons and Provincial Stewards followed by the RWPGM who took the Chair to introduce his team.
The Provincial Grand Master then handed back the chair to W Bro Calvert, and the agenda was resumed with reports, mainly standard stuff but the Chapter report by W Bro John Wilson deserves a mention as he did an introduction to Chapter Masonry that was both interesting and informative to encourage some newly made Master Masons to consider joining the Royal Arch.
On to the main event, Entered Apprentices were asked to leave, and the Lodge was raised to the Second Degree. it is in this degree that the Master Elect is Obligated and his duties explained. These complete the Fellowcraft were asked to leave and the Lodge was raised to the Third Degree. We were in full swing now, and after the Master Masons were asked to leave the lodge, a Board of Installed Masters was formed.
W Bro Gary Bennett gave the Working tools of an Installed Master prior to the Master Masons being readdmitted. Having proclaimed W Bro Brian Master of the Lodge, the working tools of a Master Mason were presented by Bro Matthew Harvey. The Lodge was again lowered and the Fellowcraft readmitted, whereupon the working tools were given by Bro Damion Brooks, The lodge was finally lowered back to the First Degree and the working tools were explained by Bro Joe McKinnan. All of whom were excellent in their delivery.
After investing his Officers, W Bro Brian was given the Masters Address by the RWPGM, The Wardens were addressed by W Bro John Wilson and the Brethren by W Bro Mel Harmer. W Bro Brian now having been installed it was time to close the Lodge and retire to the festive board.
The RWPGM and Newly Installed Master were paraded in to the festive Board and took their seats and after Grace we enjoyed a spread of Melon and orange starter, Three meat Salad with Coleslaw, Ceaser Salad Potatoes and many other accompaniments. A brandy snap basket with fruits of the forest followed, then Cheese and Biscuits with Port, The wine was also provided.
The Anthem and Masters song were performed by W Bro Rob Atkinson from Technical Lodge 5666, and the toasts were given and responded to with good grace. After the Tylers Toast we parted in Harmony and Peace.
[Pictures 1: W Bro Brian Fletcher in the Master's Chair; 2: RWPGM and W Bro Brian Fletcher at the Festive Board, by Peter Stokes.]
Peter Stokes WM
Thursday 1st June 2023:
Visit the Chapter Blog Page for John Burton's account of the Humber Chapter 57 meeting at Dagger Lane.
Thursday 25th May 2023:
Eddie Wildman reports
Cool, calm and collected, W Bro Peter James Stokes invested his Officers after himself taking the Chair of the Lodge of St Michael for a second year. The Representative of the RWPGM, W Bro Michael de-Villamer Roberts, enlightening the Brethren on the etymology of the word "Master" gave its definition as "well skilled" and it is a pleasure to see the WM's acceptance of the role for a second term as his skills in diplomacy, thoughtful benevolence and solid common sense have kept L7833 on an even keel throughout the last twelve months; we can look forward to another year of happy stability.
As the Worshipful Master himself will follow my contribution to this website with his comments and message to the Brethren, I will limit my observations on this occasion to applauding not only Peter Stokes and his team, but his good lady Julie, whose melt-in-the-mouth cookies on my arrival put me (and the others) in a good mood mood right from the start.
Message from the Worshipful Master
Worshipful Brother Peter James Stokes
The day had finaly arrived, I was to be reinstalled as Master of the Lodge of St Michael. Our Preceptor W Bro Jackie Chapman (with others) had worked hard re-arranging the ceremony. I was to be a first in the Lodge: the last Master to do two consecutive years was W Bro Shaun Rennison, but this was due to the Pandemic and we were not meeting.
Before I give my observations on the day though a few thank-yous.
Firstly to my Officers from last year. I think we worked well and we achieved quite a lot.
Secondly, to my team for this year, Some are the same people, some have moved but I hope we establish a good understanding and have a very good year together.
Thirdly to those who went beyond their roles and helped me to have a successful year, I hope you know who you are: a huge thank-you.
On to the day; Julie and I arrived early to set up for tea and coffee with home-made short bread biscuits, Julie would be hosting a Ladies Supper later (See report on Social Page.) Lodge members started to arrive and I was feeling more nervous than I had the year before, maybe because I knew what was coming and wanted it to be right.
Time to sign and assemble; my Wardens and I paraded into the Lodge and we opened in due form. We received the Representative of the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master, W Bro Michael de-Villamer Roberts PJGD under the direction of his DC, W Bro Bazza Longstaff of the Provincial Grand Stewards Lodge 9611.
It was now time to appoint the installing officers, DC W Bro Terrance Black, Chaplain W Bro Peter Wright, S.W. W Bro Terry Lynn, J W. W Bro David Whittall and Inner Guard W Bro Shaun Rennison. The Lodge was raised to the 3rd degree and cleared of all those below the rank of Installed Master. A short time later the Master Masons were re-admitted and I was proclaimed Worshipful Master. As the Lodge was lowered through the degrees I was proclaimed a second and third time by the Installing DC. W Bro Terry Lynn sang the Masonic Anthem accompanied by W Bro Eddie Wildman on the organ.
It was then time to install and invest my officers. It made me very happy to install Bro Les Thornett as SW and David Broughton as JW. (See their smiling faces on the Welcome Page.) Once the investments were over W Bro Eddie Wildman gave the address to the Master, W Bro Peter Wright provided the address to the Wardens and Bro John Burton delivered the address to the Brethren. After the formal presentation of the Warrant, it was declared that the installation ceremony was over, and I picked up my gavel to resume the normal working of the Lodge.
Back on track with reports, then propositions, I was pleased to propose a prospective candidate for Freemasonry and he will be balloted for at the June meeting. Under AOB the Lodge presented the Representative of the RWPGM with a cheque for £500.00 for the Provincial Charity box. (Eddie Wildman took a snapshot of a re-enactment downstairs as photographs are not permitted during Lodge meetings.)
The Lodge was then closed in due and ancient form and we retired down to the Festive Board, which consisted of a rich Tomato Soup and Breadroll, followed by Roast Beef with the trimmings and Fresh Fruit Salad with Ice Cream and Cheese and Biscuits. Wine was served with dinner and port was passed after the meal along with tea or coffee, and mints.
The traditional toasts were given, and in his response to toast number five, W Bro de-Villamer Roberts showed his etymological expertise, defining what is meant by the term Master. At 9:30 the Almoners Toast "to poor and distressed Masons where ever they may be" was submitted. W Bro David Whittall also proposed the toast to the Master, this was followed by W Bro Terry Lynn singing the Masters song accompanied by W Bro Eddie Wildman. I gave my response to the toast.
We took a break and drew the raffle which raised £128,00. W Bro Mark Luscombe (Hull Old Grammarians' Lodge 5129) responded to the visitors toast and finally we had the Tyler's Toast after which we joined arms and sang Auld Lang Syne. After ensuring the tables were cleared I left for the nearby Holiday Inn to meet up with Julie and the Ladies and to continue the very happy evening.
Peter Stokes WM
Monday 22nd May 2023:
Tom Calkwell's Lecture début
Eddie Wildman reports
When greetings were given at the end of the meeting upstairs at Beverley Road Masonic Hall, I was put in mind of the Venn diagrams used to identify sets. (John Venn was a mathematician born in Hull - see the Well Connected nugget in the Humber nugget cache.) The Andrew Marvell Lodge 5642 was quite full - indeed the visitors outnumbered the Brethren, with half a dozen Entered Apprentices, from L5642, from Juno 10001, and from a Lodge in Ipswich. One visitor was from a London Lodge, but there was a contingent from Humber 57 (Malcolm Forbes and me - but if you were to draw Venn diagram bubbles to connect us, we would also be in the Andrew Marvell bubble as Malcolm is Charity Steward - and was also stand-in Junior Warden on this occasion.) Bro Tom Calkwell, of whom more later, is the Andrew Marvell Senior Warden, but as he is the Minerva Lodge Secretary, he was also supported by Brethren from Minerva 250: Chris Brown, Danny Betts, Rich Driver and me. The Representative of the RWPGM, Steve Cox, is a member of Holderness 3563 along with Danny and Malvin Sharpless. His DC, James Steele. is a member of Juno. I am a member of the Lodge of St Michael 7833. There were other connections, but that's enough!
The Worshipful Master, W Bro Chris Lefevre opened the Lodge, pleased at the number of visitors and asking the Entered Apprentices to stay behind for a photograph afterwards. A knock on the door from W Bro James E G Steele, making his first appearance as Provincial Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies and his smart entry was impressive; he fluently organised a Provincial escort and subsequently formed them into a well disciplined parade for the Provincial Senior Grand Warden, W Bro Stephen Cox, whose commanding presence and enormous poise highlighted what the ritual calls "the dignity and high importance of Masonry."
After the minutes had been signed and other essential business, the Lodge was called off. This must have been a new experience for some of the visitors; the VSL closed, the Wardens' columns reversed; but it marks a certain relaxation, and permits the Tyler to enter (while keeping a close watch should there be any latecomers.)
The next business was an explanation of the First degree Tracing board, by the Senior Warden, Bro Tom Calkwell.
The Lodge Room has a painting after John Harris on the South Wall, and the Brethren seated themselves in order to view this, but Tom had thoughtfully provided photocopies as the detail on the large painting has become obscured by age-darkened varnish.
The explanation is a long piece of ritual, and I was not surprised to learn that Tom had spent much of his holiday time learning it - "I don't know what the others must have thought," he said, "when I was just sat by the pool with a book in my hand, mumbling to myself." It had paid off, though. Tom's measured delivery was crisp and clear, delivered at a pace that allowed the listeners to understand the Victorian sentences, yet with conversational inflexions, and with movement around the Lodge, to hold the interest. I have seen the Tracing Boards described many times, and few explanations were as engaging as this. When it came to the working tools, Tom asked the Entered Apprentices to stand, and asked who could say what they were, handing the items in question to those who answered correctly; an effective bit of theatre which involved his listeners far more than a dull recital could ever do.
Brethren wishing to study more can find explanations on line, and of course, Solomon is a useful resource; I shall not reproduce Tom's lecture here. But I was interested that there were digressions within the familiar ritual I have not heard before, perhaps peculiar to the Minerva Lodge explanation. Rebecca's exhortation to Jacob to flee his brother's wrath and the consequences thereof was given in more detail than I recall - and there were other instances.
At the conclusion, the WM remarked that "The Tracing Board is one of the biggest pieces delivered in our Order, and I am in awe."
The Lodge was called back on, and reports received. W Bro Colin Shields reported that Lodge finances were sound and that the Lodge of Instruction is expected to be held in September this year. The Charity Steward named the two charities who would be receiving donations at the special Charity Lodge meeting: Hull and East Yorkshire Centre for the Deaf and the Motor Neurone Disease Association.
Greetings were extended (see the first paragraph) and the Lodge closed, after which (some of) the Brethren gathered for photographs.
The meal was lovely, the company convivial, the toasts under the expert direction of W Bro Barry Kensett, stand-in DC. Alas, the Andrew Marvell Brethren were few in number, some were obliged by virtue of their Office to stay in their seats, some prevented by age and others were typically reluctant to move, so a number of the visitors lent a hand as waiters. Well done, those visitors.
The WM introduced the Representative of the RWPGM, speaking of his love for classic cars and his meteoric rise in the Craft before proposing a toast to the Provincial Officers. W Bro Cox responded to the toast eloquently, with a mild reprimand that no mention had been made upstairs of W Bro Colin Shields' promotion to Provincial Junior Grand Deacon and the Master's own promotion to the Office of Provincial Grand Sword Bearer - both active Offices which reflected honour not only on the recipients but also on the Lodge. He addressed the Entered Apprentice and Fellow Craft Freemasons, speaking of the value of visiting and congratulating Tom Calkwell on his brilliant presentation. He spoke inspirationally on the subject of Change, explaining the Provincial Grand Master's intention to tap into talent regardless of rank, and of finding out the best people to promote what the Craft needs. Using himself as an example, he told his listeners that a healthy ambition is useful, and that the Brethren should not be afraid to promote themselves.
W Bro Mark Luscolme, WM of the Hull Old Grammarians' Lodge 5129 was eloquent, saying to the newcomers that visiting contributes much to Masonry and to Masons: "Every night you learn something, and cement bonds with your fellow man." I thought again of the Venn diagram - those interconnecting circles, extending, ultimately, all over the globe.
"Happy to meet, sorry to part, and happy to meet again," intoned the WM for the parting toast, and we took our leave of each other, well satisfied both mentally and physically, in peace and harmony.
[Photograph by Eddie Wildman. Perhaps someone can tell me all the names?]
Eddie Wildman, Lodge Organist.
Thursday 18th May 2023:
A convivial baker's dozen at the Chapter meeting enjoyed a quodlibet of HRA esoterica: see this date on the Chapter blog and the Humber Chapter likewise, the latter including a recipe for smoked mackerel paté.
Monday 15th May 2023:
At the Tickton Grange Hotel
Due to an extra Bank Holiday, there was a clash of installations, which one to attend? I chose Wyke Millennium 9696 and made my way to Tickton Grange for the 5:45 start.
Temporary traffic lights made the journey more stressful than usual, but I arrived in good time and the Brethren were setting up the Lodge in the Rose Room of the hotel. Friendly greetings all round! I noted that there were fewer visitors than when I last visited. (See 13th March below.)
The WM, Andrew Cooke was paraded in and proceeded to open the Lodge. Once opened the representative of the Provincial Grand Master, W Bro Paul Blacklock PPSGW was admitted under the direction of his DC W Bro Eddie Brook of the Provincial Grand Stewards Lodge 9611. Prior to the Installaton a ballot was taken on two joining members (W Bro Jason Smawfield-Hulby and W Bro Ian Sharp) the ballot was successful.
All offices were declared vacant and the installing officers in place; the main business of the afternoon could begin. The Master Elect W Bro Malcolm Grange PPGSuptWks was obligated and placed in the Chair of King Solomon. The Master Masons readmitted, Salutations given and the Working Tools were presented by W Bro Tim Haley; Fellow Craft readmitted and the Working Tools were presented by Brother Tom Baxter (Bevelonian Lodge); Entered Apprentices readmitted and the Working Tools were again presented by W Bro Tim Haley.
The Master invested his new team of officers and next came the addresses: to the Master by W Bro Kevin Shilcock PPJGW, to the Wardens by W Bro Roger Lewis PPJGW and to the Brethren by W Bro Tim Haley PPSGD. To close the ceremony of installation the Masonic Anthem was sung by W Bro Andrew Green of the Riding Tablers Lodge 9586.
The agenda was then resumed with reports and greetings and the Lodge closed. Once the equipment was stowed away we assembled in the room for the Festive Board.
Roasted Cauliflower Veloute' with Wensleydale Cheese Bon Bons, Confit Belly Pork/ Three Mustard Sauce/ With Champ Mash and Veggies and dessert of Eton Mess with Strawberry Sorbet. And very tasty it all was.
The traditional toasts were given and W Bro Andrew Green sang the Masters Song, we all joined in with the chorus. I gave the visitors response, until we came to the Tylers Toast when we said our farewells and headed for home Happy to have met sad to part but happy meet again.
Photograph: W B Malcolm Grange Worshipful Master Photo by Peter Stokes Peter Stokes WM
Saturday 13th May 2023:
Provincial Convocation, view from the lower deck.
Didn't we have a lovely time the day we went to the race course? The occasion: the Province of North and East Yorkshire Masonic Craft Convocation.
It was my first time at a Provincial Meeting and I was not sure what to expect. First things first though, I had booked for a PSA Test (Prostrate Cancer) and I went to find where that was taking place. I joined a queue where I bumped into W Bro Peter Wright. The queue was moving quite quickly, and soon had my confrontation with the vampire (or as they prefer to be called phlebotomist); It was quick and pain free and now I await the result.
I had met Worshipful Brothers Terry Black and Stephen Prior in the car park on arrival, so I relocated them and we took our seats for the main event. There was to be a Grand Parade in as announced by the Provincial DC. We were told where to add applause and more importantly, where not to. First came the Grand Lodge Officers followed by visiting dignitaries from other Provinces, and bringing up the rear was our own PGM The Right Worshipful Brother Doctor David Chambers.
The Lodge was opened in due form and the agenda commenced. I took this opportunity to look about the room and saw many Brethren whom I had met when on visits, some receiving honours some promotions. It was pleasing to discover that our own W Bro Paul Michael Henderson had received a second promotion to Past Provincial Grand Superintendent of works. W Bro Antonio Jose Jimenez Ramirez was receiving his first Provincial Appointment of PPAssGStdB, can we claim him?
When all the awards had been given out we were treated to a talk from Doctor Hitendra Thaker of Technical Lodge 5666 on how Hull responded to the recent Coronavirus Pandemic, from his leading position in the first team in the country to identify and treat the virus, and how the vaccines were developed so rapidly. It is reassuring to count people like this amongst our Order.
The RWPGM gave his summary of the year and indicated that the way forward would be helped by willing volunteers regardless of rank; Brethren with skills that can be used are encouraged to make themselves known.
The Provincial Lodge was closed and all the dignitaries paraded out, Time to meet and chat with Brothers and friends old and new before heading off to lunch. We reassembled in the dining area, and more meeting and greeting was taking place, Eventually we settled for lunch; Grace was said and the first course Yorkshire pudding with Chipolatas in Onion Gravy (Toad in the Hole) was served, this was followed by Braised Steak with Veg and a dessert of Ice Cream with toffee sauce coffee and mints, after which we toasted the King, The Duke, the PGM and the New Appointees. it was getting late and with a few miles to drive it was time to part, Happy to have met sad to part but happy meet again.
Peter Stokes, WM
Tuesday 9th May 2023:
Chisel and Maul
How does one get to be a stone mason? I hoped my visit to Wilberforce Lodge 2134 would answer some of the questions. The presentation was open to guests so Julie accompanied me.
When we arrived it was good to see some familiar faces, and we chatted with W Bro Mal Pearson whom we knew from the Hornsea Music scene.
The time came to sign and assemble we gathered in the temple. The guests remained downstairs during what should be a short ceremony: the WM and Wardens paraded in and the Lodge was opened in due form. The Assistant Secretary read a nugget and there being no business we went straight into reports, Almoner, Charity Steward, we were flying. Just two Grand Lodge Certificates to present and we were away. As with all things a question was raised that needed clarification and this took a little while so the presenters adjusted the presentation downstairs and the guests waited. Soon the Lodge was closed and we assembled downstairs for the Stone Masons' presentation.
Firstly Alex McCallion (right) opened by introducing how the maintenance of the Minster at York was carried out and funded, including future plans for an apprentice training area and installing solar panels to reduce the overall costs.
Neil Sanderson (left) took over and explained how twinning with other organisations around the world benefitted the church with data sharing and preservation techniques.
Lastly Emma Walitzmann (an apprentice Stonemason) told her story of how she got on to the five-year apprenticeship course, what she had learnt, and what her future would be when she completed the course.
All three were excellent in their presentations and were given a thoroughly well deserved round of applause.
The festive board was served after grace had been said, Veg Soup, Braised Beef and veg followed by Raspberry Sponge and Custard. A raffle followed (we did not win) and after an opportunity to chat with the presenters it was time to head for home. Happy to have met sad to part but happy meet again.
[Photograph, The Three Presenters, by Howard Bean.] Peter Stokes WM
Wednesday 3rd May 2023
Making the last few visits before Installation, tonight was at Beverley Rd with Kingston 1010 on the occasion of their Founders Night. I arrived relatively early and was greeted well, saw some faces from the past and met some new, was pleased to see W Bro Chris Sharp out, tempted by the Bread and Butter Pudding no doubt.
The Lodge was opened promptly and soon there was a Knock at the door, The DC W Brother David Bateman was admitted and anounced the Representative W Brother Ian Sydall was at the door, He was admitted and the agenda was resumed.
First the WM and Wardens acknowleded their predecessors in the Chairs, then W Brother Neil Armstrong gave an interesting presentation on the life and times of Simeon Mosely the first WM of Kingston 1010. (see synopsis below)
Next we were treated to an explanation of the First Degree Tracing Board.
Under propositions a charitable award to Spring Head Under 8 Football team was requested, The sum being £384.00, W Brother Eddie Wildman gave £200.00 from the Daggards and the Lodge voted to supply the rest.
The Lodge was closed and we retired down for the festive board, a starter of egg mayonaise followed by chicken and the afore mentioned bread and butter pudding. Toasts were given responses where required, I responded to the visitors Toast, and we reached the parting toast, happy to have met sad to part happy meet again.
A short synopsis of the life and times of Simeon Mosely KIngston's 1st Master.Brother Mosely was a Dentist Surgeon by occupation and a philanthropist and well respected figure amongst Hull's Jewish community. He had assisted many migrants passing through Hull to the Americas. His personal life had been tragic having lost his wife soon after moving to Hull, he was left with three daughters. His sister came to nanny for him. Further misfortune struck when he ill advisedly invested in what was a gun running venture during the American Civil War, the ships involved were destroyed, and the owner Zacharia Pearson made bankrupt taking Mosely down with him.He tried to honour his debts, but was also declared bankrupt. His failing health and prolonged litigation took its toll and he died in 1888.
Photograph, W Bro David Bateman, W Bro Ian Sydall, and WM W Bro Marcus Whereat Peter Stokes WM
Thursday 27th April 2023:
How fast a year turns around, I arrived at the normal time and was impressed to see so many Brethren there. We had visitors from two Sister Lodges as well. I was pleased to see Brothers Failey and Thompson there after a long absence.
We opened the meeting in due form and set about the evening's business with alacrity, elected the incomong Master (same as the old one) Treasurer and Preceptor.
A vote was taken on reforms to the Charity Account and this will take place as soon as it is practicable. On the subject of Charity we said good bye to the Treasure Chest, any funds remaining have been transfered to the Charity Account.
W Brother Edwin Wildman, fresh from his outing to London to receive his Grand Chapter honours presented a Grand Lodge Certificate to Bro Bill Failey, I was enthralled at the poetic nature of the delivery and how the components were referenced to the Lodge furniture.
After this we closed the Lodge and retired to the Festive Board, a three course meal of Split Pea and Ham Hock soup followed by Roast Pork with Apple Sauce and Stuffing and a Sponge Pudding or Cheese and Biscuits. Toasts were proposed and responses given until the Tyler's Toast was said, we then linked arms and sang Auld Land Syne. Happy to have met, sad to part Happy Meet Again.
Peter Stokes, WM
Tuesday 25th April 2023:
To read about the Brough Chapter Installation, click on the Chapter Blog for this date. (Reports by Eddie Wildman, John Burton and Peter Stokes.)
Saturday 22nd April 2023:
Ladies Night. See the Social page.
Thursday 20th April 2023:
To read about the Chapter of St Michael Exaltation ceremony, click on the Chapter Blog for this date.
Thursday 13th April 2023:
Worshipful Brother David Whittall, Brother Les Thornett and I roamed our way to Beverley Road Lodge to witness a first at Old Hymerian Lodge No 6885. We had been invited by the Lodge DC, Worshipful Brother Anthony Cadle. We were greeted warmly and chatted with members in the bar before proceeding to the Temple for the ceremony. The Lodge practices Emulation ritual so we were on familiar territory here.
There was no parade in, but the WM Andrew Crozier called the Lodge to order and we sang the opening ode (a different tune to the one we use at Dagger Lane) to music played over a phone and speaker as the organist was away on holiday.
The first order of business was to ballot for three Candidates, all successfull!
On to the main event, the initiation of Mr Simon Peter Copeman. The Candidate was admitted and paraded before the Brethren and on to the Wardens, after the blessing he was led to the dais in due form and he was Obligated by the WM. Like ourselves the work load was split amongst the Brethren, WB Anthony Cadle gave the Lesser LIghts, Bro Andrew Walton (Senior Deacon) gave The Secrets after which he was invested by the Senior Warden. The address at The North East Corner was given by W B Robert Jennings and the Working Tools by Bro Peter Presland.
The newly made Brother retired to restore his comforts and we continued with the agenda. Upon his return Bro Peter Presland gave the charge, with only one stumble, he had only been learning it since February and I felt he deserved a special mention.
Any other business and the risings were bringing the meeting to a close, after parading out we retired to the bar and the festive board.
After Grace was given, we were served Yorkshire pudding in onion gravy followed by meat pie with roast potatoes carrots and peas, and a fruit crumble was served as desert. We took the first five toasts the regular toasts and the WM proposed a toast to Brother Copeman who responded well, This was followed by the Entered Apprentice song, once again sung to a recording on the I Phone, some brethren failed to keep up and the music was discarded.
The Senior Warden proposed the visitors toast to which I responded, and the JW submitted the toast to Absent Brethren, The evening had passed all too quickly and the time had come for the parting toast, happy to have met, sad to part. happy meet again. We then left for home.
Photograph, WMaster and Brother Copeman with S&J Wardens. Peter Stokes WM
Wednesday 12th April 2023:
Bit of a disaster today, After finding a lump on the dog's back and consequently a visit to the vet I prepared to go to the Installation at Wilberforce Lodge 2134 in Beverley.
I set out hoping my request to dine had been received and that the time was right.but when I arrived the ceremony had started, I checked the dining list and I was not there. So rather than interupt the ceremony with my tardiness I slunk home with my tail between my legs. WiIlberforce Lodge will have to wait for another day.
Eddie was there and he said he'd supply a link for those wishing to read about it. Here it is.
Peter Stokes WM
Friday 31st March 2023:
Once again, end of the month and I will wend my way over to Sutton to visit Brough Lodge No 5464 on this occasion to witness a third degree ceremony.
I was very close to having to cancel as my car was poorly, but some speedy financial juggling got that sorted out and I was off. Upon arrival I was greeted as an old friend and noted some familiar faces were missing, This meant a lot of stand ins for the ritual.
Brother Christopher Walklett was being raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason but before we could begin W Bro Alan Hatfield was summoned from the meeting to attend to a water leak from the ladies loo. He averted disaster but the Lodge was without water or heating for the evening.
The ceremony was soon under way, The Candidate answered the questions and was sent out to prepare, and the Tyler was summoned in to prepare the Lodge room. We were treated to a display of flashing lights during the prep as the dimmer switch played up and wouldn't dim - it was all or nothing.
Bro Christopher was readmitted and passed between the Wardens. He was instructed in the proper approach to the dias where WB Tony Calvert gave the obligation. W Bro Steve Bisby then rose to give the Retrospect and the Sprig of Acacia. Following in W Bro Steve's footsteps was W Bro Gary Bennett who gave the Traditional History and Explanation of the Apron using W Bro John Wilson as a guide to the Apron. W Bro Mike Shakesby with the aid of W Bro John Wilson gave the Communication Then W Bro John Wilson gave the Working Tools. When the Senior Warden Bro Tony Christmas went to present Bro Walklett with his apron, somebody had put it away! Bro Walklett was let out to restore his comforts and we completed the Lodge business.
With our new Master Mason receiving congratulations we paraded down to the festive board. A selection of melon and orange with raspberry coolie starter, chicken and mushroom pie was served by the Brethren, dessert of crumble and custard as well as cheese and buscuits were also served.
After grace we raised our glasses in two toasts and the parish notes and raffle was drawn. WM Tim Brown then proposed the parting toast and we retired homewards happy to have met sad to part but happy meet again.
Peter Stokes WM
Friday 24th March 2023:
Tonight we are off to Beverley, Ridings Tablers' Lodge No 9586. The reason for the visit is to witness a Masonic Play entitled "The Mason of Ophir" written by RT Lodge's Worshipful Master W Bro Martin Clark.
Upon arrival I was greeted warmly and was pleased to note that there were several Entered Apprentices present, some from Juno Lodge (accompanied by W Bro James Steel) and one from Hull Old Gramarians' Lodge 5129 who had only been installed on Tuesday; a Lewis, Nick Reid, son of Graham, a regular visitor to our Lodge.
The DC, W Bro Stephen Hastings, called us to sign and assemble; once we were seated the Master and his Wardens paraded into the Lodge. After singing the Opening Ode, to a different tune, the Lodge was opened. I noted some emulation and some Humber cross over so I think Humbulation best explains the ritual.
The Lodge was called off and the players took their positions, I had not seen either a masonic play or one carried out in the Lodge room so it was with intrest I watch it unfold. The WM acting as Narrator set the scene, All of the players acted their roles well and the play based around the first degree ceremony was well set out and easy to follow. All the visitors appeared to enjoy it and I felt the EA's present gained some benefit. We all made an advancement in our Masonic Learning!
After the play was complete and the Lodge called back on reports were given and and there being no other business the Lodge was closed.
Different Lodges do different things, The first toast, King and Craft was given before the Festive Board. After grace we sat to a soup starter followed by a Czechoslovacian dish of meat and suet dumpling rolls which was enjoyed by the Brethren, followed by apple crumble and custard. After thanks were given the toasts were resumed, The Senior Warden W Bro Jonathan M M Smith (Deputy Provincial Grand Master) proposed the visitors toast, after which the RT Lodge sang the visitors song. I then responded to the toast. Thestand-in Junior Warden W Bro Andrew Green, proposed Absent Brethren and similar to ourselves a unique song was sung.
Sadly the Tylers toast must be the last and what a way to end! W Bro Green sang the toast, "Brethren of the Mystic Tie". Then we formed a Masonic chain and sang the final song: "May we all meet together." Happy to have met sad to part but happy meet again
Photograph of W Bro Martin Clark by Peter Stokes
Peter Stokes WM
Thursday 23rd March 2023:
It was the regular craft meeting at the Lodge of St Michael; on the agenda tonight was a presentation entitled "The Confessions of a Masonic Organist" given by W Bro Eddie Wildman. Before we could get there we had to sign and assemble, parade in and welcome our visitors. I then introduced W Bro Eddie, not that he needed any introduction. What followed was a trip down memory lane with music from the BBC Light program accompanied by Eddie's tales of growing up and learning the piano, his conversion to the organ and how he dabbled with wind! A very entertaining and informative presentation which the Lodge and visitors enjoyed. Thank you once again Eddie.
The regular reports followed and a nugget was presented by Bro David Broughton. There being no propositions or any other business the lodge was closed and we retired down to the festive board.
We were served with Chicken Soup, Chicken Pie and dessert or Cheese and Biscuits, The conversation round the table was friendly and informative. After thanks were given we started the toasts, I gave the first 5, Followed by the Almoner, Junior Warden (Visitors) and after the response from Bro Tom Calkwell from Minerva Lodge 250. I did the raffle and parish notes after which our Preceptor Read a nugget about why the Wardens sit in a triangle with the master, We all made an advancement in Masonic knowledge! The evening was waning fast and the tyler's toast must be the last, so we drank to absent brethren and sang Auld Lang Syne. Time to go home happy to have met sad to part but happy meet again.
Peter Stokes WM
Monday 13th March 2023:
Didn't we have a lovely time the evening we went to Tickton? WB David Whittall, JW Bro Les Thornett and myself visited the Wyke Millenium Lodge 9696 at the Tickton Grange Hotel for a first degree for Mr Chris Wall.
We arrived in plenty of time and mingled with the other visiting Brethren including our own WB Eddie Wildman.
The Lodge was opened promptly at 1845, and we were soon into the business for the evening, it being the Lodge's business night there was elections for Master Treasurer and Tyler as well as appointing committee members. This complete we moved on to the main part of the evening, I must point out that due to illness and work some positions in the Lodge were supported by Beverlonian Lodge 9084 and Old Hymerian Lodge 6885. The visiting attendance was excellent with a large contingent of Light Blues, members of the Cornerstone Circle.
The Candidate was balloted for and approved, he was then made ready. A knock and the Candidate was admitted and paraded before us, passed by the Wardens and was then led to the WM to take his obligation. All the Brethren performed their roles well and I am sure Brother Chris was impressed and enjoyed the ceremony.
Afterwards, the Lodge business complete, we retired for the festive board, which took place in another area of the Rose Room. A starter of Ceasar Salad, a main course of Lamb, and a Cheese Cake dessert: we were spoilt by the quality. Then there were the toasts, Bro Phil Lord proposed a toast to the Candidate who responded with aplomb. A raffle was drawn and the table I was on was very lucky with three of us wining prizes.
Later we sang the Entered Apprentices Song, and formed a Masonic Chain for the last verse.
Sadly time passed all too quickly and the final toast was upon us, happy to have met, sad to part, happy meet again.
Peter Stokes WM
Saturday 11th March 2023:
Provincial Almoners Workshop:- my Wardens and I were invited to attend the Beverley Masonic Hall for an Almoners Workshop, Junior Warden Les Thornett and I attended along with WB David Whittall, our Almoner.
The initial temptation had been the free tea or coffee with biscuits which we gratefully consumed on arrival. The meeting was opened by WB Brian Henderson-Thynne and WB Peter Hart, the current Provincial Almoner and the next PA respectively. They welcomed us and gave a brief outline of what they hoped to achieve before getting us to introduce ourselves. The meeting had been prepared on Powerpoint, and covered many interesting and varied topics, I was unaware of how much support and how many tools an almoner can call upon via the MCF, not only support and councelling but financial and care help where appropriate.
There was one hot topic which sparked a good conversation, an instruction from UGLE that if a regular member misses two lodge meetings the Almoner should carry out a welfare check. The debate was lively but the instruction remains for now. I hope they review it soon.
The meeting was closed at 12 15 ish and I for one had made my daily advancement in Masonic knowledge.
Peter Stokes WM
Wednesday 8th March 2023:
Tonight it was a trip to Beverley Road to witness the Installation or should I say re-installation of WB Matthew Owen at the Lodge of St Andrew 4683.
Upon arrival I was met by the visiting Representatives DC WB James Steele, Nobody else seemed to be there, had I got the right night? It was a 1900 start, in my head quite late for an installation. Soon enough Lodge members began to arrive and friendly greetings exchanged, I was still expecting a late night though!
The DC called the Brethren to Sign and Assemble and the Lodge was opened. When the Representative of the Provincial Grand Master WB Andrew James Popely PAGDC was in place, the Lodge was called off to allow Nikki Martin (Widow of former Master WB Jim Johnson) to present silver cutlery to the lodge, this had been found at Dagger Lane Kitchens during a refurbishment. The sixteen sets had been lovingly restored and contained in cloth wraps.
The Lodge called back on, it was time to reinstall. I was particularly interested in this, the installing DC WB Robert Jackson was nominated, all positions were declared vacant but the officers were instructed to remain in place until replaced. The Installing DC addressed the dias with a proclamation, presented the Warrant and Book of Constitution, then declared thrice that WB Matt Owen was Master of the Lodge and should invest his officers. Once complete the addresses to the Wardens and Brethren were given, and the installation was complete, all in the first degree.
Any other business was taken and completed, greetings were given and we retired downstairs for the festive board, a spread of cold meats and salads followed by a selection of deserts.
After the meal followed the toasts with responses, I gave the visitors response, a raffle was held for Lodge charities and was won by the representative, raising £84.00; also a whisky draw took place raising a further £34,00 for charity. Sadly, all too soon came the parting toast, happy to have met sad to part, happy meet again, Time to go home now!
Photograph by Peter Stokes, WB Andrew Popely, Nikki Martin, WB Matt Owen WM Peter Stokes WM
Saturday 25th February 2023:
This evening Julie and I attended the Brough Lodge Ladies Evening held at the Sutton Masonic Centre.
This is the second ladies evening I have attended with Brough Lodge; always a fun evening, this was to be no exception.
We mingled on arrival chatting to friends old and new: the event was well attended, 72 for dinner! The meal was to start at 1900-ish, so we took our seats. After grace was said the waitresses began to serve, Prawn cocktail for starters, lemon sorbet followed by roast chicken main course and apple pie with cream for dessert and cheese and buscuits as well. We needed to dance the food away. Before we could do that the toasts were proposed.
The master's lady's song was sung and the speeches were given, and the entertainment begin, The entertainer sang and told a few jokes, some a little bit risqué! After his first set it was time for the major event, the RAFFLE. There were many prizes, most in bags so when they were passed out nobody knew what they were getting. The first prize was a basket hamper with biscuits and wine.The ticket was drawn, and Julie had won the hamper! We had just said how we had never won at Brough . . . obviously we spoke too soon.
The singer came on and did his second act, this was more singing without the jokes, Then we headed homeward, tired and full but happy we came.
[Picture of The Prize by Peter Stokes.]
Peter Stokes WM
Thursday 23rd February 2023:
Tonight we had the Craft meeting at the Lodge of St Michael 7833. Despite Hull traffic conspiring to make us late we arrived on time . . . just. We were greeted by the good news that the poorly organ was now working, a blessed relief having heard the Brethren sing without accompaniment! The Stand in DC, W Bro Peter Wright called the Brethren to sign and assemble; I was paraded in and the Lodge was opened.
This evening we had a presentation from W Bro Alan Allison PPJGD concerning his role as Provincial Membership Officer (South). The Brethren listened attentively as W Bro Allison expanded on the role with potential leads coming from UGLE to Province and how the leads were weeded and then allocated to Lodges. Also he touched on the role of the Area Membership Officer in conjunction with the Lodge Membership Officer, a difficult subject but well explained. The Brethren gave W Bro Allison a round of applause.
The IPM W Bro John Watkins was presented with his Past Master's Jewel, He was both surprised and pleased, he didn't see that coming!
After taking reports from the Almoner, Charity Steward and Chapter and a nugget from the WM, the Lodge was closed in Due and Ancient form and the Brethren retired to the festive board.
Veg soup and Chicken Curry with Popodoms Naan Breads and chutneys were enjoyed by all.
After the toasts we formed a circle and sang Auld Lang Syne ready to depart for home, Happy to have met Sad to part, Happy meet again.
[Photograph Alan Allison and Peter Stokes by Eddie Wildman. Sorry it's not quite in focus, but as Eddie remarked, this is probably a good thing.]
Peter Stokes WM
Tuesday 21st February 2023:
Tonight's outing was a visit to Hull Old Grammarians' Lodge 5129 at Dagger Lane. The occasion was to be one of several ceremonies that the Lodge has lined up, but the summons was not specific as to which one it would be. It turned out to be a first degree ceremony for Mr Vlad Tutuianu.
The Lodge was opened and the first item was the reading of an Obituary for the late WB Peter Griggs PPGReg, who had been Chaplain in the Lodge. The Worshipful Master, Mark Luscombe, paid moving tribute to WB Griggs, WB Michael Harding added that he agreed with the WM and that Peter would be sorely missed.
Then on to the main event, the initiation of Mr Vlad Tutuianu. The Candidate was admitted and paraded before the Brethren, the Wardens gavelling at each pass.
Kneeling before the pedestal he was obligated; the Lesser Lights were explained by Bro Matt Ferron, the Secrets by WB James Mackman PPJGW, the NE corner by WB Nigel Collier, the Warrant by Bro Charlie Cordeaux. The Working Tools were presented by WB Pickard and the Charge by Acting Chaplain WB James Mackman PPJGW. All of the ritualists performed faultlessly and despite being short on numbers the Lodge was big on support for the newly initiated Brother.
The Lodge was then closed and we retired downstairs for the festive board, soup, lamb shank and cheese cake was the menu and we all dined well. I chatted with the SW Nigel Collier who proposed the visitors toast to which I appropriately responded . . .
Time passed all too quickly and as the evening came to a close we parted for home: happy to have met, sad to part, happy meet again.
[Photograph of WM Mark Luscombe and Bro Vlad Tutuianu by Peter Stokes.]
Peter Stokes WM
Thursday 16th February 2023:
See the Chapter Blog page for news about the Chapter of St Michael Installation!
Monday 6th February 2023:
The Masonic luminaries were out in force for the installation of Worshipful Brother Philip Daniels to the Chair of King Solomon at the Humber Installed Masters Lodge 2494. The Provincial Grand Master Right Worshipful Brother Dr David Chambers, Past Provincial Grand Master Right Worshipful Brother Jeffery Gillyon, Deputy Provincial Grand Master Worshipful Brother Jonathan Mark Mitchell Smith, Assistant provincial Grand Masters Worshipful Brothers Dennis Raymond Stubbly and Ian Paul Johnson, with a full Provincial Escort and Grand Officers.
The incumbant Worshipful Master Danny Betts,opened the Lodge and the minutes were read. A knock, The Provincial DC announced that the RWPGM was at the door demanding entry, he was admitted in due and ancient form with escort.
Now the ceremonial part could begin, the obligations already given a Board of Past Masters was formed to witness proceedings. The Master Elect was then placed in the Chair and WB Philip's duties began.
The Masonic Anthem was sung in Lodge by WB Richard Smedley AGDC accompanied by WB Eddie Wildman PGOrg.
After investing his officers the duties of the Master, the Wardens and the Brethren were given, after which the lodge was closed and we retired to the hall for the festive board: spiced Tomato Soup followed by Beef Bourguignon kept the Brethren nourished, wine was served with the meal. During the meal a raffle was held raising £316.00 for the Masters charity.
The toasts commenced and the Masters Song was sung by W B John Chapman PPJGW again accompanied by WB Eddie Wildman PGOrg.
Finally the concluding toast was offered and with the refrain of Happy to meet Sad to part and Happy to meet again ringing in our ears, we headed for home.
[Photograph of Philip Daniels by Eddie Wildman.]
WM Peter Stokes
Friday 3rd February 2023:
Friday night, first Friday of the month, where better to be than Brough Lodge No 5464 Was greeted well upon arrival and prepared for the Lodge opening.
The Lodge was opened by the WM Worshipful Brother Tim Brown and we proceeded with the agenda; tonight's offering was a Second Degree for Brother Mike Kirby-Hudson. The Candidate was collected and asked the traditional questions which were answered well. then he was led from the Lodge to be prepared while the WM raised the Lodge to the second degree.
The Candidate was readmitted in due and ancient form, properly prepared and escorted by the Snr Deacon. After the obligation, the secrets were given by WB Gary Chambers, SE Corner by Brother Chris Walklet, Working Tools WB Andrew Chan and the charge by WB Steve Bisby. All ritualists were excellent and gave Brother Mike Kirby-Hudson an evening to remember.
Shortly afterwards the Lodge was closed and we retired to the hall below for the Festive Board. Tonight was curry night, and the meal was enjoyed by all, conversation was lively throughout and a happy atmosphere prevailed.
I was asked if I would give the visitors return, to which I agreed. Kept it short but raised all the salient points, but sadly the evening was coming to a natural ending, We raised our glasses in a parting toast, happy to have met, sad to part, happy meet again.
WM Peter Stokes
Thursday 26th January 2023:
We had planned a first degree re enactment for this meeting, sadly due to illness and confusion this had to be postponed,Worshipful Brother David Whittall stood in at short notice and gave a presentation on the Masonic Charitable Foundation; very interesting it was as well.
The Secretary announced the promotion of Worshipful Brother Paul Henderson to PPGSuptWks. We pass on our congratulations to him.
It was proposed that the Lodge Charity Fund donate a sum of £250.00 to Brother Chris Jones who is walking the coast of Britain to raise awareness of men's mental health and to raise £100,000 for the MCF, we wish him well.
We Closed the Lodge in peace and harmony and retired to the festive board, A hearty meal of Tomato and Basil Soup, Haggis, neeps and tatties, Meat pie and Ginger sponge pudding was served and enjoyed by all. After we had toasted and responded we sang Auld Lang Syne and parted Happy to have met, Happy meet again.
WM Peter Stokes
Wednesday 18th January 2023:
Eddie Wildman joins Kingston Chapter: see this date on the Chapter blog page!
Tuesday 10th January 2023:-
Worshipful Brother David Whittall and I made our way to Dagger Lane for the re-scheduled Installation meeting for Humber 57. Dispensation was given due to the incoming Master breaking his ankle.
The Lodge assembled and was called to order then opened in due form, Worshipful Brother Eddie Wildman taking the Chair. There came a knock at the door: WB Stephen Cox, DC to the Assistant Provincial Grand Master Right Worshipful Brother Alan Ramsey Armbrister, announced who was at the door and that he demanded admission. A column of Active Provincial Officers formed an escort and the Assistant Pro Grand Master was admitted.
Now the Installation could begin, the Lodge being raised to the Second Degree, the designate Worshipfu Master Charles Alexander was obligated following a recitation of the charges and regulations, which he acknowledged. The Lodge was raised to the third degree and Master Masons asked to leave for a short time, Worshipful Brother Charles Alexander was installed into the Chair of King Solomon.
The Master Masons were readmitted and the Installling DC pronounced W Bro Charles as Master of the Humber Lodge. This was repeated in each degree as we brought the Lodge back to the first degree.Then the Officers were invested, W Bro Robert Smedley sang Hail Masonry accompanied by W Bro Eddie Wildman on the organ..The duties of The Master, His Wardens and the Lodge in general were given and this drew the ceremony to a close.
The Lodge was closed and after photographs and handshakes we retired down to the Festive Board, it has become a tradition on these occasions to serve Roast Beef,this being no exception.A glass of wine was provided and also a shot of whisky was given to each guest. An alternate menu was provided for the vegetarians.
It was getting late when we started the toasts the Worshipful Master proposing the first Five, then introducing via his CV the Assistant Provincial Grand Master, who in his response talked of recruitment goals, the forthcoming festival and also changes to the convocation forum from this year.
The raffle was drawn, having raised £186.00, W Bro Tim Brown (WM Brough Lodge) won the first prize.The final toasts were proposed and the Masters song sung by W Bro Richard Smedley and W Bro David Terry, again accompanied by W Bro Eddie Wildman on the keyboard.
As the witching hour approached and all toasts proposed and responded to, we finished our drinks and parted for home having had a very good evening, happy to have met, sad to part but happy to meet again.
Peter Stokes, WM
Friday 6th January 2023:
Happy New Year Brethren! It's Friday, it's 1830 and its Brough Lodge for the first meeting of the year. The Lodge was opened in due form, the order for the evening a 2nd Degree for Bro Damian Brooks,
Before the ceremony the Representative of the Provincial Grand Master W Bro Ian Sydall Prov G Charity Steward was admitted by his DC WB David Bateman, (This is Ian's first outing as Rep.)
Some sad news for the Lodge with Eulogies read for W Bro Geoff Eastburn PPGSwB and Bro Phil Woolfitt both having passed to the Grand Lodge above in December.
The Candidate was then called forward and given the key to gain admission to the Lodge then sent out to prepare. Upon readmission the ceremony could begin. Due to illness and holidays a number of substitutes were in place, All played their roles with credit: W Bro Tony Calvert (The Obligation) W Bro Andrew Chan (Working Tools) and W Bro Mike Shakesby (The Charge).The ceremony was accomplished with Brough Lodge's normal aplomb.
Lodge business completed we retired down to the hall for the festive board, There were several Lodges represented amongst the visitors with a strong presence from Humber 57 in support of Ian Syddall. The conversation around the table was good and a friendly atmosphere prevailed, after giving thanks the toasts were toasted and responses given.
I have never seen a visitor's response heckled by another visitor's mobile phone before,but Carl Cross carried on regardless. The raffle was drawn having raised £155.00 and W Bro Eddie Wildman gaining first prize. All too soon the Parting Toast was submitted and we turned towards home happy to have met and happy meet again.
Photographs top: WBro Ian Syddall on his first rep duty (photo Eddie Wildman) Bottom: Bro Damian Brooks and WM Tim Brown (Photo Peter Stokes.)
Peter Stokes WM.
Tuesday 20th December 2022:
Dagger Lane again, this time Hull Old Grammarians' Christmas Lodge and Ladies Festive Board (the only occasion where Ladies and Family are invited at L5129.)
The Lodge was opened promptly at 1830 and business conducted in due form. There were two candidates ballotted for and a rejoining member. Busy time ahead for this Lodge.
We processed out and retired down to join the families,it was a very understated evening, but was very pleasant just the same. The traditional Christmas fare was served by Lodge members with good grace and cheer. The conversation was good and the time passed merrily. With no carols to sing we departed for home with vocal chords intact
Sadly my pictures for the evening were of poor quality so will not be used.
Peter Stokes, WM
Thursday 15th December 2022:
It was the occasion of the Christmas Lodge: as the Brethren assembled, our Ladies and guests gathered downstairs in the bar area. The meeting opened promptly and the opening hymn was sung (practice for later) the Lodge duly formed and the Worshipful Master carried out the ceremony in quick time. The closing hymn sung as we paraded out to attend the white tablecloth festive board.
Worshipful Brother Shaun Rennison had prepared the dining area with his usual precision, all seats allocated and each place given the appropriate items (crackers, chocolates and mince pies).Brother David Broughton had prepared a Christmas Quiz, and the raffle prizes were displayed, This wasn't just Christmas, this was Christmas at St Michaels!
After Grace we sat to a full Christmas dinner of Celery and Stilton Soup, Roast Turkey, Christmas Pudding and Cheese and Buscuits, All consumed with Gusto.
At this point we marked the quiz and Dennis Chapman and Jack were the winners by half a point.
Now for the main event of the evening Eddie and Terry and Carols from Dagger Lane.They Comandeered WB Michael Price from Kingston Lodge 1010 to sing Silent Night.
We all joined in the other carols and tried to raise the roof with our singing. This was concluded with the Twelve Days of Christmas with all the tables taking part.
All good things must come to an end so (as is traditional in the Lodge of St Michael) we gathered together and sang Auld Lang Syne,
Happy to have met, happy to meet again, we made our way homewards. Merry Christmas!
Picture:-WB Terry Lynn WB Peter Stokes WM WB Eddie Wildman (Three Wise Men)
(Also see this date on the Social Page.) Peter Stokes WM
Wednesday 7th December 2022:
Tonight's outing was to Beverly Road, Kingston Lodge No 1010 Installation.
It was a 6:00 pm start, quite late for an installation, but was told on arrival that the ceremony would be abbreiviated as the incumbant had been through the chair before. In the Lodge room W Bro Eddie Wildman played a selection of Christmas music entertaining everyone,
At six precisely Worshipful Master Michael Price opened the Lodge. This being duly formed the visiting representative, Worshipful Brother David Burnett PPJGD was escorted in by a provincial escort and his DC W Bro Tony Calvert. Formalities observed the Worshipful Master Elect, W Bro Marcus Whereat, Provincial Grand Steward, was obligated. The Master Masons left the room and a Board of Past Masters formed, W Bro Marcus was then placed in the Chair of King Solomon.
With the Lodge restored to the first degree, the officers were invested and, all ceremony complete, we retired to the dining area for the festive board,
Being December we were treated to festive fare, Spiced Parsnip soup, Turkey, and Christmas Pudding or Cheese and Biscuits and a mince pie, alternatives to the Turkey were salmon or nut roast.
With the food finished the toasts were proposed, W Bro David Burnett stood in and sang the Masters Song as the designated singer was ill and unable to attend.
As the night drew to a close the final toasts proposed and nobody winning the bottle of whisky, it was agreed round the table it had been a good night with a very sociable crowd. We departed for home happy to have met, and happy to meet again.
(Photograph:- W BroTony Calvert DC, W Bro David Burnett Rep, W Bro Marcus Whercat WM, W Bro Michael Price IPM.)
Peter Stokes WM
Friday 25th November 2022:
The Feathers Helmsley was the venue for the First Principals and Masters dinner, an auspicious occasion in a beautiful location.
My afternoon started badly, Driving to the destination I got as far as Malton when I realised my lounge suit was still hanging on the bedroom door, undeterred I pressed on to the destination.
I had opted to stay the night, so I checked in and found my room, Nicely appointed but no view! With nothing to unpack I drank a cuppa before going down to the reception.
Feeling refreshed I went to reception where the Provincial Stewards were issuing name badges. Not seeing any familiar faces I joined a group and introduced myself.
The menu appeared very tasty (for meat eaters) with soup, twelve hour braised beef on fondant potato, and sticky toffee pudding. The veggie main course was a little disappointing in comparison, Macaroni Cheese with garlic bread. The grace said, we sat back for the RWPGM to give his address; he spoke of change and how we had to fit the changes in whilst keeping the traditions: it was no easy task ahead. This was followed by a Q&A session with some pertinent questions being asked and open answers being given. However, all good things come to an end, so at last we said our good nights and departed to our beds.
Peter Stokes WM
Tuesday 16th November 2022:
Dagger Lane with Old Grammarians' No 5129 was tonight's venture, the occasion being the Installation of Worshipful Brother Mark Kieran Luscombe.
Before this at the appointed hour we signed and assembled in the Lodge room, Worshipful Brother Eddie Wildman kept us entertained with tunes from the organ. The Worshipful Master Ian Doltan Storey was escorted into the Lodge room with his Wardens,
The Lodge was opened in due form, then thre was a knock at the door. The Visiting DC (WB Gary Shores) for the Representative of the Provincial Grand Master was admitted, he requested entry for WB David Johnson PPSGW who was subsequently announced and escorted into the Lodge Room.
Then began the task of installing WB Mark, the Lodge being raised and obligations complete the ceremony was carried out with due diligence and respect. Safely placed in the chair of King Solomon W Master Mark reduced the Lodge to the first degree and began to appoint his team for the forthcoming year. After greetings were given the Lodge was closed and we retired to the bar for dinner.
A meal of Prawn Cocktail, Duck and sorbet or cheese was served by the Brethren followed by the traditional toasts and responses. All too soon the evening was over and we departed for home well fed and watered. happy to have met, happy meet again,
[Photograph of WB Mark Luscombe (WM) by Peter Stokes.]
Peter Stokes WM
Friday 4th November 2022:
Where else to be on the first Friday of the month but Brough Lodge No 5464, this time for a talk on the life and times of Guy Faulks,very topical.
The Lodge was opened and regular business carried out until the Lodge was called off and we were joined by the Ladies of the Lodge. Brother Chris was introduced and gave a very interesting and informative presentation on this remarkable figure (I always thought he was ficticious!) for which he received a round of applause.
The Ladies retired and the Lodge was called back on, business was completed and we retired downstairs for the festive board.
The chatter was very cordial and we passed the time pleasurably until the parting toast, after which we left for home: happy to have met and to happy meet again.
Peter Stokes WM
Thursday 25th October 2022:
At our regular Lodge meeting we welcomed two new members, one rejoining, Worshipful Brother John Stanley Broughton PPJGW and the other Brother Kenneth Battye, joining as an unattached Master Mason previously from Arabian-Milo Lodge No 882 of the Canadian American Grand Lodge within the United Grand Lodges of Germany. On completion of the business for the evening we retired down to the dining area where we joined our guests for a white table event.
The menu of Leek and Potato Soup, Roast Turkey with all the trimmings followed by either Apple Pie and Custard or Cheese Board which was well received by all the guests,. A table quiz in three parts bought out the competative edge in some with the winners of each part receiving a box of biscuits. There were two raffles, raising £350.00 for the Masters and Lodge Charities.
The evening passed with much jollity and new friendships being struck and old ones reformed, but all good things come to an end so we retired home happy but tired.
Peter Stokes WM
Wednesday 19th October 2022:
Double Celebration in Kingston Chapter 1010: see the Chapter Blog page!
Monday 10th October 2022:
Tonight's travels saw Worshipful Brother David Whittall and the Lodge of St Michael Worshipful Master at Wyke Millennium Lodge 9696 which meets at the Tickton Grange Hotel near Beverley. The occasion was a First Degree (the first since June 2018.) Upon arrival we were greeted by many familiar faces as the visitors outnumbered the members.
The Lodge was opened in due and ancient form by the Worshipful Master WB Andrew Cooke, then the arrival of the Deputy Provincial Grand Master Very Worshipful Jonathan Mark Mitchell Smith with his team of Active Provincial Officers who demanded admision. After appropriate salutations he briefly took the Chair to introduce his team.
Then on to the main event, the initiation of Mr Philip Lord to Entered Aprentice Free Mason. The team, with four stand-ins from sister Lodges, performed their tasks and ritual with enthusiasm and some humour and an enjoyable ceremony was completed. The Lodge was then closed and we retired to the festive board.
The food as expected was excellent, smoked mackerel paté starter, Leven Duck main, followed by pear frangipan and ice cream, We also enjoyed excellent company with Brethren from sister Lodges.
After the meal we toasted and responded, I won a bottle of wine on the raffle! Time, though, passed too quickly. When singing the Entered Apprentice song to Brother Lord, we formed a Masonic Chain for the last verse, and prior to this being sung an explanation of the Masonic Chain was given,
The Tylers toast was given and the evening came to an end: we departed for home, happy to have met and happy to meet again.
[Photograph of Jonathan Smith, Andrew Cooke and Philip Lord by Peter Stokes]
Peter Stokes, WM
Thursday 22nd September 2022:
Founders Night in the Lodge (29th September for accuracy) it being the 60th anniversary of the founding of The Lodge of St Michael. We had very little business to deal with in Lodge and a presentation from WB Terry Lynn to look forward to when we retired.
The Lodge was opened in due form, and the reports read, We then had three propositions, one for a joining member, one for a rejoining member and one for a donation to Conought Court in lieu of the cancelled open day.
The Lodge was then closed and we retired for the main event. WB Terry Lynn gave his entertaining and informative presentation about growing up in London and his path to Yorkshire Masonry, His candour and his humour shone through and we thank Terry for sharing.
After the meal, came the cake, and what a cake. Sat on the checkered pavement with the three principal officers on top, a grand gesture by the Senior Warden, pity he could not be there to share it.
The cake cut and eaten, the toasts all submitted, we gathered in a masonic chain to sing Auld Lang Syne. Then we parted, happy to have met, happy to meet again.
[Photographs by Peter Stokes]
Peter Stokes, WM
Saturday 17th September 2022:
Technical Lodge No 5666 was the destination this Saturday night, the occasion was the passing of Brother Ed Thompson to the degree of Fellow Craft, The Lodge was opened in due form by Worshipful Master Robert Atkinson and after a minute's silence for Her Majesty the Queen, the main event was called.The Technical Lodge uses Humber Ritual so the proceedings were a little different to our Lodge, which uses Emulation; the outcome though was the same. All of the ritualists performed their roles with accuracy and clarity and the candidate also answered all his questions in the same way. It was an enjoyable ceremony which I am certain Ed enjoyed as well.
After the business in the Lodge was completed we retired downstairs to the festive board, I was asked as the only visitor to return the visitor toast to which I agreed willingly. In this Lodge the Senior Warden looks after visitors and the conversation was lively and fun. I was serenaded with the visitors song to which the whole Lodge joined in the chorus.
All too soon the parting toast was called and we departed for home, happy to meet, sad to part but happy meet again.
[picture Bro Ed Thompson with WB Richard Aikinson at Technical Lodge 5666 by Peter Stokes]
Peter Stokes WM
Saturday 10th September 2022:
Worshipful Brother Eddie Wildman and myself attended the Installation Meeting of Beverlonian Lodge 9084 where W Bro Tony Dickens was to install his successor, Mark Alan Fox into the Chair of King Solomon.
After the reading of the dispensations, the Representative of the Provincial Grand Master, W Bro David Johnstone was received in due form.
The Installation, not dissimilar to our own, was carried out with enthusiasm. Alarm was caused by the Senior Warden knocking his column from the pedestal. (It was something to talk about later.) WIth W Bro Mark securely esconsed in the Chair, the Representative was asked to present the Past Master's jewel to W Bro Tony Dickens.
W Bro Johnstone certainly earned his dinner as he was also called upon to present a Grand Lodge Certificate to Brother Thomas Baxter. This complete, the Lodge was closed and we retired to the dining hall where an excellent spread of soup and roast beef was served.
After the meal we toasted the King and sang God save the King, (possibly the first Lodge in the Province to do so, W Bro Johnstone remarked). I responded to the visitors toast, we were then serenaded by the Lodge with the visitors song.
Too quickly the evening was over, we gathered in a chain and sang our goodbyes, happy to meet, and happy to meet again.
[Picture, Left to right: The Newly Installed WM W Bro Mark Fox, the Representative of the RWPGM, W Bro David Johnstone, and his DC, W Bro Gary Shores about to enter the dining room.]
Peter Stokes, WM
Friday 2nd September 2022:
I made a visit to our mother Lodge Brough No 5464 to wash out the masonic cobwebs from the summer break.The order of business included a 2nd degree with Brother Malcolm Quiller being passed to the degree of a Fellowcraft Freemason.
AII of the officers were substitutes due to late holidays or sickness but all performed their roles well.
IPM Tony Schofield was presented with his Past Masters Jewel and gave an update on his health.
Business complete we retired to the festive board where the Thesaurus Lodge Worshipful Master W Bro Stephen James Burns responded to the visitors toast, he also won a prize in the raffle! All too soon the evening came to a close, the final toast was submitted and we returned homewards in peace and harmony with mankind.
[Photograph of WM Tim Brown, Bro Malcolm Quiller and W Bro Tony Schofield by Peter Stokes.]
Peter Stokes, WM
Tuesday 9th August 2022:
Humber Lodge 57 enjoyed an illustrated presentation by W Bro Terry Lynn of the Lodge of St Michael 7833. The midsummer evening was sultry and the WM, W Bro Mike Potts announced that Terry's presentation would be given downstairs before the festive board, where it was cooler and everyone could purchase a drink from the bar beforehand.
Terry spoke of his Peckham upbringing (many of the listeners nodding their heads as he talked about the Robin Reliant and how children played on the bomb sites). "Heating water was expensive," he remarked, "so most people only bathed once a week - and perhaps we're going to have to do the same again, soon."
He told the Lodge about differences in ritual in London (Emulation) working, citing that as the reason he had joined the Lodge of St Michael, and regaled us with tales of visits to Cumbria, Wales,Scotland and Tenerife where the Masonic meetings often bore little resemblance to those in Hull. "But the principals of the Fraternity remain the same all over the globe," he averred. "Brotherly love, relief and truth, and, of course, friendship" It was a lovely evening.
Thursday 4th August 2022:
The funeral of Brenda Watkins, wife of IPM John Watkins, was at Chanterland Avenue Crematorium at ten o' clock. It was very well supported by the Worshipful Master and Brethren from the Lodge of St Michael (fifteen of us, many with partners and friends who had known Brenda) plus Brethren from other Lodges including W Bro John Broughton and Bob Clancy, Provincial Grand Master in the Mark. It was an impressive gathering in the sunlit carpark before before everyone followed the coffin into the small Chapel to the music of Sting. John was there with his family, and friends from where he lived.
It was a nondenominational service; Brenda (and John) being Buddhists, and the celebrant, Mike Anderson, gave an account of Brenda's growing up in Hull. She and John met at Brunswick Avenue School's disco in the sixties - she was fifteen, John a year older, and they were married in 1968. Their son and daughter, Jeffrey and Angela came along in due course, and, later, three grandchildren.
The celebrant spoke of Brenda being strong-willed, having a sense of humour, being caring, loving and family minded. "She had," he said, "a heart bigger than the world."
John gave a cherished Buddhist reading from a Sariputra meditation after which there was a time for reflection, while Close to You by the Carpenters was played. The celebrant spoke of Brenda's failing health following her massive heart attack at fifty-seven and reminded the people in the Chapel that "she is only a thought away."
Refreshments were laid on at the nearby Sports Centre where most of us joined John and his family for a final celebration of Brenda's life.
Our sympathies are of course with John and his family at this very difficult time.
[Photograph of Brenda and John sent by daughter Angela]
Eddie Wildman
Saturday 30th July 2022:
Special Meeting of Provincial Grand Lodge: notes by Eddie Wildman
W Bro Bill Burnett is one of Humber Lodge's United Grand Lodge Officers, and he'd offered to take me to York for the Installation of VW Bro David Chambers as Provincial Grand Master and later as the Grand Superintendent in and over Yorkshire North and East Ridings. The opportunity to attend such a prestigious occasion in such illustrious company was compelling and I gratefully agreed. I'm sure the neighbours were peeping from behind their curtains as the gleaming polished Range Rover Vogue purred to a stop outside my humble house, wondering at the morning suit and Masonic case in my hand.
The journey was without incident and we swapped stories about swimming instructing and education, about friends amongst the Brethren and about Freemasonry in general. I was saddened to hear of the recent sudden death of RW John Anderson, which had come as a shock: "There were a few of us enjoying a meal with him only a week or so ago," said Bill, "and he was in good form."
The University of York at Fulford was well policed by Provincial Grand Stewards, who very efficiently directed us to a parking spot and told us where to go. We were in good time, and greeted many friends as we made our way to the Central Hall to change into our regalia.
RW Bro Jeffrey Gillyon had announced his intention to retire as the Provincial Grand Master (see 14th May on the Humber website blog) and Very Worshipful Dr David Chambers, who had been the Deputy Provincial Grand Master in Charge in the interim, was taking over the post this morning. The hall, while not full to capacity, was pleasantly well attended, including Lodge of St Michael Brethren Terry Black and Stephen Prior, elegant in their provincial regalia. Bill and I sat amongst the glitter of Grand Lodge Officers present.
We were joined by W Bro John Davies, who, like Bill, as a retired Provincial DC was casting a critical eye over the proceedings, The unexpected demise of his friend Richard Anderson precluded him from staying for the afternoon session - Mrs Anderson was still in shock. John said that I could have his lunch, which was very kind of him. "Table Twenty-three," John told me, "at the same table as Bill."
I am sure there will be plethora of photographs and official accounts of the proceedings by email over the coming weeks, so I'll not dilate at length, but the dignity and superb choreography of the Grand Lodge Team was very impressive. This, and the afternoon session, we were told, were to be the last investitures performed by the Pro Grand Master, MW Bro Peter Geoffrey Lowndes.
Let me digress for a moment to explain the term "Pro Grand Master". As the Grand Master is a member of the Royal Family, he has appointed a Pro Grand Master to be his principal Masonic Advisor, and to act for him on occasions when he is unable to be present due to Royal engagements.
W Bro Denis Raymond Stubley, Assistant Provincial Grand Master entered in Procession with the Active Officers of the Provincial Grand Lodge and was saluted with five, after which the MW Pro Grand Master and the visiting Officers of Grand Lodge were received.
The Pro Grand Master took the Chair and was saluted with eleven after which he explained the object of the meeting. A deputation was formed, and the Provincial Grand Master Designate was escorted in, and addressed by the Pro Grand Master. "Dr David Chambers is not a Yorkshireman," he said whilst mentioning David's many talents, "but you will treat him as one of your own." After Dr David Chambers had taken his obligation, he was invested by the MW Pro Grand Master, who relinquished the Chair. I managed to take a picture of the unoccupied seat beforehand.
The new RWPGM appointed and invested W Bro Jonathan Smith as his Deputy before reappointing his Assistant Provincial Grand Masters and confirming the appointments of the other Provincial Grand Officers. He spoke about Freemasonry in the Province, stating "Enjoyment is the touchstone of what we are about."
I enjoyed lunch - the more so because it had been unexpected. The table was wobbly, however - one of the Brethren remarked that if a table or stool has three legs, it won't wobble - why, then do people insist on putting four legs on tables? I was going to say something about one at each corner when I realised the tables were round. I kept my mouth shut,
The MW Pro Grand Master presented a gift to our new Provincial Grand Master from the Grand Master, HRH the Duke of Kent in the form of a customised gold medallion encased in a lucite cube. "This is a personal gift," he explained, "and not for the Secretary to look after." He went on to explain that it was a very useful paperweight, given the amount of correspondence from the United Grand Lodge of England that would be coming David's way.
The afternoon Convocation was in good time, a little earlier than expected, and E Comp Dr David Chambers PGStB was installed as Grand Superintendent in and over Yorkshire North and East Ridings, but a fuller report of this may be found on the Humber Chapter Blog page.
It had been a most satisfying day, Bill and I reflected as we made our way back to Hull.
[Photographs of Bill Burnett, James Ashby-Kelly and Jim Kerr, the pedestal and the diners by Eddie Wildman. Photograph of the Pro Grand Master from Freemasonry Today and of Dr David Chambers from the Provincial website.]
Eddie Wildman, Lodge Organist
Wednesday 20th July 2022:
Worshipful Brother David Whittall and I went to the seaside. We were two of several visitors to Alexandra Lodge 1511 in Hornsea, the occasion being the raising of Brother Kier Horner.
The Lodge Room was very hot so Worshipful Master Paul Brown allowed us the relief of taking off our jackets.
Before the main event the Lodge was honoured by a visiting Representative of the Right Worshipful Deputy Grand Master in Charge, Worshipful Brother David Burnett PGJD and his DC, W Bro Brian Carlisle.
The ceremony of raising was carried out with due aplomb and all ritualists perfoming admirably. a different ceremony to the Lodge of St Michael's but achieving the same result. Brother Horner obviously enjoyed the experience. W Bro Ian Syddall, part of the escort for the Representative, wrote his blog of the event which can be found on the Humber website.
All other business being complete we retired to the festive board where friendships old and new were established. All too soon the parting toast was called and we departed in peace and harmony.
[L-R: W Bro Brian Carlisle, Rep's DC; W Bro David Burnett, Representative of the RWDGMic; Bro Kier Horner, Master Mason; and W Bro Paul Brown, Worshipful Master. Photograph by PS]
Peter Stokes Worshipful Master.
Wednesday 10th July 2022:
Another away day, this time the Lodge of St Andrew No 4683, the occasion being the Passing of Brother Craig Ashley David Eastburn to the degree of Fellow Craft. I arrived early at Beverley Road and parked the car - the Beverley Road Lodges enjoy a dedicated space for vehicles which is a great advantage. The Lodge started later than ours at St Michael so I was able to meet some of the Brethren before the event.
At 1900 promptly the Lodge was opened with W Br Matthew Owen in the Chair. Due to holidays and sickness some of the team were standing in but this made little difference as the ritual was carried out with confidence by all participants. Everybody did their best and it all passed smoothly. I know Brother Craig enjoyed his passing.
Special Mention was given to W Bro Eddie Brook on his promotion to the Provincial Grand Stewards Lodge 9611 for his work in Masonry. Well done Eddie.
The meeting closed and we assembled for the Festive Board downstairs where all enjoyed a fine meal and conversation until the final toast was given and we departed with harmony and peace.
My next outing will be to Alexander Lodge 1511 Hornsea on 20th July 2022.
[Photograph of Bro Eastburn and W Bro Owen by W Bro Stokes]
Peter Stokes, WM
Friday 1st July 2022:
As the Lodge of St Michael Worshipful Master I attended the Brough Lodge 5464 first meeting since installation. Worshipful Master Tim Brown took the chair. The new team worked well together and members not present at installation were invested. The meeting was billed as an either/or First Degree or Talk. As it happened we enjoyed a talk from WM Tim Brown on Imposters in Lodges in the 19th Century and why we prove on visits. I gave greetings from the Lodge accompanied by WB John Watkins IPM who is a member of Brough lodge.
All other business complete we retired to the Festive Board where lively conversation was struck up and the food was enjoyed. Sadly the evening came to an end with the final toast and we departed in harmony and peace.
My next visit will be St Andrews Lodge 4683 on 13th July, for a 2nd degree ceremony. (See the Meetings Diary Page.) Any member wishing to accompany me would be welcomed.
Peter Stokes WM
Thursday 23rd June 2022:
Today was the first meeting since Installation, all preperations carried out, Parish Notes prepared, we were ready. A telephone call from the Head Steward W Bro Shaun Rennison bought sad news:no Festive Board, the chef has COVID! No time to arrange alternative dining.
Lodge room later, with numbers around average, the officers missing from the installation were invested making the team complete, we then called off and invited the Tyler in to undertake the challenge of W Bro Eddie Wildman's "Fiendishly Hard Quiz". We formed into 5 teams, pencils at the ready, and we were off. All the teams acquitted themslves well, the winners earning a box of smarties.
The lodge was called back on, all business and reports dealt with, we retired to home hungry but happy.
I look forward to seeing all members old and new in September, LOI on the 5th.
Below are the comments from Eddie Wildman's blog on the Humber website:
Peter Stokes, WM
No Chef!
The Lodge of St Michael 7833 suffered an unexpected blow when the chef telephoned to say he'd tested positive to covid and would not be providing a meal that evening.
It was too late for the Steward to organize pizza or fish & chips, but there were few apologies from the Brethren - almost all the usual number turned up for the WM's first working night - and to take part in the promised fiendish Masonic Quiz.
Worshipful Master Peter Stokes called off the Lodge for the event and invited the Tyler to enter. The Brethren formed into five teams and scrutinised the quiz sheets, pencils at the ready.
There were some rumblings about the marking system (one point for a correct answer, take away a point for a wrong answer) but W Bro Eddie Wildman, Quizmaster, having dealt with schoolchildren for most of his life, insisted on this equitable method and no team finished up with a negative score.
The winners were appropriately grateful for the box of Smarties donated for their efforts, and W Bro Wildman was thanked for putting together a stimulating quiz.
The Worshipful Master called the Lodge back on, the Tyler returned to his post outside the door and the remaining business was dealt with in short order. The Brethren retired, and the bar being inexplicably closed, went home.
Despite there being no food, it was an enjoyable evening, and a good start for the WM's year.
Eddie Wildman, Quizmaster
Monday 20th June 2022:
Notes from the Worshipful Master
I attended my first away visit as WM at Holderness Lodge 3563, which meets at Beverley Road.
The occasion was a first degree with a new team, Some of the Brethren were yet to be invested. It was a well supported meeting with visitors from several Lodges; over thirty Brethren were in attendance.
A eulogy to the late brother Dave Hunter was given followed by a gently played "Abide with me" before the ceremony began.
The Candidate, Mr Andrew Stephen O'Neill was initiated by the team who delivered their ritual with aplomb. Particular reference must be made to the excellence of Brother Kitchen's Working Tools and WB Coats' North-East Corner, but all the Brethren acquitted themselves ably, led by the Worshipful Master, W Bro Richard Tyson
Brother O'Neill enjoyed the ceremony as he mentioned in his response at the Festive Board,
It was an enjoyable occasion from which we parted in harmony and peace.
[Photograph of the Worshipful Master Richard Tyson and the newly-made Brother Andy O'Neill by W Bro James Ashley-Kelly.]
Peter Stokes WM
Thursday 26th May 2022:
Eddie Wildman, guest organist for the Lodge of St Michael, writes about the Installation 2022.
It cannot be denied that the Lodge of St Michael is sometimes leisurely in its delivery of ritual, so much so that the Installation ceremony is traditionally called to commence at 4:30 pm. I arrived an hour beforehand, to find that several Brethren were already setting up tables to prepare for the Festive Board later. Julie (Peter's partner) was there too and had baked some delicious shortbread - I don't think there was any left at the end of the evening.
Despite the early start, the Brethren and visitors were ready to roll, and had signed in, so when the DC, W Bro Henderson PPSGD announced "The appointed hour has arrived" exactly on time, everyone was ready, with their mobile phones turned off, and the Worshipful Master, W Bro John Watkins, was escorted into the Lodge Room. The meeting was opened melodiously and efficiently. There was a report, and W Bro Barry Longstaff (recognised less than a month previously for his services to Freemasonry and invested with his Provincial Stewards' collar by the RWPGM at the York convocation) smartly entered and asked for a Provincial escort to honour the Representative of the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master, W Bro Michael de Villamar Roberts PJGD. It was an auspicious begining, and Bazza's efficiency somehow communicated itself to the Brethren - or perhaps vice-versa, for the meeting continued with an enviable momentum.
I shall not dilate on the raising of the Lodge to the Second Degree wherein the Master Elect was obligated for the first time, but again the ritual was smoothly managed; nor on the retirement of Brethren who had not yet been through the Chair (identifiable from the rosettes on their aprons.) Brother Stokes was installed into the Master's Chair according to ancient tradition. The Brethren were readmitted and perambulated round the Lodge saluting the new Master while W Bro Terry Lynn sang the Masonic Anthem from the Senior Warden's Chair in the West. The application of the working tools as a guide to our morals was explained by some of the younger Brethren, and particular mention should be made of Brother Tony Tyler's rendition of the tools of the Entered Apprentice Freemason.
The Worshipful Master appointed and invested his officers. A note should be made that the Senior Warden Elect, Brother Adrian Thompson BEM had been called to receive honours at Buckingham Palace, so we will look forward to hearing all about that at the next meeting.
I had the privilege of giving the Address to the Master and W Bro Peter Wright PPJGW gave the Address to the Wardens. Brother John Burton, just appointed as Senior Deacon, delivered the Address to the Brethren.
Worshipful Brother Peter Stokes invested his predecessor with a Past Master's Jewel, and Worshipful Brother de Villamer Roberts gave a lively and informative description of the Grand Lodge Certificate, which he presented to Brother Tony Tyler. Greetings were given from visiting Lodges: Brough Lodge 5464 was well represented.
Despite the amount of work done upstairs, we were still earlier than anticipated at the Festive Board. Indeed, in his response to the fifth toast, W Bro de Villamar Roberts remarked that it was a pleasure to be speaking shortly after nine and not at 10:30. He spoke of our changing society and the necessity of embracing change, maintaining that the old traditions should not be considered irrevocable - in this day and age, he opined, the Ladder System employed by many Lodges might be questioned. "The key aspect of Freemasonry," he stated, "is enjoyment."
It was a happy evening. The toast to the new WM was given by W Bro David Whittall, who said that, like the other Brethren, he regarded it as a privilege to belong to the Lodge of St Michael, and was looking forward to the year. W Bro Terry Lynn PPJGW sang the Worshipful Master's Song and everyone joined in the chorus.
The Lodge Preceptor, W Bro Isaac Jackie Chapman PPGsuptWks gave the toast to the IPM and his officers, mentioning that circumstances had precluded W Bro Watkins taking the Chair earlier, but now his wife had insisted. Brenda's support, especially as she is unwell, was appreciated by all the Lodge. "Our Immediate Past Master has done his best," Jackie said, "and no-one can ask for more than that. And his Officers have supported him with great gusto."
John's response was more than a little emotional, but he thanked the Brethren for their support and said he would pass on their kind regards to Brenda.
Mention should be made of the toast to Absent Brethren with its unique tune and words put together by two Founder members of the Lodge. Almoner W Bro Whittall explained that the marriage of lyrics and melody resonated with him particularly, considering those Brethren who for whatever reason could not be with us that evening.
It is a tradition that the ladies get together while the Brethren celebrate the annual Installation, and this evening was no exception. The Worshipful Master had generously supplied the wine and the port and we were in a jolly mood. No doubt the ladies were too. I didn't join them at the Holiday Inn on this occasion, but took my leave with the words of St Michael's Lodge final song ringing in my head: "We'll tak' a cup o' kindness yet, for Auld Lang Syne."
[Photographs:John Watkins, IPM; Peter Stokes WM; Michael de Villamar Roberts, Representative; Peter and John, and Terry Lynn, vocalist, stand-in Senior Warden and all-round good egg. All taken by Eddie Wildman.]
Eddie Wildman
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