Lodge of St Michael

The Lodge of

St. Michael No. 7833 



Take a virtual tour of the Building on the Dagger Lane Page


Next Craft meeting Thursday 27th Feruary 2025


 Tyle at 7:00 prompt



Next Chapter Meeting


20th February 2025

Note 6:15 Start





March 25 Ladies Evening Hull Marina Holiday Inn




Leslie Thornett


Read about our Worshipful Master on the Brethren Page.

 Read about the Chapter Installation in the Chapter Blog

Christopher Prior, MEZ


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The Worshipful Master with  Brothers Adrian Thompson and Peter Stokes attended the Installation of Worshipful Brother Tony Schofield into the Chair of King Soloman at Brough Lodge 5464. A good display of Humber Ritual was followed by an enjoyable Festive Board where WB Shaun responded to the Visitors Toast. The Traveling Gavel was on display!





  A Grand Day Out.

Worshipful Brothers Peter Wright and Terry Black accompanied by Bro's Adrian Thompson and Peter Stokes attended a meeting at Grand Lodge, Great Queen Street, London. 

The Pro Grand Master Peter Geoffrey Lowndes took the chair with guest Grand Masters from New Zealand, South America and Africa as well as some closer to home.

They were treated to an occasion of pomp and ceremony, the grand organ was in good voice.  After dining, a return trip to Hull was the order of the day.


 On Saturday 22nd June, Brother Peter Stokes Attended the Instalation of WB Mark Hartley at Minerva Lodge 250. The visiting Representative of the Provincial Grand Master was WB Paul Harper, The ceromony was carried out in due form and a Festive Board was enjoyed by hosts and visitors alike.


Wednesday 3rd July saw Brothers Peter Stokes and Adrian Thompson at Kingston Lodge 1010;the program for the evening included an Illistrated Daggards Presentation on "Graves and Epitaphs" Presented by WB John Wheeldon. An excellent presentation was followed by an equally excellent Festive Board where brother Peter returned the visitors toast.


Alexander Lodge 1511,Hornsea was the destination for WB Steve Longthorpe with Brothers Adrian Thompson and Peter Stokes on Wednesday 17th July.where they attended a Second Degree ceremony to Pass Brother Des Danial, a sprightly 92 year old entered apprentice.

The meeting was attended by Worshipful Brother David Burnett representing the Provincial Grand Master for the evening; his Director of Ceremonies was WB David Hume.

An entertaining ceremony; followed by a friendly Festive Board; meeting new friends and enjoying good company made for a good evening had by all.


The Worshipful Master along with his Junior Warden, visited Technical Lodge 5666 on Saturday 17th August. The occasion was a First Degree. The candidate arrived properly prepared and was duly initiated into the mysteries of freemasonary. 

We retired to the Festive Board where we enjoyed good food good company and singing, new frendships were formed and a very enjoyable evening was had by all. 


On Wednesday 4th September, the Worshipful Master accompanied by Worshipful Brother Allan Hemmings and Brother Adrian Thompson visited Wilberforce Lodge for the investature of three new Provincial Officers, Worshipful Brother William Glanville as Provincial Grand Secretary, Worshipful Brother Trevor Ions as Assistant Provincial Grand Secretary and Worshipful Brother Stephen Fox as Assistant Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies. A presentation by Wiberforce "Light Blues" folled entitled "Hidden in Plain Sight". 93 sat for the Festive Board and frendships new and old were made.


Thursday5th September saw the Junior Warden visit Comstitutional Lodge No 294 in Beverley. On this occasion the lodge was visited by a Representative of the Provincial Grand Master Worshipful Brother Tony Burke PPGStB. The lodge also performed a third degree for Brother Ian Vincent Denston who was raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason.A simple Festive board followed and Brother Peter Stokes returned the Visitors Toast, an evening of good ritual, re made freindships and fraternal fun was had by all. 


The Worshipful Master Supported the Right Worshipful Provincial Grandmaster when he attended the Worshipful Masters Dinner held at the Feathers Hotel, Helmsley, North Yorkshire. The event was a success attended by 50 Worshipful Masters from the Province.                                                                                                                                                    




Gone For a Burton.

Monday 20th September,Andrew Marvell Lodge (1937)                                                             were treated to a sterling rendiition of the first degree Tracing Board by BrotherJohn Burton who gave the extended version to the assembled Brethren; who responded with spontaineous applause. Worshipful Brother Eddie Wildman (also present from the Lodge of St Michael) while he had heard Brother Burton's delivery before, on this occasion it was delivered with extraordinary sensitivity.


3rd of October 2019 the Worshipful Master along with Worshipful Brothers Terry Black, Peter Barnes, Jack Chapman and Brother Peter Stokes visited the Consttutional Lodge No 294 to witness a Second Degree Ceremony. Also present was Worshipful Brother Eddie Wildman. Unbeknown to them it was also Past Masters Night at the lodge and Worshipful Master Andy Nicholson handed over his Gavel to Worshipful BrotherJohn Rutty (WM 2002). Brother Lee David Chester was prepared and then Passed to the degree of Fellow Craft Freemason.                             Chicken Curry was served at the Festive Board where Shaun poetically returned the Visitors Toast. A good evening was had by all. 

1st November, Brough Lodge 5464 held a second degree ceremony for Brother Dale Adamson, Brother Peter Stokes was there to witness this. Also present was Brother John Watkins who is a menber of this lodge. Brough Lodge were pleased to recieve a Representative of Provincial Grand Lodge, WB David Flower PAGDC, who presented a Grand Lodge Certificate to Brother Ashley Laverick. We retired to the dining area for a convivial Festive Board where frendships were renewed and new ones made.  

 Remember, remember the 6th of November, when the Lodge of St Michael went visiting.                        The Worshipful Master Shaun Rennison with W Bro's Terry Black, Stephen Prior, and David Whittall along with Bro's Adrian Thompson and Peter Stokes called on Kingston Lodge 1010 to witness a Raising.Before the ceremony the Worshipful Master of Kingston Lodge W Bro Louis Morgan PPJGW, gave a moving Eulogy for W Bro Samson Sassoon Samuel Judah PDGO. There then followed a Kingston 1010 tradition that a service of remembrance was held for lives lost in both world wars and in particular Masons lost from Kingston Lodge. The main event was the raising of Bro John Roger Watkinson to the sublime degree of Master Mason.                                       After the lodge was closed we retired to the Festive Board, a places were laid for the fallen, continuing the theme of remembrance. Our Worshipful Master returned the visitor toast and we were serenaded with song by W Bro Michael Price PPSGD before we made our way home, happy we part happy to meet again!


Monday 18th November, Dagger Lane. The Humber lodge No 57 held their LOI showcase, in the Chair Worshipful Brother Eddie Wildman. The lodge of St Mochael had turned out in force to support WB Eddie with WM Shaun Rennison, WB's Terry Black, Terry Lynn Stephen Prior Peter Wright and Jack Chapman along with Brothers Adrian Thompson, John Burton and Peter Stokes  all in attendance. Although the dress was smart casual the attention to detail was spot on and a good all round performance was witnessed. The candidate WB Stan Smith, the current WM of Humber Lodge,was taken through the first degree with due ceremony and good humour before retiring for the festive board. An evening of Masonic song and toasting our WB Terry Lynn returned the visitors Toast and the garish tie competition was won by our own John Burton.We wish Eddie a successful and happy year in the chair.


On Friday 22nd November Brothers Adrian Thompson and Peter Stokes Visited the Ridings Tablers Lodge in Beverley. This was to be the installation of the new Master WB Terry Fisher. We were met by a friendly crowd and made to feel very welcome. soon after we gathered in the Temple for the ceremony to commence. The visiting rep WB Chris Thomas,who was a last minute replacement for WB John Davies who was ill and to whom we wish a speedy recovery, was admited and the Installation was begun, when we were readmitted Terry was in the Chair of King Soloman and began appointing his team. This complete and salutations given we retired to the dining room for the Festive Board. A merry time was had by all and the singing went into the evening, but all good things come to an end, a masonic chain was formed and we sang our farewells happy to meet sad to part and happy to meet again. We wish Terry a successful and happy year in the chair.



28th November 2019, The Lodge of St Michael was honoured by a visit by The Deputy Provincial Grand Master The Very Worshipful Dr David Chambers, with a team of Active Provincial Officers and His Director of Ceremonies Kevin Lyons.                                                                                       The night was sceduled for a First Degree, Mr Anthony Thomas Tyler wishing to partake the mysteries and privilages of Freeasonry. WB Shaun Rennison conducted the ceremony with aplomb, supported by all of his team, The ritualists drew positive comments from the DPGM.          Brother Anthony then joined for his first festive board. The meal complete the toasts began, Brother Adrian Thompson proposed a toast to Brother Anthony who responded.We then sang the Entered Apprentice Song ( Badly).                                                                                                        All to soon the evening was over, we formed a masonic chain and sang Auld Lang Syne, happy to meet sad to part Happy to meet again.        


     On Tesday 2nd December, the Worshipful Master, accompanied by IPM WB Terry Black attended the Installation of  WB Michael Price PPGSD (Worcs) into the chair of King Solomon. MIchael was last installed over 35 years ago in his mother lodge. Both were guests of WB Brian Everatt  PPGSwdB and a good evening was had by all.               

 On Friday 6th December Brother Peter Stokes and his Partner Julie Attended the Brough Lodge Christmas Lodge, After a short Meeting, with a call off for a magic display, we sat for our first Christmas Dinner. After the meal was eaten, and the toasts observed, we played the lefty righty game followed by carols and the raffle. Over £130 was raised for lodge funds and a good evening was had by all.               



ON Tuesday 10th December, at Dagger Lane Edwin Robert Wildman was installed into the Chair of King Solomon in Humber Lodge No 57. Amongst the 42 visitors from 19 sister lodges were several from the Lodge of St Michael, including The Worshipful Master, Shaun Rennison,WB Peter Wright, WB Terry Lynn, WB Alex Macallister and WB Stephen Longthorpe along with Brothers Adrian Thompson and Peter Stokes. Once installled Eddie illuminated the lodge with his address and his collar lit up with Christmas lights We retired down stairs to partake the festive board, a hearty fare of Fishcakes and Pie. The raffle raised £250.00 for the chosen charities. Much toasting, speeches and masonic songs later the evening drew to a close and we parted for home Happy to meet, Sad to part, Happy to meet again.                   


                                                                                                      Saturday 14th December, three brothers from the Lodge of St Michael headed south to London, the aim was to visit Bro Peter Stokes' Mother Lodge, The Lodge of Reunion No 5618. Along with Bro Peter were WB David Whittall and Bro Adrian Thompson. The lodge is an emulation lodge and was carrying out a First Degree, Mr Daniel Robert Cole was to introduced into the mysteries of Freemasonary.We were made very welcome by the lodge members and shown the Temple, a new room in the basement of the National Hotel. The ceremony was lead by the Worshipful Master John Scott, who performed with gravitas, all participants were of excelent quality but special mention to the JD Nathan Paice who led the candidate expertly.                                                        On completion we retired to the Imperial Hotel for the Festive Board, Roast Beef being the order of the day. Christmas crackers and party hats were provided and more friendships sealed. Sadly time passed quickly and it was time to depart, after a stirring rendition of Auld Lang Syne we commenced our journey home, Happy to meet sad to part but happy to meet again.     


18th December, Brother Peter Stokes attended Alexandra Lodge in Hornsea, it was the Christmas Lodge and the only business was to anounce the Master Elect for January's Installation Meeting,WB Mal Pearson was elected. Then we went down to the Festive Board, a traditional Christmas dinner was served and heartily comsumed. A few Carols were sung before we played name that tune, Bro Peter was volunteered to help sing the songs that were named. a very enjoyable evening was had by all.

09 January 2020, The Worshipful Master attended a one off event at Thesaurus Lodge No 3891. As guest of the Lodge he  witnessed the presentation of a Centenary Warrant and Banner by the Right Worshipful PGM Geoffrey Gilyon, also included was a Comemerative Medal for each member of the lodge.This was followed by the investiture of WB Ian Paul Johnson as Assistant PGM.                                                                                                                                                     Shaun gave greetings on behalf of the 56 visitors from 37  Lodges.                                                 At the Festive Board, attended by 85, a full role of speeches were made including one to the Centenary Lodge by WB Edwin Wildman. The evening closed at 11 00 with every brother having had his due, sad to part yet happy to meet again.  

January 15th 2020, The Worshipful Master along with WB Terry Black and Bro Peter Stokes attended the Installation of WB Malcom Pearson as Master of Alexandra Lodge No 1874. Also there  WB Eddie Wildman, who was representing Humber Lodge No 57. The Representing Officer was WB Tony Burke PPG Standard Bearer. The Ceremony followed Humber Ritual Guidelines, And WB Mal was installed into the chair of King Soloman.After closing the meeting we ritired down stairs for the Festive Board where friendships new and old were made and remade., at 10 45 the evening closed and with every brother having had his due we parted, sad to leave but happy to meet again.

28th January 2020, Companion Peter Stokes joined Comp Adrian Thompson at Wilberforce Chapter (1885). There was to be a presentation on "Sharing the Word" an explanation of some of the ritual in Chapter, this was given by ME Paul Harper, ME Bill Glanville and ME Trevor Collinson, an excellent presentation after which we all came away wiser. After a festive board of Chicken Curry we headed to Hull with the words I learn to teach still ringing loud and clear..

11th February 2020, Brothers Peter Stokes and Adrian Thompson visited Humber 57 Lodge at Dagger Lane. The topic of the meeting was "Blow up the DC", an interesting and amusing presentation/demonstaration by The Daggards of how not to do Festive Boards, the evening was thoroughly entertaining.                                                                                                                  The Mexican styled Festive Board was enjoyed by all and Brother Stokes returned the Visitors Toast. Sadly the evening came to a natural close and we departed happy we would meet again.


The Worshipful Master, Shaun Rennison, the IPM, WB Terry Black and Junior Warden, Bro Peter Stokes along with Guest Organist WB Eddie Wildman, visited the lodges Grandmother Lodge, that of St Cuthbert's Lodge No 630 in Howden.The occasion was a Third Degree when Brother Antony Darren Clark was raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason. They were treated to a very good ceremony with all ritualists performing well. after a presentation of Grand Lodge Certificates by WB Gerald Gelder. We retired down the spiral staircase to partake the Festive Board, a fine roast beef dinner was served. Fully sated and all songs sung, a masonic chain was formed as we said our farewells, happy to meet, sorry to part but happy to meet again.



First Friday of the month of March saw The Worshipful Master Shaun Rennison,  his Warden's Brothers John Watkins and Peter Stokes with Brother Adrian Thompson at Brough Lodge No 5464. The evening was a happy/ sad affair with the eulogy for WB Stuart Robert Wrighton being read and a double first for Mr Christopher Anthony Calvert and Mr Lee George Meadows. The Brough Worshipful Master Tony Schofield passed the chair to the IPM WB Tony Calvert who conducted the double first ceremony for his son and son in law. All the ritualists performed excellently and the two candidates were enlisted into the mysteries of freemasonary. We retired to the Festive Board where good company was joined by good food. The anthem sang and toastes  proposed we sang the Entered Apprentice song, forming a chain for the last verse and explanations given. soon it was time to head homeward, happy to meet sad to part and happy to meet again.


To end a busy week, Past Master Tony Calvert celebrated his 70th Birthday with a party at Brough Lodge. Shaun and Carol Rennison were there along with Peter Stokes and his partner Julie. A splendid meal was had and dancing till late ensued a good time was had by all.                                                             


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