Lodge of St Michael

The Lodge of

St. Michael No. 7833 



Take a virtual tour of the Building on the Dagger Lane Page


Next Craft meeting Thursday 27th Feruary 2025


 Tyle at 7:00 prompt



Next Chapter Meeting


20th February 2025

Note 6:15 Start





March 25 Ladies Evening Hull Marina Holiday Inn




Leslie Thornett


Read about our Worshipful Master on the Brethren Page.

 Read about the Chapter Installation in the Chapter Blog

Christopher Prior, MEZ


MCF Logo




          Notes by Bro John Wheeldon                                         

 Worshipful Brother Bernard Frazer, The Worshipful Master of the Lodge of St.Michael 7833 for the year 2015/16 began his year with a visit to the Kingston Lodge 1010 on Wednesday 3rd June. A first degree ceremony was performed, the candidate being initiated by W. Bro. Paul Goldthorpe ~ W. Bro. Eddie Wildman also attended.  

2pm on Saturday 6th June was the Installation meeting at our mother Lodge Brough 5464. The Brough Lodge meet at the Masonic Hall in Sutton on Hull. W. Bro. Gary Chambers installed his sucessor, Bro. Andrew Noble, into the Chair of King Solomon. The Worshipful Master attended and was pleased to be accompanied by his Junior Warden W. Bro. Tony Calvert.  

The WM attended the meeting of Humber Lodge 57 on Wednesday 10th June, he was accompanied by W. Bro. Longthorp. W. Bro. Malvin Sharpless and the brethren of the Humber Lodge performed a first degree ceremomy. The ceremony was of a high standard and the brethren had obviously put a lot of effort into memorising and delivering the ritual. At the festive board W. Bro. Longthorp was pleased to respond on behalf of the visitors. 

The following evening was the meeting of the Thesaurus Lodge 3891 at the Masonic Hall, Dagger Lane, Hull.  W. Bro. Frazer attended, accompanied by W. Bro. Tony Calvert [JW] and Bro. Shaun Rennison [Steward] - The main business of the evening was to receive a performance by The Daggards entitled "Riding the Goat" ~ "A light hearted but instructive presentation about the goat and its Masonic reputation" ~ The performance by W. Bro's Armstrong & Wildman was well received by those assembled. 

The June meeting of the Hull Old Grammarians' Lodge 5129 took place at the Masonic Hall, Dagger Lane, Hull on Tuesday the 16th. The Worshipful Master was present to witness a double first degree ceremony, W. Bro. Eddie Wildman PPJGW, the Provincial Organist and Provincial Lecturer, also observed the spectacle.

The Hull Old Grammarians’ Lodge is a participant in the Universities Lodge Scheme which is a means of furthering and encouraging Freemasonry amongst university undergraduates, graduates and staff at universities in the Hull ar              

On Wednesday 17th June the WM attended the meeting of the Alexandra Lodge 1511 at Hornsea with W. Bro. Wildman.

The Minerva 250 Installation  is always held on 24th June, this date being the Nativity of St. John the Baptist. The Installation of Bro. Mark Richardson was attended by a number of Brethren from the Lodge of St. Michael including The WM and W.Bro's Calvert, Hemmings, Stead, Wildman & Wright.

Following his own Lodge meeting on Thursday 25th June where the WM initiated Bro. Tony Newbon W. Bro. Frazer was at Beverley on the following evening visiting the Ridings Tablers' Lodge 9586 with W. Bro. Wildman.

The Kingston Lodge 1010 had a lecture at their meeting on Wednesday 1st July ~ Richard Babington's lecture on the symbolism of the 1st degree was well received by those assembled which included W. Bro. Wildman at the organ. The WM was pleased to respond on behalf of the visitors at the Festive Board .

The WM made a return visit to our Mother Lodge, Brough 5464, on Friday 3rd July. 

The WM visited Lord Bolton 3263 on Saturday September 12th and Hull Old Grammarians 5129 on the 15th a trip to Hornsea and the Alexandra Lodge 1511 returning to Hull on the 21st and the Holderness Lodge 3563 on the 21st.

In November the WM visited the Constitutional Lodge 294 in Beverley on November 5th and the Ridings Tablers Lodge 9586 on the 27th and finished the year by returning to the Holderness Lodge 3563 on 21st December.

W. Bro's Allinson & Calvert, Wheeldon & Wildman attended the installation meeting at the Technical Lodge 5666 at the Masonic Hall, Beverley Rd in Hull on Saturday 21st November 2015. Bro. Michael Noel Cheeseman was installed into the chair of King Solomon by Grand Lodge Officer W. Bro. Chris Bodsworth. The evening was well attended by numerous lodges including St. Cuthberts, De La Pole, Kingston, Minerva, Wyke Millenium, Old Hymerian, Ridings Tablers & Brough. Following the Installation there was a "lively" Festive Board.



On Friday 4th December the Brough Lodge 5464, the Lodge of St. Michael's Mother Lodge, held its Christmas Lodge meeting at the Masonic Hall in Sutton on Hull. The many guests included the Lodge of St. Michael's  W. Bro. Tony Calvert and his wife Pat and Bro. Tony Newbon and his wife Janette. All had a thoroughly good time and have already booked in for next year.


The Lodge of St. Michael no. 7833 was well represented at the Installation meeting of the Humber Lodge no. 57 at the Masonic Hall, Dagger Lane, Hull on Tuesday 8th December 2015. W. Bro's Allinson, Bennett, Longthorp, Wheeldon, Wildman & Wright were present to see Bro. Ian Sydall installed into the chair of King Solomon. It was another well attended meeting including visitors from sister provinces. The representative of the RW Provincial Grand Master was W. Bro. Peter Mawer with Grand Lodge officers W. Bros Gerald Gelder and Bill Burnett adding weight to the proceedings. W. Bro. Wheeldon extended greetings and congratulations from the Lodge of St. Michael to W. Bro. Sydall.


Thirty three visitors from eighteen Sister Lodges attended the meeting of the Brough Lodge 5464 held at the Masonic Hall in Sutton on Friday January 8th 2016. Among those attending were W.Bro's Allinson, Calvert & Wheeldon who saw W. Bro. Andrew Noble pass Bro. Shawn Ross to the Second Degree.

The meeting was also attended by the Deputy Provincial Grand Master VW. Bro. William Henry Fisher and a team of Active Provincial Officers. At the Festive Board VW. Bro. Fisher paid tribute to W. Bro. Noble for his dedication and determination in taking the chair of the Lodge and carrying out the duties attached to that office despite his obvious personal difficulties. The Brough Lodge was also commended for the support shown to W. Bro. Noble.

The Installation meeting at The Alexandra Lodge 1511 took place on Wednesday 20th January 2016. W. Bro. Paul Brown having completed a two year stretch installed W. Bro. Paul Ralph as his successor using ritual unique to the Alexandra Lodge. Elements of the ritual were new to many of the large number of appreciative visitors who had travelled to Hornsea for the occassion. 

The Lodge of St. Michael 7833 was represented by W. Bro's Allinson, Calvert, Longthorp & Wheeldon. Other Lodges represented included Beverlonian, Old Bridlingtonian, Wilberforce & Ridings Tablers.

W. Bro. Jonathan Smith PPSGW represented the RW Provincial Grand Master and gave a typically amusing and informative address at the festive board.


The Worshipful Master attended the Installation meeting at the Humber Installed Masters Lodge 2494 at the Masonic Hall, Beverley Road, Hull on Monday 1st February. 

W. Bro. Terry Goff Burt was installed as the new Master of the Lodge which dates back to 1893 and has nearly 120 members including St. Michael brethren W. Bro's Allinson, Calvert, Hemmings, Wheeldon, Wildman & Yu.


The Humber Lodge 57 having relieved the Brough Lodge 5464 of the Travelling Gavel on Friday 5th February themselves fell victim to a stealth attack from members of the Lodge of St. Michael on Tuesday 9th February. 7833 members W. Bro's Allinson & Longthorp along with Bro. Smith arrived at Dagger Lane to find W. Bro. Calvert already in attendance. W. Bro. Calvert having been at the Brough Lodge meeting on the 5th was aware that Humber held the gavel and that with four members present and Honorary member W. Bro. Wildman as back-up St. Michael could claim the gavel and they duly did. The gavel will be presented to the WM at the next meeting on Thursday 25th February with rumours already circulating of a planned revenge attack.

Humber's hold on the Gavel must be one of the shortest on record at only four days. 

The attending Brethren enjoyed the 1st degree ceremony which was of course the main business of the evening and a very enjoyable festive board.

On the same evening W. Bro. Frazer was attending the meeting of the Wilberforce Lodge 2134 at the Masonic Hall in Beverley.



A visit to Hull Old Grammarians on February 16th followed before the Worshipful Master travelled to the province of Cheshire on Friday 26th to visit the Lodge of Hope the Mother Lodge of W. Bro. John Broughton.

 On Saturday 27th February the WM accompanied by W. Bro’s Calvert & Wheeldon and their Ladies Maureen, Patricia & Rachel, respectively, attended the Brough Lodge Ladies Evening held at the Masonic Hall, Sutton. All agreed that it was a very enjoyable evening.
Into March and the first port of call was at the Humber Lodge 57 on the 8th for a Passing ceremony, W. Bro. Wildman attending also. The following evening Beverley Road in Hull was the venue for the meeting of the Lodge of St. Andrew 4683 and on Thursday 10th the WM was joined by W. Bro’s Wildman & Yu (Rep’s DC) at the Installation meeting at the Thesaurus Lodge 3891 atDagger Lane in Hull. A return to Hull Old Grammarians at the same location on the 15th followed and a visit to the De La Pole Lodge 1605 at Beverley Rd in Hull concluded a busy month of visiting for the WM.

W. Bro. Eddie Wildman delivered the Provincial Lecture at St Saviourgate, York, to the Brethren of Mitre Lodge 7321; though the technology attempted to misbehave. Nil desperandum! Eddie managed to recover the pictures and the presentation was well received. "Tradition and Innovation - but we've always done it that way" was followed by an excellent meal in convivial company. W. Bro. Wheeldon also attended acting as driver and roadie for the soon to be Grand Lodge Officer!                                                                       ERW/JRW

The Brough Lodge 5464 held its regular May meeting on Friday 6th at the Masonic Hall in Sutton. A First Degree ceremony took place as Mr Brian Fletcher walked into the building and walked out as Bro. Brian Fletcher. Inbetween which an excellent ceremony had taken place with good ritual being perfomed by a wide range of the Lodges Brethren. Old hands, newer members and recent joining members all played their part in a memorable night for Bro. Fletcher who was suprised to see some of his old Army colleagues in attendance in the persons of W. Bro. John Stead & Bro. Terry Nicholson of the Lodge of St. Michael amongst others. W. Bro. Wheeldon also attended as did dual members W. Bro's Bennett & Calvert. The meeting was well supported by other Lodges including Humber, Londesborough, St. Cuthbert's and Lord Bolton. A typical Brough Lodge festive board followed with excellent food and a good humoured atmosphere.  

On Monday 9th May W. Bro's Alan Allinson & Tony Calvert attended the Installation meeting of the Wyke Milennium Lodge at Tickton Grange near Beverley.

Tuesday 10th May was Founders' Night at Humber Lodge 57, Dagger Lane, Hull. It was also the 2nd degree ceremony of Bro. Ashley Tong which was carried out with aplomb by W. Bro. Ian Syddal and his team. The meeting was well attended with 22 visitors, including W. Bro's Allinson & Wheeldon, making for a lively & Jovial Festive Board.

The Toast to the Founders was given by Grand Lodge Officer W. Bro. Eddie Wildman PGOrg in the form of a visual "Horrible Histories" of the darkside of the Lodge and the perilous existence of the Lodge, and it's warrant since it was issued in 1756 and the salvation of the Lodge at the hands of Lieut. Wm Crow, Thos. Feetam & Joseph Eglin in 1824. The toast honours these 3 worthy Brethren who purchased land and built the Lodge in Osbourne Street in Hull laying the foundation stone in 1827. The Lodge building was destroyed 114 years to the day by a German bomb in 1941 - only the warrant survived. A Penny Dreadful style comic was presented to all attending detailing this very interesting part of the Lodge's colourful past.                             

The Masonic Hall at Beverley Road in Hull was packed out for the Installation of Bro. Steve Cox as the Worshipful Master of the Holderness Lodge No.3563 on Monday 16th May. Some 44 visitng Brethren from 16 sister Lodges attended the meeting including W. Bro. Anthony Calvert of the Lodge of St. Michael.

The meeting was also the first Representative duty of W. Bro. Edwin Robert Wildman PGOrg who was escorted into the Lodge room by an avenue of Provincial Officers which included W. Bro Ean Blair ProvJGD &  W. Bro. John Wheeldon ProvGStwd. At the appropriate time the Representative was escorted by his DC, W. Bro. Neil Armstrong, to the North of the Senior Warden's pedestal from where he gave the address to the Master as a hushed room listened attentively. 

The Festive Board atmosphere was excellent as was the food prepared by David Eastburn and his catering team. The Master's song was sung by W. Bro. Peter Spencer and the Representative's jokes went down well...............for a change!

  Worshipful Brother Frazer's year in the Chair came to an end on Thursday 26th May when he Installed Bro. Antonio José Ramirez Jiménez into the Chair of KIng Solomon. Having performed ceremonies in all three degrees and hosting successful social events which raised £1500 for his and his good Lady Maureen's chosen charities as well as representing the Lodge of St. Michael on numerous fraternal visits and at the charity presentation night, it has been a very busy and a very successful year - Well done Worshipful Master.


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