Lodge of St Michael

The Lodge of

St. Michael No. 7833 



Take a virtual tour of the Building on the Dagger Lane Page


Next Craft meeting Thursday 23rd January 2025


 Tyle at 6:30 prompt



Next Chapter Meeting


20th February 2025

Note 6:15 Start





Feb 8th Race Night

March 25 Ladies Evening Hull Marina Holiday Inn




Leslie Thornett


Read about our Worshipful Master on the Brethren Page.

 Read about the Chapter Installation in the Chapter Blog

Christopher Prior, MEZ


MCF Logo




It was a night of firsts on Friday May 27th; Bro. David Crisell, the Lodge of St. Michael's newest made Brother, made his maiden visit by accompanying W. Bro. Wheeldon in attending the regular meeting of the Ridings Tablers' Lodge no 9586 at the Masonic Hall, Trinity Lane, Beverley. The evening was also the first Representative visit of W. Bro. David Frank Johnstone PJGW and finally and most importantly it was the First Degree ceremony of Mr Daniel Farmer.

The ceremony was carried out to a high standard by W. Bro. Stephen Hastings and his team and the excellent Festive Board afterwards was filled with laughter and song ~ A really good advert for Freemasonry in this Province.


W. Bro. Ramirez made his first visit as Worshipful Master to the Kingston Lodge 1010 on Wednesday 1st June where he gave greetings and eloquently responded on behalf of the visitors. W. Bro. Wildman supporting the WM on his first outing.

The Brough Lodge 5464 Installation on Saturday 4th June was also attended by the WM, supported on this occasion by W. Bro. Wheeldon and Bro's Newbon & Watkins of 7833 and W. Bro's Bennett & Calvert who are members of 5464 & 7833. W. Bro. Noble completing his excellent year in Office by Installing Bro. Mike Shakesby into the chair of King Solomon. W. Bro. Ian Johnson represented the RWPGM, W. Bro. Jim "2kilts" Kerr was the Reps DC. The festive board was typically well presented and typically lively as proceedings drew to a close.


The Third degree ceremony was performed on consecutive evenings at the Masonic Hall, Beverley Rd in Hull. Firstly at the Lodge of St. Andrew 4683 on Wednesday the 8th of June, followed on Thursday the 9th at The Old Hymerian Lodge 6885. W. Bro Ramirez attended both meetings and at the latter the WM had the opportunity of meeting the Provincial Grand Master, who is a member of Old Hymerian.

On Monday 13th June W. Bro. Alex McAllister, Lodge SW, represented the WM at the Wyke Millenium Lodge 9696 at Tickton Grange near Beverley and on Wednesday 15th W. Bro. Wheeldon gave greetings on behalf of the WM at the Alexandra Lodge 1511 at Hornsea who passed Bro. James Storie of the Wilberforce Lodge 2134 at the request of the Master of Wilberforce.

Friday 24th June is the Installation meeting of the Minerva Lodge 250 at the Masonic Hall, Dagger Lane, Hull and the Worshipful Master was pleased to attend to see Bro. Malcolm Sharman installed into the chair of King Solomon.


On Friday 1st of July the Brough Lodge 5464 meeting was well attended by members of the Lodge of St. Michael as Brother Vince Lazenby was raised to the third degree. Bro. Ben Smith made his debut as the guest organist being accompanied by W. Bro's Stephen Longthorp, Bernard Frazer, Alan Allinson & Bro John Watkins. The cermony was the first performed by the Lodge under the Mastership of W. Bro. Mike Shakesby and was well attended by other Lodges who all enjoyed the festive board following the meeting.


 On Wednesday 14th September W. Bro. Ramirez made a return visit to the Lodge of St. Andrew 4683 at the Masonic Hall Beverley Rd in Hull. Accompanied by W. Bro. Tony Calvert the WM enjoyed the initiation ceremony of Mr Geoffrey Ellis carried out to a high standard by W. Bro. Paul Bull and his team.

The meeting was attended by W. Bro. Stephen Robinson the Assistant Provincial Grand Master and a team of Active Provincial Officers which included W. Bro. Eddie Wildman the Provincial Grand Organist and W. Bro. John Wheeldon Provincial Grand Steward.


The Technical Lodge 5666 meeting on Saturday 17th September was attended by W. Bro. Jackie Chapman who responded at the Festive Board on behalf of the visitors following a Second degree ceremony. A visit by the WM to Andrew Marvel Lodge followed on the 26th September and on October 11th the WM attended the meeting of Humber 57 at Dagger Lane.

At the Minerva Lodge 250 meeting on Wednesday 12th October The Right Worshipful Deputy Provincial Grand Master,Very Worshipful Brother Willianm Henry Fisher, addressed the Lodge about the Provincial honours system. The WM (he didn't get any) accompanied by W. Bro. Stephen Norman Longthorp (already got some) and Bro. Benjamin Smith attended as did W. Bro. Eddie Wildman (can't possibly fit anymore in).

The Brough Lodge 5464 held its Christmas Lodge at the Masonic Hall in Sutton on Friday 2nd December. Well known for its hospitality a full house of around a hundred filled the dining hall. A short meeting upstairs was called off and guest invited into the Lodge Room for a performance by the Beverley Town Hand Bell Ringers of Christmas songs and carols.

Lodge of St. Michael members W. Bro's Bennett, Calvert, Frazer, Longthorp, Wheeldon and Bro Smith along with their respective partners all attended along with Brethren and partners from Technical 5666 and Humber 57.

On December 6th the WM attended the meeting at Kingston Lodge 1010

The WM made visits in February to Minerva 250 and Old Hymerian 6885 Lodges respectively followed by a return visit to The Hull Old Grammarians Lodge 5129 , who like the Lodge of St. Michael, meet at the Masonic Hall in Dagger Lane so W. Bro. Ramirez was on familiar ground when he attended their meeting on Tuesday 21st February. (Having also attended in September) He was entertained by The Daggards with a presentation of Festive Board Entertainment performed on this occassion by W Bro's Eddie Wildman & Ean Blair.


W. Bro Jack Chapman accompanied the WM to the Lodge of St. Andrew 4683 on Wednesday 8th March and witnessed the Ridings Tablers Lodge claim the Travelling Gavel. The following evening the WM attended the Thesaurus Lodge meeting at Dagger Lane and returned to Beverley Road on Friday the 10th for the De La Pole 1605 meeting.

The Minerva "Finals Night" took place on March 20th and the WM also attended the Ridings Tablers meeting in Beverley on the 24th and Technical 5666 on the 28th.


 W.Bro. Ramirez travelled to Howden on April 6th and visited our Grandmother Lodge St. Cuthberts 630. The following evening he travelled to Helmsley for the annual Masters' dinner held at the Feathers Hotel and concluded his visits by attending the Wilberforce 2134 meeting at Beverley on the 11th.

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