Lodge of St Michael

The Lodge of

St. Michael No. 7833 



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Next Craft meeting Thursday 23rd January 2025


 Tyle at 6:30 prompt



Next Chapter Meeting


20th February 2025

Note 6:15 Start





Feb 8th Race Night

March 25 Ladies Evening Hull Marina Holiday Inn




Leslie Thornett


Read about our Worshipful Master on the Brethren Page.

 Read about the Chapter Installation in the Chapter Blog

Christopher Prior, MEZ


MCF Logo




Worshipful Brother Anthony Calvert was Installed as Worshipful Master of the Lodge of St. Michael No.7833 on Thursday May 25th  2017 at the Masonic Hall, Dagger Lane, Kingston Upon Hull.

This is a record of W Bro Calvert's year in the chair of King Solomon: -




On Saturday, the 3rd June 2017, W. Bro. Calvert attended the Brough Lodge 5464 Installation and gave Greetings and Best Wishes to our Mother Lodge from all the Brethren of the Lodge of St Michael 7833.

On June 9th he attended De La Pole Lodge 1605, also visiting were Lodge of St Michael Senior Warden, Bro.John Watkins, and Junior Warden Bro. John Burton.

This was a 2nd Degree Ceremony, in which De La Pole Worshipful Master W. Bro. David Duffill dealt with the Ceremony of Passing his own Son, Brother Joe Duffill.

During this Ceremony our own Brother Junior Warden, John Burton, completed a full Explanation of the Second Degree Tracing Board to the Candidate which, the WM added, Brother John Burton completed a first class Explanation. Most of the Brethren in attendance stood around the Candidate and applauded Brother Burton on his completion.

The Assistant Provincial Grand Master, Worshipful Brother Samson Sassoon Samuel Judah MBE PSGD made a presentation of a 50th Anniversary Masonic Certificate to the Treasurer of this Lodge, Brother John Brian Hender.

The WM was proud to give greetings and best wishes from himself, the two Wardens in attendance and all the Brethren of the Lodge of St. Michael on this very memorable evening

Over a hundred Brethren from the Province of Yorkshire North and East Ridings attended the Quarterly Communication held at Grand Lodge, Great Queens Street, London on Wednesday 14th June.

Among those attending were W. Bro's Bernard Frazer, John Wheeldon and Eddie Wildman from the Lodge of St. Michael 7833. Grand Lodge was almost full for the meeting presided over by the Pro Grand Master Peter Geoffrey Lowndes making for an impressive spectacle, especially for those attending for the first time.


The Minerva Lodge 250's Installation meeting had special dispensation to be held one week earlier than the traditional 24th June date. W. Bro. Tadeusz Krawczyk was put into the chair of King Solomon in his own inimitable style by W. Bro. Malcolm Sharman. The Lodge of St. Michael was well represented with WM Tony Calvert attending supported by W. Bro's Stead, Wheeldon, Wildman, Wright and Yu.


W. Bro Andrew Popely represented the RW Provincial Grand Master with W. Bro Mark Iveson, in his first duty as a Provincial Grand Steward performing admirably as DC. The festive board was friendly and good humoured. W. Bro Rick Theaker sang the Master's song with W. Bro. Richard Smedley singing Happy to Meet Again. Which we will be!




The WM attended the Ridings Tablers Lodge 9586 at the Masonic Hall, Trinity Lane at Beverley on Friday 23rd June. W. Bro. Steve Longthorp and Bro. Adrian Thompson supported the WM on this ocassion and all three enjoyed the Second Degree ceremony performed by W. Bro. John Ellwood and his team. W. Bro. Colin Woods explained the Second Degree Tracing Board which the St. Michael Brethren had also heard the evening before at Bro. Thompson's Passing ceremony. All received a warm welcome and W. Bro. Calvert gave greetings from the Lodge of St. Michael and was pleased to respond on behalf of the visitors at the Festive Board. The Visitors song was sung by the Ridings Tablers Brethren as they passed around the dining hall shaking hands with all the visiting Brethren.


Worshipful Brother Calvert attended the Installation meeting at the Provincial Grand Stewards Lodge 9611 at Castlegate York on Tuesday 4th July as the guest of W. Bro Wheeldon.


This is the only meeting of the year that non members can attend and W Bro Calvert was one of 71 attending who witnessesd W. Bro Jack Sharp installed into the chair of King Solomon. The Provincial Grand Master and the Past Provincial Grand Master attended. The PGM supported by a team of active officers.



 The WM reported on his recent visit to our Mother Lodge.

 Last night (7th July) I attended the Brough Lodge 5464, where a First Degree ceremony was held, also in attendance from the Lodge of St Michael were the following W. B Gary Bennett, W. B Bernard Frazer, W. B Steve Longthop, W. B Allinson and Brother Adrian Thompson.

Greeting were given by myself from the Wardens and all the Brethren of the Lodge of St Michael Number 7833 to the Worshipful Master Mike Shakesby of the Brough Lodge.

The Festive Board was full of fun and a most enjoyable one, there were Seventeen Visitors from Seven different Lodges. A good night was has by all.

It was almost standing room only at the meeting of Humber Lodge No. 57 on Tuesday 11th July as 63 visitors attended at Dagger Lane in Hull. The visitors enjoyed a lecture given by  reknowned Masonic author Bro. Dr Robert Lomas entitled Secrets of An Entered Apprentice. The lecture was well received by all present especially the Entered Apprentices. W. Bro Calvert attended supported by W. Bro's Frazer, Longthorp, Ramirez, Wheeldon and Bro's Thompson & Watkins.


The good atmosphere continued at the festive board which the Representative of RWPGM W. Bro. Martin Eggermont described as "Buzzing".




 W Bro Calvert visited The Lodge of Living Stones in Leeds on 28th July. A talk was delivered regarding the commitment to the Centre with comparisons being made with the study of  the Martial Arts.

When the lecture was completed, the lights were darkened for three or four minutes while the Brethren relaxed and reflected on what had been spoken, after this meditation period the subject was discussed.
The Worshipful Master closed his Lodge and all retired for The Festive Board.

W Bro Calvert found the whole evening a very relaxing and enjoyable one.

Bro. John Watkins (SW of the Lodge of St. Michael) gave greetings at the meeting of the Humber Lodge on Tuesday August 8th. W. Bro's Peter Wright and Eddie Wildman were also present at a well attended third degreee ceremony conducted by W. Bro. Craig Maurier and his team.

W Bro Calvert reports on his visit to The Brough Lodge: - Last Friday Evening, the 1st September 2017, our Mother Lodge, the Brough Lodge held a Third degree ceremony, which went extremely well, it was the Raising of Brother Tony Christmas, the Ritualist did a first class job and the evening went well.

Apart from myself, also in attendance at this meeting were Worshipful Brother Bernard Frazer and Worshipful Brother Gary Bennett.

I gave personal Greetings to Worshipful Master Mike Shakesby, and best wishes from the two Wardens and the Brethren of the Lodge of St Michael 7833.

W Bro Calvert's visit to Humber 57: - Last night  (12.09.17) I paid a visit to Humber 57 Lodge where their Worshipful Master Craig Maurier conducted a Second Degree Ceremony. Brother Craig Fish was Passed to the Degree of a Fellow Craft.

Also present at this meeting were the following members of the Lodge of St Michael: - W Bros Bernard Frazer, Stephen Longthorp, Peter Wright, & Eddie Wildman.

I gave my personal greetings to the Worshipful Master and best wishes from our two Wardens and the Brethren of the Lodge of St Michael.

I was asked to respond on behalf of the visitors, which I agreed to do, but during the Festive Board there was a report that bad weather was on its way and that the Humber Bridge was going to be closed, its was decided that only Two Toast would be submitted to allow those living over the Bridge to get home. Therefore the Festive Board finished early and no Visitor's Response was given. However I did mention to the Senior Warden that at their next meeting, if I could attend then I would be very happy to respond on behalf of all visitors. 

St. Cuthbert's Lodge 630 meets on the Thursday on or before a full moon at the Masonc Hall in Howden. In October the full Moon fell on Thursday 5th October and so it was on this date that Bro. Andrew Sable was installed as the Worshipful Master of our Grandmother Lodge. W. Bro. Calvert attended this meeting and was honoured to be asked to give greetings on behalf of all the visitors of which there were 35 from 16 Sister Lodges. W. Bro. Calvert enjoyed the installation and the Festive Board.

The following evening W. Bro. Calvert gave greetings from the Brethren of the Lodge of St. Michael at our Mother Lodge, Brough 5464, where W. Bro. Mel Harmer gave a talk entitled "From Whence We came".


The Worshipful Master reports on his recent visits: - 

On Friday 3rd November 2017 I was in attendance at Brough Lodge, when Brother Brian Tiplady was passed to the degree of a Fellow Craft, present at this meeting was the Representative of the Provincial Grand Master, Worshipful Brother David Chambers, the Provincial Grand Secretary, who stated that the Ceremony was one of the best he had ever seen and complimented all the Brough Brethren who took part.

As the Worshipful Master of the Lodge of St Michael, I gave personal greetings to the Brough Lodge Worshipful Master Mike Shakesby, and also gave best wishes from both Senior and Junior Wardens and the Brethren of our own Lodge. I was pleased to be supported at this meeting by W. Bro's Gary Bennett, Bernard Frazer & Peter Wright.

On Wednesday the 8th November 2017, I attended the Lodge of St Andrew 4683 where Brother James Billaney was Passed to the Degree of a Fellow Craft, there was also a Presentation of a Grand Lodge Certificate presented to Brother Daryl Morgan.


I gave my personal greetings to their Worshipful Master James Johnson, and best wishes from both Wardens and Brethren of our own Lodge.
On Thursday 9th November Bro's John Watkins (SW) and John Burton (JW) visited the Thesaurus Lodge 3891. Bro. Burton impressed the Brethren of the Lodge with his faultless explanation of the First Degree Tracing Board.
 On Monday the 13th November 2017 The WM visited Wyke Millennium Lodge 9696, present at this meeting was the Worshipful Brother David Greendale PAGDC the Representative of the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master.

The Ceremony of this meeting, was the Passing of Brother Polat Atcicek to a Fellow Craft Freemason and a presentation of a Vice Patron of Festival 2018 Certificate to the Lodge.

During the ceremony Worshipful Brother Ian Grant gave an excellent explanation of the Second Degree Tracing Board.

The Worshipful Master gave personal greetings and Best Wishes from both Wardens and the Brethren of our own Lodge, to their Worshipful Master David Taylor.

During the Festive Board the WM was asked by the Senior Warden Eddie Patchet, to give the Response from Seven Visiting Brethren from Four different Lodge's, this was done with great pleasure at an excellent Festive Board.

On Saturday 18th November the WM and W.Bro. Wheeldon attended the Consecration of the Ridings Tablers Chapter 9586 at The Masonic Hall, Trinity Lane, Beverley. The Most Excellent Grand Superintendant and the Second and Third Grand Principals carried out the Consecration assisted by a team of Provincial Grand Chapter Officers.

Following the Festive Board the WM and W Bro. Wheeldon swapped aprons to attend the Installation meeting of the Technical Lodge 5666 at the Masonic Hall, Beverley Road, Hull. The Asst. Provincial Grand Master W. Bro. Sam Judah demanded admission and witnessed Bro. Jonathon Sykes installed into the Chair of King Solomon.

At this meeting the newly installed Master signed the petition sponsoring the formation of the new Phoenix Lodge presented to him by the founding Secretary and supported by other founder members under the watchful eye of Provincial Grand Lodge Formation officer W. Bro. Mark Hall.

  On Monday 20th November 2017, the WM attended the Humber 57 Lodge Open Night .
Their Lodge of Instruction Worshipful Master, Brother Carl Cross dealt with a Demonstration Ceremony which was to Initiate Worshipful Brother Craig Maurier. This he did extremely well and very professionally. The WM gave personal greetings to the Worshipful Master and the best wishes from both Wardens and Brethren of our own Lodge. At Festive Board, the meal and company was most enjoyable. 

  ~ Brother Gordon McCoid ~

On the 28th November 2017, Worshipful Master Anthony Calvert, along with twelve other members of The Lodge of St Michael 7833 attended the Funeral Service of our Brother Gordon McCoid. Gordon sadly passed away to the Grand Lodge above on November 11th 2017 at the age of 61 years. The service was held at Chanterlands Crematorium, with Gordon's family and ex work colleagues present. Gordon will be sadly missed and fondly remembered by all who knew him. SMIB.

On Tuesday 28th November W. Bro. John Wheeldon PPGStwd made the long trip up to the De Brus Lodge 4244 at Redcar to act as DC for the Representative of the RW Provincial Grand Master, W. Bro. Terry Burt PAGDC.

W. Bro. Peter Welsh was installed into the chair of King Solomon and was supported by a number of his Coast to Coast Cycle Ride friends on an enjoyable evening at a friendly Lodge in the far north of our Province.

The Brough Lodge 5464 held its Christmas meeting on Friday December 1st at the Masonic Hall in Sutton. W. Bros Bernard Frazer and John Wheeldon attended the meeting with their ladies Maureen & Rachel respectively. W . Bro. Calvert (a member of the Brough Lodge) and his wife Patricia were also in attendance and all enjoyed the entertainment in the Lodge room and the Festive Festive Board which followed. The meeting was well supported by Sister Lodges: -  Humber 57, Wilberforce 2134 & Technical 5666 as well as The Lodge of St. Michael 7833.

On Tuesday 12th December the Worshipful Master, W. Bro. Tony Calvert, attended the Installation meeting of the Humber Lodge 57 at the Masonic Hall, Dagger Lane, Hull. Six other members of the Lodge of St. Michael, Bro. Adrian Thompson and W. Bro's Allinson, Frazer, Longthorp, Wheeldon & Wright, were among the 70+ Brethren who attended this meeting.

Outgoing Master W. Bro. Craig Maurier installed Bro. Carl Cross into the chair of King Solomon. Addresses were given by W. Bro Gerald Gelder PJGD (Representative of the RW Provincial Grand master), W. Bro. Eddie Wildman PGOrg and W. Bro. Trevor Whitfield and the anthem sung by W. Bro. David Terry ProvSGW.

At the festive board the WM responded on behalf of 59 visitors and was afterwards complimented on the humour of the speech by the Representative of the RWPGM.

 On Wednesday 10th January 2018, our Worshipful Master again made another visit, this time to Minerva Lodge No 250 to witness another Initiation Ceremony, this time Worshipful Brother Tadeusz Wladislaw Initiated Mr Marc Hemingway, present at this meeting was Worshipful Brother David Terry the Representative of the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master. Worshipful Brother Calvert was pleased to give the Lodge of St Michael.
Red Cross of Constantine - N & E Yorkshire Logo  Tuesday the 16th January 2018 Worshipful Brother A Calvert attended The De La Pole Conclave No 132 The Masonic Order of the Red Cross of Constantine, which was held at Beverley Road Masonic Centre and listened to an excellent lecture which was given by W. Knight James Steele, a very interesting and meaningful Order, the Festive Board after was relaxed and friendly.
 On Wednesday the 17th January 2018 our Worshipful Master and W. Bro. John Wheeldon attended the Alexandra Lodge 1511 in Hornsea and supported their Master Elect, Brother Chris McGrath, he was Installed into the Chair of King Solomon by the Installing Master, Worshipful Brother Alan Smith, the Brethren attending were given an extremely professional Installation Ceremony. Worshipful Brother Calvert gave greeting from all the Brethren of our own Lodge.

Also present at this Installation meeting were Worshipful Brother Philip Daniels the Representative of the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master.

During the Festive Board, Worshipful Brother Calvert was happy to have been asked to give a response from all 29 Visitors, and wished the New Worshipful Master, Chris McGrath a very happy and an enjoyable Masonic Year.
  On Friday the 2nd February 2018  Worshipful Master Anthony Calvert was present at Brough Lodge 5464, when Brother Brian Fletcher was Passed to the Degree of a Fellow Craft, also present were Worshipful Brother's Gary Bennett and Peter Wright. The ceremony went extremely well, with all the ritualists doing a first class job.

During the Ceremony, our Worshipful Master delivered the Charge to Bro Brian Fletcher, and gave personal greetings and best wishes from the Brethren of our own Lodge. The Festive Board was well attended with Nine Visiting Brethren.
   On the 12th February 2018, the Worshipful Master attended Wyke Millennium Lodge Number 9696, which is held at Tickton Grange Hotel, also present were Worshipful Brothers Steve Longthorp & Alan Allinson and Brother Adrian Thompson, who was raised to the Third Degree at our last meeting on the 25th January 2018 The Candidate Brother Polat Akcicek was raised to the Degree of a Master Mason, this was a very interesting Ceremony with Thirteen Visitors in attendance, I attended this same Lodge in November and witnessed Bro Akcicek passed to the Degree of a Fellow Craft, where Worshipful Brother Ian Grant explained the Second Degree Tracing Board; during this ceremony, W.Bro. Grant again gave an excellent explanation, this time of the Third Degree Tracing Board.

Greetings to their Worshipful Master were given by myself on behalf of the Brethren of the Lodge of St Michael, the Festive Board was very enjoyable and fun, again the meal supplied by this Hotel was excellent.

W Bros Chapman, Lynn & Wheeldon visited the Kingston Lodge 1010 at the Masonic Hall, Beverley Rd, Hull on Wednesday 7th March. All enjoyed the Daggards' premiere performance of "Blow Up The DC" a humorous presentation which examines the perils facing the Lodge DC when trying to maintain control at the Festive Board. Speeches, toasts and general etiquette all came under the Daggards' microscope (as did cliches!) with the Brethren asked to point out errors. W Bro Chapman was given the honour of being the first to "Blow Up The DC".

A well behaved Festive Board followed much to the relief of Kingston's DC, W Bro Ollie Newton, who survived the evening intact.

  The Worshipful Master attended the Installation meeting at the Thesaurus Lodge no. 3891 at the Masonic Hall, Dagger Lane, Hull on Thursday 8th March. W Bros Longthorp, Wheeldon & Wildman also attended the meeting which was well supported by sister Lodges. Bro Richard East was installed into the chair of King Solomon by W Bro Robert McKenna. The IPM was congratulated on the standard of his work by W Bro Malcolm John Dabbs PJGD, PAstPGM, the Representative of the RWPGM, as he presented W Bro McKenna with his Past Master's Jewel. W Bro Calvert gave greetings from the Lodge of St. Michael. The Lodge was closed in due form and the brethren retired for the Festive Board.

~ W Bro Anthony Charles Hayes PAGStB ~

At 12:15 on Tuesday March 12th the funeral of W. Bro. Anthony Charles Hayes PAGStB took place at St. Barnabus Church, Swanland. Tony passed away on 21st February aged 91 and will be missed by all who knew him. The Worshipful Master W Bro Anthony Calvert lead the mourners from the Lodge of St. Michael who included W Bro Peter Barnes and his wife Linda, W Bro Terry Black and his wife Janet, W Bro Terry Lynn and his wife Margaret, W Bros Stephen Prior, John Wheeldon, Eddie Wildman and W Bro Peter Wright & his wife Alice. Also represented were the Alexandra Chapter 1511, Humber Preceptory 223 and the Provincial Priory. The Eulogy was given by Tony's Grandson Sebastian with further tributes and readings given by his daughter Melanie, his two other grandchildren and son-in-law. The sun shone throughout as Tony's life was celebrated by family and friends.

 On Monday 26th March Worshipful Brother Calvert attended the meeting of the Andrew Marvell Lodge 5642 at the Masonic Hall Beverley Rd Hull. He was supported on this ocassion by his Wardens Bro John Watkins & Bro John Burton as well as W Bro Eddie Wildman. The business of the evening was to raise Bro Steve Falkinder to the third degree which was done to a very high standard by W Bro Andrew Peach PPJGW and his team. The WM enjoyed the ceremony and gave greetings from the Lodge of St. Michael.

At the excellent Festive Board prepared by Dave Eastburn the toast to the visitors was given by the  Senior Warden Bro Andrew Parker and the WM was pleased to respond on behalf of the six visitors from three Sister Lodges.

  On Friday 6th April 2018 the WM was present at Brough Craft Lodge 5464, there was no Ceremony, Worshipful Brother Steve Bisby gave a very interesting Lecture regarding the explanation and meanings of the Rough and Smooth Ashlar's.

The WM gave greetings and best wishes from both Wardens and Brethren of the Lodge of St Michael, the Festive Board was extremely enjoyable.
  On Monday 9th April 2018 Minerva Lodge of Instruction had their Finals Night, this is where their Serving Worshipful Master Tadeusz Krawczyk is the Candidate for Initiation, simply a night of Fun and Amusement.

The WM attended being supported by Worshipful Brother Jack Chapman and Brother Peter Stokes.

This Ceremony was conducted perfectly by the L of I Master, Brother Anthony Jessop and his Team. The Ritualists consisted of First and Second Degree Masons, whose ritual was excellent.

W M Krawczyk was known on the evening as Brother CRABSTICK he was dressed in a black and white striped skin tight leggings and a skin tight top, resembling a Convict. When Brother Crabstick was invested with his Badge/Apron all of the Officer's of the Lodge put Policemen's helmets on. As most of us know, Tadeusz is an ex Police Officer.

This was a great night, full of fun, all the supporting Brethren were wearing different coloured ties shirts and jackets.The whole evening was so relaxed.

The WM gave Greetings to the Lodge of Instruction Worshipful Master and Best Wishes from both of our wardens and brethren.The  Festive Board was most enjoyable also.

On Wednesday 18th April 2018, the Worshipful Master visited the Alexandra Lodge 1511 in Hornsea where Mr Anthony Kemp was Initiated into Freemasonry. This was the first ceremony that W Bro Christopher McGrath had dealt with during his year in office. The WM was impressed with the ceremony and complimented the ritualists on their endeavours.

The WM, W Bro Anthony Calvert, gave greetings from himself and the Brethren of the Lodge of St Michael. The Festive Board was extremely enjoyable, all present seemed to have had a wonderful time.

 Image result for Worshipful Master Symbol On Friday the 20th April 2018 Worshipful Brother Anthony Calvert attended The Worshipful Masters' Dinner  held at The Feathers Hotel at Helmsley, North Yorkshire.

Most of the Worshipful Masters of the Province, were present as were our Four Rulers, The Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master, Jeffrey Gillyon, William Fisher - WM of Old Bridlingtonian Lodge 6843 and The Deputy Provincial Grand Master and the Assistant Provincial Grand Masters Samual Judah MBE and Stephen Robinson.

The whole evening was extremely relaxed and very enjoyable, The Feathers Hotel served an excellent meal, which again was most enjoyable. During the dinner, the Rulers swopped places and sat with the Brethren at all the tables, the converstaions were  interesting and varied. After the dinner, The Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master, took and answered many questions from the Brethren attending, the PGM stood answering these questions for well over an hour. A wonderful evening was had by all.

On Friday 4th May W Bro Calvert attended the meeting of the Brough Lodge where Bro Ashley Laverick was passed to the degree of a Fellowcraft. W Bro Calvert gave personal greetings and those of the Wardens and Brethren of the Lodge of St. Michael.

At this meeting W Bro Calvert was declared Master Elect of the Brough Lodge 5464 for 2018/19.

A fun filled festive board followed. The catering staff providing an excellent meal which was enjoyed by all.






The following Tuesday the Worshipful Master visited the Humber Lodge 57 at Dagger Lane in Hull. On this occassion he was supported by Bro Adrian Thompson. The WM was pleased to see Very Worshipful Brother William Henry Fisher PGSwdB, the Deputy Provincial Grand Master, and his Active Provincial Team of Provincial Officers at this meeting.

The business of the evening was to pass Brother David Robert Field to the Degree of a Fellow Craft. The Worshipful Master of Humber 57, W Bro Carl Cross, and his Team performed an excellent Ceremony.

The meeting was well attended with over twenty visitors form seven Sister Lodges. The WM said that he is always impressed regarding the number of visitors that the Humber Lodge attracts and added "I have visited this Lodge many times in the past and have given greetings, but this was the last time to give my personal greetings as the Worshipful Master of our Lodge, as on the 24th May 2018 I depart from The Chair."

The Festive Board was extremely enjoyable. It was Humber 57's Founders Night and a short lecture and a film presentation was given about the Lodge by W Bro Terence Fisher.

Under Toast Number Five, there was a very interesting response by VW Bro William Henry Fisher informing us that our Masonry should be fun and enjoyable and this practice should be adopted in Masonic Lodges in order to encourage members to stay in Masonry and stay in their Lodges, he also stated that  Past Master's should  make every effort to ensure this practice takes place.

  On Wednesday 9th May the WM attended the meeting of the Lodge of St Andrew 4683 at the Masonic Hall, Beverley Rd in Hull. The business of the evening was to initiate Mr William Charlton. The WM reports that the ceremony was conducted extremely well by the WM and brethren of the Lodge of St. Andrew. The WM gave greetings from himself and the Wardens and Brethren of the Lodge of St. Michael. The Travelling Gavel was also up for grabs at this meeting and was claimed by the five members of the Andrew Marvell Lodge 5642 - So you know where it is Brethren! The evening concluded with a light hearted Festive Board with the excellent meal prepared by Dave Eastburn and his team.
  On Saturday 12th May the WM attended the Provincial Grand Lodge Meeting held at York Racecourse and was pleased to parade in with the other WM's of the Province.
  On Monday the 14th May 2018 W Bro Anthony Calvert attended Wyke Millennium Lodge Number 9696, this meeting was an Installation Ceremony conducted by their Worshipful Master David Taylor PPJGW to Install Brother Eddie Patchett.

After the opening of the Lodge, all present were delighted to receive Worshipful Brother Jonathan Smith PGStdB representing the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master, the Ceremony went extremely well, with excellent Ritual given by W.M. David Taylor and his Team.

W Bro Calvert was pleased to give his personal greetings and best wishes from both Wardens and Brethren of the Lodge of St Michael, and further wished their New Worshipful Master a very Happy, enjoyable and successful Masonic Year.

As usual the Festive Board was most enjoyable, the food was superb, professionally cooked by the Head Chef of Tickton Grange Hotel.
  W Bro's Calvert & Wheeldon visited the Alexandra lodge 1511 in Hornsea on Wednesday 16th May. W Bro Chris McGrath and his team performed a re-enactment of the second degree ceremony with W Bro Calvert acting as the candidate having just been balloted for as a joining member of the Lodge. The Festive Board was good humoured as visitors enjoyed the hospitality of the Alexandra Brethren. This was the final time that W Bro Calvert gave greetings as the WM of The Lodge of St. Michael 7833 before leaving the chair of King Solomon on Thursday 24th May.




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